The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Fire Station by chairman Phil Hart. Members present were Phil Hart, Jerry Mitchell, Marlene Tomczak and Betsey Warrington. Also present were Township Supervisor, Bob Nevalainen and Kathleen Przybylski. Vickie Peterson was absent.
The minutes of the June 24 meeting were read. Jerry Mitchell moved to approve the minutes, Marlene Tomczak seconded. All in favor, the motion carried.
Under Old Business:
The final copies of the Comprehensive Plan have been delivered by ARDC. They were reviewed. Marlene Tomczak moved and Jerry Mitchell seconded to make the following recommendations to the Township Board of Supervisors:
a. A roads review should be made addressing repairs needed.
b. Draft a letter to Mike Forsman of St. Louis Co. detailing the findings of the roads review.
In addition to this information, the letter should also address the following:
1. Stating the need for a local operator, especially if local position becomes vacant.
2. Explain the need for a local operator, especially in the winter months – address the safety concerns for the school buses as well as the residents and emergency services.
c. Draft a letter to the DNR regarding the importance of maintaining Woodenfrog State Forest Campground.
d. Request that the Lake Association include the Township Board at their annual Spring meeting to hear the speakers from the National Park.
e. Obtain some signage to protect the lady slippers.
Under New Business:
1. Some members of the Fire Department have expressed a concern as to the need of a dry hydrant at the Visitor’s Center. Some of the problems of installing the hydrant were discussed. Kathleen Przybylski suggested that the Fire Department draft a letter to the National Park and include information such as; why it’s needed and why it’s needed in that location as well as any other information regarding the installation. The Planning Board will recommend that the Fire Department draft a letter and that the Township should support their request with discussion with Mike Ward, Superintendant of VNP to follow.
Committee Reports:
1. Community Hall: A contract is being negotiated with architect, Jim Cowgill, to complete a preliminary drawing with cost estimates so that the search for grants can be started.
2. Voyageurs National Park: Kathleen gave some background on Mike Ward, the new Superintendant of the park. The tour boats worked out well this summer. Attendance was good at the Speaker Series in the Woodenfrog Refectory.
3. Trails/Roads: The VNPA again sponsored a Fall Rendezvous in September. It was well attended. Trees were planted at vacated cabin sites. The Park was financially able to hire more staff for trail maintenance, so the trails are in good shape.
4. Subordinate Service District – Namakan Basin Waste Water Project: Bob gave updates. Grant requests have been submitted to IRR and St. Louis Co. in the amounts totaling $200,000.00.
Other Business:
1. A proposal has been submitted by the Tourism Bureau to host the 2010 Governor’s Fishing Opener. Marlene made a motion to recommend that the Township Board submit a letter of support for this event. Betsey seconded. All in favor, the motion carried.
2. The annual meeting of the Planning Board will be held along with the regularly scheduled January meeting. One Board position will be open and recommendations for appointments to these positions will be made at this meeting. Officers will also be elected.
There being no further business, Jerry moved and Marlene seconded to adjourn. All in favor, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
The next meeting will be held on January 5, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. at the Fire Station.
Respectfully submitted,
Betsey Warrington, secretary
The minutes of the June 24 meeting were read. Jerry Mitchell moved to approve the minutes, Marlene Tomczak seconded. All in favor, the motion carried.
Under Old Business:
The final copies of the Comprehensive Plan have been delivered by ARDC. They were reviewed. Marlene Tomczak moved and Jerry Mitchell seconded to make the following recommendations to the Township Board of Supervisors:
a. A roads review should be made addressing repairs needed.
b. Draft a letter to Mike Forsman of St. Louis Co. detailing the findings of the roads review.
In addition to this information, the letter should also address the following:
1. Stating the need for a local operator, especially if local position becomes vacant.
2. Explain the need for a local operator, especially in the winter months – address the safety concerns for the school buses as well as the residents and emergency services.
c. Draft a letter to the DNR regarding the importance of maintaining Woodenfrog State Forest Campground.
d. Request that the Lake Association include the Township Board at their annual Spring meeting to hear the speakers from the National Park.
e. Obtain some signage to protect the lady slippers.
Under New Business:
1. Some members of the Fire Department have expressed a concern as to the need of a dry hydrant at the Visitor’s Center. Some of the problems of installing the hydrant were discussed. Kathleen Przybylski suggested that the Fire Department draft a letter to the National Park and include information such as; why it’s needed and why it’s needed in that location as well as any other information regarding the installation. The Planning Board will recommend that the Fire Department draft a letter and that the Township should support their request with discussion with Mike Ward, Superintendant of VNP to follow.
Committee Reports:
1. Community Hall: A contract is being negotiated with architect, Jim Cowgill, to complete a preliminary drawing with cost estimates so that the search for grants can be started.
2. Voyageurs National Park: Kathleen gave some background on Mike Ward, the new Superintendant of the park. The tour boats worked out well this summer. Attendance was good at the Speaker Series in the Woodenfrog Refectory.
3. Trails/Roads: The VNPA again sponsored a Fall Rendezvous in September. It was well attended. Trees were planted at vacated cabin sites. The Park was financially able to hire more staff for trail maintenance, so the trails are in good shape.
4. Subordinate Service District – Namakan Basin Waste Water Project: Bob gave updates. Grant requests have been submitted to IRR and St. Louis Co. in the amounts totaling $200,000.00.
Other Business:
1. A proposal has been submitted by the Tourism Bureau to host the 2010 Governor’s Fishing Opener. Marlene made a motion to recommend that the Township Board submit a letter of support for this event. Betsey seconded. All in favor, the motion carried.
2. The annual meeting of the Planning Board will be held along with the regularly scheduled January meeting. One Board position will be open and recommendations for appointments to these positions will be made at this meeting. Officers will also be elected.
There being no further business, Jerry moved and Marlene seconded to adjourn. All in favor, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
The next meeting will be held on January 5, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. at the Fire Station.
Respectfully submitted,
Betsey Warrington, secretary