The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by vice-chairman, Phil Hart. Members present were Niles Wilkins, Phil Hart, and Betsey Warrington. Also present were Kabetogama Township liaison, Bob Nevalainen and Kathleen Pzybylski of Voyageurs National Park. Absent were Paul Kiner and Marlene Tomczak.
Niles made a motion to approve the minutes from the November 5 meeting. Phil seconded. All in favor, the motion carried.
Under Old Business: Changes to the Comprehensive Plan were discussed. Minor changes were made. Betsey will get changes to Ben VanTassel of ARDC. Upon the completion of these final changes, the Plan will be presented to the Board of Supervisors of the Township for their approval.
ARDC suggested that the Township send a letter to St. Louis Co. requesting them to repeat a traffic count that was done last summer. The counters were misplaced and the Board felt that the count wasn’t accurate. The county will be asked to discuss placement with the Township and to conduct the count in mid July. Betsey will compose a letter to be submitted to the Township Board for approval.
Under New Business: Phil presented a list of questions regarding the cell tower that has been constructed on Melheim Rd. The list will be presented to the Township Board with a request for follow up from the cell service provider.
Committee Reports:
Community Hall – The Building Committee has met to review revised plans submitted by the architects from the Univ. of MN. Some more changes were forwarded to them. Once the committee has selected a plan, they will submit it to the Township for approval.
Voyageurs National Park – Kathleen reported on some of the ongoing studies being conducted. She will be publishing a winter newsletter.
Subordinate Service District – Bridget Chard has met with Bob Nevalainen, Mary Manninen and Jill Kiner to get documents signed to proceed with the grant research/request process.
There being no further business. Niles made a motion to adjourn at 8:00 p.m. Betsey seconded, all in favor, the motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Betsey Warrington, secretary
Niles made a motion to approve the minutes from the November 5 meeting. Phil seconded. All in favor, the motion carried.
Under Old Business: Changes to the Comprehensive Plan were discussed. Minor changes were made. Betsey will get changes to Ben VanTassel of ARDC. Upon the completion of these final changes, the Plan will be presented to the Board of Supervisors of the Township for their approval.
ARDC suggested that the Township send a letter to St. Louis Co. requesting them to repeat a traffic count that was done last summer. The counters were misplaced and the Board felt that the count wasn’t accurate. The county will be asked to discuss placement with the Township and to conduct the count in mid July. Betsey will compose a letter to be submitted to the Township Board for approval.
Under New Business: Phil presented a list of questions regarding the cell tower that has been constructed on Melheim Rd. The list will be presented to the Township Board with a request for follow up from the cell service provider.
Committee Reports:
Community Hall – The Building Committee has met to review revised plans submitted by the architects from the Univ. of MN. Some more changes were forwarded to them. Once the committee has selected a plan, they will submit it to the Township for approval.
Voyageurs National Park – Kathleen reported on some of the ongoing studies being conducted. She will be publishing a winter newsletter.
Subordinate Service District – Bridget Chard has met with Bob Nevalainen, Mary Manninen and Jill Kiner to get documents signed to proceed with the grant research/request process.
There being no further business. Niles made a motion to adjourn at 8:00 p.m. Betsey seconded, all in favor, the motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Betsey Warrington, secretary