The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by chairman, Paul Kiner. Members present were Paul Kiner, Niles Wilkins and Betsey Warrington. Also present was Kabetogama Township liaison, Bob Nevalainen. Absent were Phil Hart and Marlene Tomczak.
Under Old Business: The changes for the Dec. 28 draft 8 of the Comprehensive Plan were reviewed. Members are to read over the entire plan and contact Paul Kiner with any changes/corrections before the Kabetogama Township Supervisors meeting on Feb. 12. Paul and Betsey will contact ARDC to get a timeline for the completion of the Plan process. There will be a public hearing, date to be announced. The plan can be viewed on the Kabetogama Township website.
Information has been received regarding the new cell tower on Melheim Rd. The tower is owned by AT&T. Antennas should be installed by the end of Feb. or first of March,
Under New Business: Two positions will be up for appointment to the Planning Board. Anyone interested in filling these positions is invited to contact any member of the Planning Board or the Township Supervisors. The final appointments will be made by the Board of Supervisors.
Committee Reports:
Community Hall - The committee has been contacted by the architects working on the plans for the new community building. They would like to meet with the committee in March to present the revised plans. As soon as a date is established, the meeting will be held and the plans presented to the Township Board of Supervisors and a public meeting will be held to review the plans.
Voyageurs National Park - Kathleen Pzybylski was unable to attend. Kate Miller will be retiring as Superintendent of VNP. The planning board extends their appreciation to Kate for all of the strides she has made to improve relations between the park and the community of Kabetogama and for her cooperation, as well as Kathleen's, in completing the Comprehensive Plan.
Trails/Roads - The roads need gravel to fill in the dips caused by the frost.
Subordinate Service District - A meeting was held Feb.1 to discuss possible funding sources and to review the plans. Several positive comments/suggestions were made.
There being no further business. Betsey made a motion to adjourn at 8:00 p.m. Niles seconded, all in favor, the motion carried.
Respectfully submitted, Betsey Warrington, secretary
Under Old Business: The changes for the Dec. 28 draft 8 of the Comprehensive Plan were reviewed. Members are to read over the entire plan and contact Paul Kiner with any changes/corrections before the Kabetogama Township Supervisors meeting on Feb. 12. Paul and Betsey will contact ARDC to get a timeline for the completion of the Plan process. There will be a public hearing, date to be announced. The plan can be viewed on the Kabetogama Township website.
Information has been received regarding the new cell tower on Melheim Rd. The tower is owned by AT&T. Antennas should be installed by the end of Feb. or first of March,
Under New Business: Two positions will be up for appointment to the Planning Board. Anyone interested in filling these positions is invited to contact any member of the Planning Board or the Township Supervisors. The final appointments will be made by the Board of Supervisors.
Committee Reports:
Community Hall - The committee has been contacted by the architects working on the plans for the new community building. They would like to meet with the committee in March to present the revised plans. As soon as a date is established, the meeting will be held and the plans presented to the Township Board of Supervisors and a public meeting will be held to review the plans.
Voyageurs National Park - Kathleen Pzybylski was unable to attend. Kate Miller will be retiring as Superintendent of VNP. The planning board extends their appreciation to Kate for all of the strides she has made to improve relations between the park and the community of Kabetogama and for her cooperation, as well as Kathleen's, in completing the Comprehensive Plan.
Trails/Roads - The roads need gravel to fill in the dips caused by the frost.
Subordinate Service District - A meeting was held Feb.1 to discuss possible funding sources and to review the plans. Several positive comments/suggestions were made.
There being no further business. Betsey made a motion to adjourn at 8:00 p.m. Niles seconded, all in favor, the motion carried.
Respectfully submitted, Betsey Warrington, secretary