JUNE 27, 2011
Chairman Nevalainen opened the meeting at 7:05 pm. Clerk Manninen stated that a notice of public hearing had been sent out on June 17, 2011 to all members of the PPSSD district.
Julie stated that Scott Harder was not able to catch his flight and could not be at our meeting tonight. He will call in on the phone line to discuss the options he has sent via Julie Kennedy. Between Julie Kennedy and Robert Nevalainen the attached option table was discussed and explained. The PPSSD residents that attended had many questions and concerns but at the end of the meeting a hand count was taken and option two had the most votes so the town board will bring this information back to the July 5th regular township board meeting and will likely pass a motion to go with option two.
See option/fee estimates.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Manninen, Clerk,
Kabetogama Township
JUNE 27, 2011
Chairman Nevalainen opened the meeting at 7:05 pm. Clerk Manninen stated that a notice of public hearing had been sent out on June 17, 2011 to all members of the PPSSD district.
Julie stated that Scott Harder was not able to catch his flight and could not be at our meeting tonight. He will call in on the phone line to discuss the options he has sent via Julie Kennedy. Between Julie Kennedy and Robert Nevalainen the attached option table was discussed and explained. The PPSSD residents that attended had many questions and concerns but at the end of the meeting a hand count was taken and option two had the most votes so the town board will bring this information back to the July 5th regular township board meeting and will likely pass a motion to go with option two.
See option/fee estimates.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Manninen, Clerk,
Kabetogama Township