Minutes of Pucks Point Subordinate Service District Member’s Informational Meeting.
November 19, 2015
Kabetogama Township chairman John Stegmeir opened meeting at 7:00 pm. Township Board members present were Supervisor Marlene Tomczak and Supervisor Paul Kliner. Twenty four people attended the meeting, eleven attended in person, thirteen called into the meeting. Chairman Stegmeir turned meeting over to Colin Marcusen, SEH project manager for the Pucks Point project.
Colin started meeting by reviewing following: (See attached agenda)
position will require specific licensing.
Minutes of Pucks Point Subordinate Service District Member’s Informational Meeting.
November 19, 201
Colin Marcusen - SEH project manager
John Stegmeir – KabetogamaTownship Chairman
Paul Kliner – Kabetogama township Supervisor
Marlene Tomczak – Kabetogama Township Supervisor
Attendees onsite:
Jerry Mitchell – property owner
Larry Warrington – property owner
Betsy Warrington – property owner
Allan Burchell – property owner
Ken Pederson – property owner
Rusty Lehto – community member
Casey Deziel – property owner
Bill Roden – community member
Mark Strum – community member
Carol Stegmeir – community member
Attendees via conference call:
Mike Larson – SEH
Tom Rukavina – St. Louis County Commissioner
Mark St. Lawrence - St. Louis County Environmental Services
Dale Olson - Koochiching County Environmental Services
Nancy Johnson – State of Minnesota Public Facilities Authority
Peter Thompson – property owner
Carol Bacon – property owner
Bob Yaritz – property owner
Dennis Johnson – property owner
Bill Drystad – property owner
Mary Drystad – property owner
Mary Nichols – property owner
November 19, 2015
Kabetogama Township chairman John Stegmeir opened meeting at 7:00 pm. Township Board members present were Supervisor Marlene Tomczak and Supervisor Paul Kliner. Twenty four people attended the meeting, eleven attended in person, thirteen called into the meeting. Chairman Stegmeir turned meeting over to Colin Marcusen, SEH project manager for the Pucks Point project.
Colin started meeting by reviewing following: (See attached agenda)
- Project Costs: 3 construction projects (Collection, Treatment and Dispersal) plus engineering, legal, administrative, and land costs.
- Project Funds: Funding sources, Details on DNR capital contribution and estimated Monthly fees to members. Colin explained importance of Good Neighbor Policy as final monthly EDU costs is based on % of subordinated service district members participating.
- PFA Requirements – specifically Commitment Cards.
- Projected project schedule.
- Colin stated he was aware there were individuals who were willing to sign their commitment cards but would like to state they were still not in favor of the project. He encouraged people to check yes on commitment card and run a line through the statement “we are IN favor of connecting to the project”.
- Larry Warrington asked how many people have committed to project. To date verbal or written commitments from all but 3 or 4. By end of meeting only 2 had not committed.
- Jerry Mitchell requested additional details on project costs broken down by property owner. Colin reviewed project costs, stating some phases of the project could be broken down by property but the lump sum portions could not. Also asked for was an explanation of the current cost of the project versus the initial estimate of $1 million. Colin addressed this by explaining the increase in construction costs over time, a different design from the original proposal and, the additional properties added to Pucks Point Subordinate Service District since 2003 have contributed to higher price tag.
- Another concern was the amount of rock excavation involved in project and potential for cost over-runs. Colin agreed that adjustments may be needed over the course of the project. These adjustments would require a change order to the contract where the additional work is described and cost agreed on before the work is done. The project has $175,000 in contingency monies built in of which any unused portion will applied to the PPSSD debt upon completion of the project.
- Colin responded to a concern about the capacity of the treatment system for future expansion. Colin stated that the treatment system was designed to handle additional use. There is sufficient land in the treatment area to expand if needed.
- The PPSSD have already been paying an assessment for costs incurred to this point. Has the DNR been assessed as well? Colin/Township stated they were not sure but assumed not. This issue will be looked into.
- Colin addressed questions on how cost of operational maintenance will be computed. First year cost will be distributed evenly by EDU. This will establish a base. Future costs would be distributed based proportional to use established by monitoring run time on the grinder pumps. For those sharing a tank, a proportional use would have to be determined based on that tank’s grinder pump run time.
- There was a question regarding electrical hookup for the grinder pumps – would ther be a need for upgrading individual electrical service? Colin stated that these would be wired into the property owners electrical box. Most will be using one horse pumps; a few will be using ½ horse pumps requiring a dedicated 15/20 amp breaker/line. He was not sure if there were issues with sub-standard boxes or no capacity in current boxes but this would need to be addressed by the property owner.
- Colin stated Township will hire operator to maintain and service the system.
position will require specific licensing.
- Colin addressed project warranties and willingness of MPCA to work with Subordinate Sewer district on timelines in reaching and maintaining acceptable discharge levels.
- Casey Deziel expressed concern on who will be overseeing project once construction starts. Colin stated he expects this to be a 3 month project. SEH will have staff on site monitoring the project through all 3 stages of the project. Project overseer will be experienced in construction. MPCA and possibly St. Louis County will be completing intermittent inspections. Colin encouraged property owners and Township officers to also monitor the project and contact SEH with any concerns. All property will be returned to condition prior to start of project. Locations are pretty much unchanged from last summer. Colin anticipates seeing some small changes once construction starts.
- Peter Thompson asked if it would be possible to request earlier start date projected for their property. Colin stated this would be difficult to accommodate. Project is broken down into 3 stages and will not be able to move from one stage to next until previous stage is fully completed.
- Bill and Mary Drystad requested if there is a reevaluation on EDU a member be allowed to review before final ordinance is passed. Colin stated this is possible, expects there will be some adjustments but does not expect a lot of change.
- Allan Burchell expressed concern people who invested in their properties are paying as much as those who have not keep properties up to date. John Stegmeir stated years ago it was determined there was a community need to form a Subordinate Sewer District. People had systems that were not able to become compliant. Subordinate Sewer districts look at the larger picture
- Larry Warrington, spoke on need to look forward not backward. Ecologically sound and environmentally necessary to hook up.
- Question voiced if Colin was aware of any data on average % increase sewer projects incurred from start to finish in Minnesota. Colin stated he was not aware of data.
- Colin will send email to all members of Pucks Point Subordinate District on the results of the commitment card responses.
Minutes of Pucks Point Subordinate Service District Member’s Informational Meeting.
November 19, 201
Colin Marcusen - SEH project manager
John Stegmeir – KabetogamaTownship Chairman
Paul Kliner – Kabetogama township Supervisor
Marlene Tomczak – Kabetogama Township Supervisor
Attendees onsite:
Jerry Mitchell – property owner
Larry Warrington – property owner
Betsy Warrington – property owner
Allan Burchell – property owner
Ken Pederson – property owner
Rusty Lehto – community member
Casey Deziel – property owner
Bill Roden – community member
Mark Strum – community member
Carol Stegmeir – community member
Attendees via conference call:
Mike Larson – SEH
Tom Rukavina – St. Louis County Commissioner
Mark St. Lawrence - St. Louis County Environmental Services
Dale Olson - Koochiching County Environmental Services
Nancy Johnson – State of Minnesota Public Facilities Authority
Peter Thompson – property owner
Carol Bacon – property owner
Bob Yaritz – property owner
Dennis Johnson – property owner
Bill Drystad – property owner
Mary Drystad – property owner
Mary Nichols – property owner