The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Members present were, Marlene Tomczak, Niles Wilkins and Betsey Warrington. Also present was Kabetogama Township liaison, Bob Nevalainen and Vickie Peterson. Absent were Jerry Mitchell and Phil Hart.
The minutes from the March 3 Planning Board meeting were read. Niles Wilkins moved to approve the minutes and Marlene Tomczak seconded. All in favor, the motion carried.
Under Old Business:
The Comprehensive Plan was presented at the March Township Board meeting by Ben VanTassel of ARDC. There will be a public meeting on June 24 . The plan can be reviewed on the Township website. Jerry Mitchell requested a vision statement be included in the plan.
Paul Kiner resigned as a member of the Planning Board. Jerry Mitchell agreed to fill a position on the board. The Township Board approved Jerry’s appointment. Vickie Peterson has agreed to fill Niles Wilkins position since Niles had expressed that he would serve until someone else agreed to fill his spot. We will recommend that the Township Board appoint Vickie to the Planning Board. Many thanks to Paul and Niles for their service and to Jerry and Vickie for agreeing to serve.
Marlene made a motion to appoint Phil Hart as chairman and Marlene Tomczak as vice-chairman to the Planning Board. Niles Wilkins seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Betsey Warrington will remain serving as secretary.
The Township Board approved changing meetings of the Planning Board to a quarterly schedule unless a special meeting is requested. Marlene Tomczak moved to adapt the by-laws, Article VI, Section 1, to reflect this change. Niles Wilkins seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Betsey Warrington will make the requested changes and submit the revised by-laws for approval at the next meeting.
Under New Business:
Mark Nelson has requested a special meeting with the Planning Board to discuss plans for the development of his property.
Ben VanTassel and Jerry Mitchell submitted sample Vision Statements for the Comprehensive Plan . The Board members will review both, make revisions and present them at the next Planning Board meeting.
Under Committee Reports:
Community Hall: An April date will be set for a public meeting to review the latest plans.
Trails/Roads: May 30 – June 1 will be a Trail Monitoring weekend sponsored by VNPA. Volunteers are needed to hike the trails in the park and identify areas that need maintenance. Anyone interested in helping, contact Betsey Warrington or the VNPA.
Subordinate Service District: Chris Holbeck, of VNP, stated that no funds are available from the National Park, but he has submitted a list of other possible funding sources. The list has been forwarded to Bridget Chard.
There being no further business, Niles Wilkins made a motion to adjourn, Marlene Tomczak seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
A special meeting of the Planning Board will be held May 5. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held June 30. Both meetings will be held at 7:00 p.m. at the Community Hall.
Respectfully submitted,
Betsey Warrington, Secretary
DRAFT – minutes not complete until approved at the May 5 Planning Board meeting.
The minutes from the March 3 Planning Board meeting were read. Niles Wilkins moved to approve the minutes and Marlene Tomczak seconded. All in favor, the motion carried.
Under Old Business:
The Comprehensive Plan was presented at the March Township Board meeting by Ben VanTassel of ARDC. There will be a public meeting on June 24 . The plan can be reviewed on the Township website. Jerry Mitchell requested a vision statement be included in the plan.
Paul Kiner resigned as a member of the Planning Board. Jerry Mitchell agreed to fill a position on the board. The Township Board approved Jerry’s appointment. Vickie Peterson has agreed to fill Niles Wilkins position since Niles had expressed that he would serve until someone else agreed to fill his spot. We will recommend that the Township Board appoint Vickie to the Planning Board. Many thanks to Paul and Niles for their service and to Jerry and Vickie for agreeing to serve.
Marlene made a motion to appoint Phil Hart as chairman and Marlene Tomczak as vice-chairman to the Planning Board. Niles Wilkins seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Betsey Warrington will remain serving as secretary.
The Township Board approved changing meetings of the Planning Board to a quarterly schedule unless a special meeting is requested. Marlene Tomczak moved to adapt the by-laws, Article VI, Section 1, to reflect this change. Niles Wilkins seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Betsey Warrington will make the requested changes and submit the revised by-laws for approval at the next meeting.
Under New Business:
Mark Nelson has requested a special meeting with the Planning Board to discuss plans for the development of his property.
Ben VanTassel and Jerry Mitchell submitted sample Vision Statements for the Comprehensive Plan . The Board members will review both, make revisions and present them at the next Planning Board meeting.
Under Committee Reports:
Community Hall: An April date will be set for a public meeting to review the latest plans.
Trails/Roads: May 30 – June 1 will be a Trail Monitoring weekend sponsored by VNPA. Volunteers are needed to hike the trails in the park and identify areas that need maintenance. Anyone interested in helping, contact Betsey Warrington or the VNPA.
Subordinate Service District: Chris Holbeck, of VNP, stated that no funds are available from the National Park, but he has submitted a list of other possible funding sources. The list has been forwarded to Bridget Chard.
There being no further business, Niles Wilkins made a motion to adjourn, Marlene Tomczak seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
A special meeting of the Planning Board will be held May 5. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held June 30. Both meetings will be held at 7:00 p.m. at the Community Hall.
Respectfully submitted,
Betsey Warrington, Secretary
DRAFT – minutes not complete until approved at the May 5 Planning Board meeting.