July 10, 2003
Jack McMahon, Caroline Litwiller, Ron Moyer, Larry Warrington and Julie Guetz were present.
The recent seminars were discussed and the consensus was good. There was a good turn out with positive responses and answers to all questions were good. The community was informed about what the committee has been working towards. Ken Olson and Bridget Chard did outstanding jobs as leaders of the seminars.
Our next public information session will be held on August 17, 2003 at 1:00 and 4:00 p.m. at the Kabetogama Fire Station. This will continue our overall plan to keep the community informed. Ken and Bridget will again answer questions and educate people about waste water and individual systems.
Chairmanship of the committee was discussed and Jack felt he would better serve as a member instead of chairman. Caroline Littwiller volunteered to chair the committee. She will develop a flyer and a newsletter for a mass mailing to Kabetogama Township residents.
Our next meeting will be August 14, 2003. Please plan to attend the seminars on August 17.
If there are any questions, please feel free to contact any board member.
Respectfully Submitted,
Larry Warrington
July 10, 2003
Jack McMahon, Caroline Litwiller, Ron Moyer, Larry Warrington and Julie Guetz were present.
The recent seminars were discussed and the consensus was good. There was a good turn out with positive responses and answers to all questions were good. The community was informed about what the committee has been working towards. Ken Olson and Bridget Chard did outstanding jobs as leaders of the seminars.
Our next public information session will be held on August 17, 2003 at 1:00 and 4:00 p.m. at the Kabetogama Fire Station. This will continue our overall plan to keep the community informed. Ken and Bridget will again answer questions and educate people about waste water and individual systems.
Chairmanship of the committee was discussed and Jack felt he would better serve as a member instead of chairman. Caroline Littwiller volunteered to chair the committee. She will develop a flyer and a newsletter for a mass mailing to Kabetogama Township residents.
Our next meeting will be August 14, 2003. Please plan to attend the seminars on August 17.
If there are any questions, please feel free to contact any board member.
Respectfully Submitted,
Larry Warrington