The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Members present were, Niles Wilkins, Phil Hart, Bob Nevalainen and Betsey Warrington. Absent were Paul Kiner and Alan Burchell. Also present were Kathleen Przybylski and Tim Watson.
The minutes were read. A motion by Niles was made to approve the minutes. Phil seconded, motion carried.
Under Old Business:
The changes to Draft #4 of the Township Comprehensive Plan were reviewed. Most of the changes were made by ARDC. Betsey will contact either Andy Hubley or Ben VanTassel regarding changes. Once changes are complete, a public meeting will be held to discuss the plan for future adoption by the Township Board of Supervisors, possibly in July when a majority of residents will be present.
Kathleen addressed some questions to VNP that were raised at the February meeting including the speed limit of 10 mph on the road that passes the Visitor’s Center – the speed limit will be changed to 15 mph. Can the brush hog be used for trail maintenance? The park just obtained the brush hog in Sept., so it’s full potential hasn’t been established yet, but it needs to be run on a relatively flat surface. The Kab-Ash trail is designated as a wilderness trail, so no motors are allowed on it. A minimum tool rule applies as well – one person with one chainsaw, per work crew. Since the trail head, off Salmi Rd., isn’t in the park, motorized tools and equipment can be used there and on the trail to the park boundaries.
Tim discussed the origin of the Kab-Ash Trail and asked Kathleen to pursue the use of a cross-country ski trail groomer, that was purchased by the Lake Association, for use on the trail. The groomer needs to be pulled by a snowmobile, which is a motorized vehicle.
Under New Business:
The by-laws were reviewed. Some minor changes were made. Phil moved to approve the by-laws, Niles seconded, the motion carried. The by-laws, as well as a list of members of the planning board and their phone numbers, will be added to the Township website.
Niles made a motion to hold elections for the planning board at the April meeting since Chairman Kiner was unable to be present at the March meeting. Member terms are as follows, Paul Kiner, 3 years; Niles Wilkins, 2 years; Phil Hart, 2 years; Alan Burchell, 1 year and Betsey Warrington, 1 year. The one year terms expired in March. Anyone interested in serving on the Planning Board should contact a member of the Township Supervisors Board, or a Planning Board member.
Phil presented a proposed letter to Congressman Oberstar regarding the possibility of locating a federal prison in this area. The letter will be presented to the Township Board to see if they are interested in sending the letter on to the congressman.
Under Committee Reports:
Trails: Dates have been established for the trail-clearing weekends sponsored by the Voyageur’s National Park Assoc. for April 27-29 and Sept. 28-30. Bruce Barrett of VNP reported that the trail is in the best shape it’s been since it was built, following last year’s trail clearing.
Community Center: The planning and building committee met with the NE MN Regional Sustainable Development Committee in March. The committee was very impressed with the presentation and was optimistic about being able to help with grants, plans, etc. for the new community center, with approval from their board. A $200 scholarship has been granted to a member of the committee from Kabetogama to attend a conference on sustainable tourism, which will be held April 25&26 in Chaska. Sande Moyer and Betsey Warrington are going to attend. Betsey has applied for a second scholarship. The committee will be asking the Township to support their attendance, financially, from the money in the Township budget allocated for the community center. A questionnaire has been mailed out to community organizations requesting suggestions for use of the new center. They will be returned by April 15.
Sewer: A letter was sent by the Township advising all persons of the Pucks Point Service District that a link to the draft of the Preliminary Engineering Report has been added to the Township website. The letter included information of how to obtain the report if they were unable to access the website. It also stated that a public meeting would be held with the engineers in April and that a notice will be sent out with the exact date, time and place. This will be discussed at the March Township Board meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Betsey Warrington
The minutes were read. A motion by Niles was made to approve the minutes. Phil seconded, motion carried.
Under Old Business:
The changes to Draft #4 of the Township Comprehensive Plan were reviewed. Most of the changes were made by ARDC. Betsey will contact either Andy Hubley or Ben VanTassel regarding changes. Once changes are complete, a public meeting will be held to discuss the plan for future adoption by the Township Board of Supervisors, possibly in July when a majority of residents will be present.
Kathleen addressed some questions to VNP that were raised at the February meeting including the speed limit of 10 mph on the road that passes the Visitor’s Center – the speed limit will be changed to 15 mph. Can the brush hog be used for trail maintenance? The park just obtained the brush hog in Sept., so it’s full potential hasn’t been established yet, but it needs to be run on a relatively flat surface. The Kab-Ash trail is designated as a wilderness trail, so no motors are allowed on it. A minimum tool rule applies as well – one person with one chainsaw, per work crew. Since the trail head, off Salmi Rd., isn’t in the park, motorized tools and equipment can be used there and on the trail to the park boundaries.
Tim discussed the origin of the Kab-Ash Trail and asked Kathleen to pursue the use of a cross-country ski trail groomer, that was purchased by the Lake Association, for use on the trail. The groomer needs to be pulled by a snowmobile, which is a motorized vehicle.
Under New Business:
The by-laws were reviewed. Some minor changes were made. Phil moved to approve the by-laws, Niles seconded, the motion carried. The by-laws, as well as a list of members of the planning board and their phone numbers, will be added to the Township website.
Niles made a motion to hold elections for the planning board at the April meeting since Chairman Kiner was unable to be present at the March meeting. Member terms are as follows, Paul Kiner, 3 years; Niles Wilkins, 2 years; Phil Hart, 2 years; Alan Burchell, 1 year and Betsey Warrington, 1 year. The one year terms expired in March. Anyone interested in serving on the Planning Board should contact a member of the Township Supervisors Board, or a Planning Board member.
Phil presented a proposed letter to Congressman Oberstar regarding the possibility of locating a federal prison in this area. The letter will be presented to the Township Board to see if they are interested in sending the letter on to the congressman.
Under Committee Reports:
Trails: Dates have been established for the trail-clearing weekends sponsored by the Voyageur’s National Park Assoc. for April 27-29 and Sept. 28-30. Bruce Barrett of VNP reported that the trail is in the best shape it’s been since it was built, following last year’s trail clearing.
Community Center: The planning and building committee met with the NE MN Regional Sustainable Development Committee in March. The committee was very impressed with the presentation and was optimistic about being able to help with grants, plans, etc. for the new community center, with approval from their board. A $200 scholarship has been granted to a member of the committee from Kabetogama to attend a conference on sustainable tourism, which will be held April 25&26 in Chaska. Sande Moyer and Betsey Warrington are going to attend. Betsey has applied for a second scholarship. The committee will be asking the Township to support their attendance, financially, from the money in the Township budget allocated for the community center. A questionnaire has been mailed out to community organizations requesting suggestions for use of the new center. They will be returned by April 15.
Sewer: A letter was sent by the Township advising all persons of the Pucks Point Service District that a link to the draft of the Preliminary Engineering Report has been added to the Township website. The letter included information of how to obtain the report if they were unable to access the website. It also stated that a public meeting would be held with the engineers in April and that a notice will be sent out with the exact date, time and place. This will be discussed at the March Township Board meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Betsey Warrington