The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. at the Fire Station by Chairman Phil Hart. Members present were Phil Hart, Jerry Mitchell, Vickie Peterson, Marlene Tomczak and Betsey Warrington. Also present were Bob Nevalainen and Kathleen Przybylski.
The minutes of the October 6 meeting were read. Vickie Peterson moved to approve the minutes with the following corrections: The date should read October 6, 2008. Under Committee Reports, Trails/Roads; trees were planted on vacated cabin sites and under Other Business; one board position will be open. Marlene Tomczak seconded. All in favor, the motion carried.
Under Old Business:
The Comprehensive Plan was reviewed
Betsey will send an email to Ben VanTassle of ARDC inquiring about Task 3 under their agreement.
Under Community Life – Bob will check with the Township Supervisors regarding maintenance of the Community Entrance.
Under Recreation - VNP will be contacted about meeting to discuss topics referred to in the plan.
2010 Governor’s Fishing Opener - Correspondence has been received from Carol Altepeter of Explore Minnesota saying that we were still being considered as hosts. A final decision hasn’t been made yet.
Dry hydrant at VNP Visitor’s Center
Mike Ward has sent a letter to Larry Warrington stating that although some concerns have been raised, he is willing to move forward with a cooperative effort to address the request and will work with the Fire Department to come up with a workable solution.
A road review will be addressed in the Spring
The Township will address signage for protecting Lady Slippers
The Township has received correspondence from Mike Forsman stating that a field meeting will be scheduled to discuss the maintenance issues. He has forwarded the Townships concerns to Barbara Hayden, St. Louis Co. Planning and Zoning Board and Jim Foldesi, acting director of Public Works.
The Township will continue to apprise St. Louis Co. of problems. Individuals are encouraged to do the same as well as compiling lists of road maintenance concerns and passing them on to the Township Supervisors so they can be addressed at the field meeting.
Under New Business:
Rental policy for Community Hall
A policy from the State of Minnesota Township Government website was reviewed. The Planning Board would recommend that the Township Board adopt this policy.
Marlene moved to establish a fee schedule;
Non-Refundable Application Fee: $25.00
Refundable Damage Deposit: $100.00
Resident Rental Fee: $50.00
Non-Resident Rental Fee: $100.00
Under Committee Reports:
1. Community Hall: Jim Cawgill, the architect, is obtaining bids from various contractors so that the building committee can proceed with funding requests. The Township will be asked to consider raising the levy for the building fund.
2. Voyageurs National Park: The staff is waiting for the proposed budget to be approved and signed. Several staff positions have not been filled. Projects are being planned.
3. Trails/Roads: Mike Wurst of the DNR has recommended that the Arrowhead Trail be graded instead of mowed. The DNR has a grader, but it might not be heavy enough. The Township will explore the possibility. VNPA has received a $2500 grant for trail maintenance.The Echo Bay Trail is being groomed for cross country skiing.
4. Subordinate Service District – Namakan Basin Waste Water Project: An agreement to establish the Joint Powers District is being drawn. The Township attorney, Bob Ruppe has recommended that the Township sign off on the agreement after the suggested changes have been made.
Bob Ruppe has drafted a letter from Kabetogama Township to Richard Walsh, Grants Officer of IRR regarding a $50,000 grant. The letter reads as follows:
Richard Walsh, Grants Officer
Iron Range Resources
PO Box 441, 4261 Highway 53 South
Eveleth, MN 55734
Dear Mr. Walsh:
Thank you for processing our Township’s grant application to assist with our regional Namakan Basin Project. As you know, we are in the process of forming a short term Joint Powers Authority between St. Louis County, representatives from the Unorganized Area of Ash River, Kabetogama Township, and the Crane Lake Water and Sanitary District. This Authority will use St. Louis County as the fiscal agent to receive and disburse the County and Iron Range Resources grant money to complete our studies, engineering work, and to seek project funding.
To that end, the Township of Kabetogama believes that it would be most efficient and transparent to have the $50,000 from the Iron Range Resources Agency be directed to St. Louis County, as they will be the fiscal agent for the Authority. Please consider the County to be the grant recipient, rather than Kabetogama Township.
In addition, please consider changing the 25% match requirement to a one to one match--due to the County Board resolution--which releases county grant money on a one to one match basis up to $100,000 for this project. It is our intention, if the project continues, to ask the Agency to consider another $50,000 in the next fiscal year to continue the work and access the remaining county commitment.
Thank you for considering these two changes and please extend our appreciation to Commissioner Layman for her willingness to assist our region on this project.
Robert Nevalainen, Chair
Kabetogama Township
Jerry Mitchell moved to recommend that the Township Board send the letter and not to proceed with the project unless the stated changes are made. Marlene Tomczak seconded. All in favor, the motion carried.
Under Other Business:
Elections and appointments
One seat is open on the Planning Board for a 3 year term. Marlene moved to recommend that the Township Board appoint Jerry Mitchell to fill that position.
The following positions/terms are:
Marlene Tomczak 2007-2010
Betsey Warrington 2007-2010
Phil Hart 2008-2011
Vickie Peterson 2008-2011
Marlene moved to leave the officer positions as they are being, Phil Hart, chairman, Marlene Tomczak, vice-chairman, Betsey Warrington, secretary. Jerry seconded. All in favor, the motion carried.
Gary Amundson sent a letter to the Township asking for support of a project involving a Nature Interactive Camp to reconnect youth to nature and outdoor activities. The Planning Board would recommend that Gary attend a Township Board or Special Meeting to discuss his proposal.
With the large amounts of snowfall onto already saturated land, concerns about Spring flooding were expressed. The Planning Board recommends that the Township be in contact with the IJC addressing these concerns .
