The meeting was held at the Kabetogama Fire Hall, and called to order at 5:45 pm by Chairman Paul Kiner. Members present were Paul Kiner, Phil Hart, Betsey Warrington, Bob Nevalainen and Niles Wilkins.
Old Business discussed:
Waste Water: Betsey
Hiking/Biking Trail System: Allen
New Improved Roads: Bob, Allen
New Community Center: Niles, Betsey
New Community Projects/DNR: Allen
VNP: Paul
We still have not heard from Andy on the Comprehensive Plan Progress – ARDC.
We also discussed having Kate Miller from VNP come to one of our meetings.
Phil Hart would like us to look into ways to promote the community as a place to settle.
With no further business Betsey moved to adjourn, Phil seconded, motion carried (6:45 pm).
Respectfully Submitted, Niles Wilkins
Old Business discussed:
Waste Water: Betsey
Hiking/Biking Trail System: Allen
New Improved Roads: Bob, Allen
New Community Center: Niles, Betsey
New Community Projects/DNR: Allen
VNP: Paul
We still have not heard from Andy on the Comprehensive Plan Progress – ARDC.
We also discussed having Kate Miller from VNP come to one of our meetings.
Phil Hart would like us to look into ways to promote the community as a place to settle.
With no further business Betsey moved to adjourn, Phil seconded, motion carried (6:45 pm).
Respectfully Submitted, Niles Wilkins