There being no further business, Jerry moved and Vickie seconded to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. The next meeting will be held on April 6, 2009 in the Fire Station.
Respectfully submitted,
Betsey Warrington
The minutes of the October 6 meeting were read. Vickie Peterson moved to approve the minutes with the following corrections: The date should read October 6, 2008. Under Committee Reports, Trails/Roads; trees were planted on vacated cabin sites and under Other Business; one board position will be open. Marlene Tomczak seconded. All in favor, the motion carried.
Under Old Business:
The Comprehensive Plan was reviewed
Betsey will send an email to Ben VanTassle of ARDC inquiring about Task 3 under their agreement.
Under Community Life – Bob will check with the Township Supervisors regarding maintenance of the Community Entrance.
Under Recreation - VNP will be contacted about meeting to discuss topics referred to in the plan.
2010 Governor’s Fishing Opener - Correspondence has been received from Carol Altepeter of Explore Minnesota saying that we were still being considered as hosts. A final decision hasn’t been made yet.
Dry hydrant at VNP Visitor’s Center
Mike Ward has sent a letter to Larry Warrington stating that although some concerns have been raised, he is willing to move forward with a cooperative effort to address the request and will work with the Fire Department to come up with a workable solution.
A road review will be addressed in the Spring
The Township will address signage for protecting Lady Slippers
The Township has received correspondence from Mike Forsman stating that a field meeting will be scheduled to discuss the maintenance issues. He has forwarded the Townships concerns to Barbara Hayden, St. Louis Co. Planning and Zoning Board and Jim Foldesi, acting director of Public Works.
The Township will continue to apprise St. Louis Co. of problems. Individuals are encouraged to do the same as well as compiling lists of road maintenance concerns and passing them on to the Township Supervisors so they can be addressed at the field meeting.
Under New Business:
Rental policy for Community Hall
A policy from the State of Minnesota Township Government website was reviewed. The Planning Board would recommend that the Township Board adopt this policy.
Marlene moved to establish a fee schedule;
Non-Refundable Application Fee: $25.00
Refundable Damage Deposit: $100.00
Resident Rental Fee: $50.00
Non-Resident Rental Fee: $100.00
Under Committee Reports:
1. Community Hall: Jim Cawgill, the architect, is obtaining bids from various contractors so that the building committee can proceed with funding requests. The Township will be asked to consider raising the levy for the building fund.
2. Voyageurs National Park: The staff is waiting for the proposed budget to be approved and signed. Several staff positions have not been filled. Projects are being planned.
3. Trails/Roads: Mike Wurst of the DNR has recommended that the Arrowhead Trail be graded instead of mowed. The DNR has a grader, but it might not be heavy enough. The Township will explore the possibility. VNPA has received a $2500 grant for trail maintenance.The Echo Bay Trail is being groomed for cross country skiing.
4. Subordinate Service District – Namakan Basin Waste Water Project: An agreement to establish the Joint Powers District is being drawn. The Township attorney, Bob Ruppe has recommended that the Township sign off on the agreement after the suggested changes have been made.
Bob Ruppe has drafted a letter from Kabetogama Township to Richard Walsh, Grants Officer of IRR regarding a $50,000 grant. The letter reads as follows:
Richard Walsh, Grants Officer
Iron Range Resources
PO Box 441, 4261 Highway 53 South
Eveleth, MN 55734
Dear Mr. Walsh:
Thank you for processing our Township’s grant application to assist with our regional Namakan Basin Project. As you know, we are in the process of forming a short term Joint Powers Authority between St. Louis County, representatives from the Unorganized Area of Ash River, Kabetogama Township, and the Crane Lake Water and Sanitary District. This Authority will use St. Louis County as the fiscal agent to receive and disburse the County and Iron Range Resources grant money to complete our studies, engineering work, and to seek project funding.
To that end, the Township of Kabetogama believes that it would be most efficient and transparent to have the $50,000 from the Iron Range Resources Agency be directed to St. Louis County, as they will be the fiscal agent for the Authority. Please consider the County to be the grant recipient, rather than Kabetogama Township.
In addition, please consider changing the 25% match requirement to a one to one match--due to the County Board resolution--which releases county grant money on a one to one match basis up to $100,000 for this project. It is our intention, if the project continues, to ask the Agency to consider another $50,000 in the next fiscal year to continue the work and access the remaining county commitment.
Thank you for considering these two changes and please extend our appreciation to Commissioner Layman for her willingness to assist our region on this project.
Robert Nevalainen, Chair
Kabetogama Township
Jerry Mitchell moved to recommend that the Township Board send the letter and not to proceed with the project unless the stated changes are made. Marlene Tomczak seconded. All in favor, the motion carried.
Under Other Business:
Elections and appointments
One seat is open on the Planning Board for a 3 year term. Marlene moved to recommend that the Township Board appoint Jerry Mitchell to fill that position.
The following positions/terms are:
Marlene Tomczak 2007-2010
Betsey Warrington 2007-2010
Phil Hart 2008-2011
Vickie Peterson 2008-2011
Marlene moved to leave the officer positions as they are being, Phil Hart, chairman, Marlene Tomczak, vice-chairman, Betsey Warrington, secretary. Jerry seconded. All in favor, the motion carried.
Gary Amundson sent a letter to the Township asking for support of a project involving a Nature Interactive Camp to reconnect youth to nature and outdoor activities. The Planning Board would recommend that Gary attend a Township Board or Special Meeting to discuss his proposal.
With the large amounts of snowfall onto already saturated land, concerns about Spring flooding were expressed. The Planning Board recommends that the Township be in contact with the IJC addressing these concerns .
There being no further business, Jerry moved and Vickie seconded to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. The next meeting will be held on April 6, 2009 in the Fire Station.
Respectfully submitted,
Betsey Warrington