MARCH 13, 2018
The annual meeting of the Town of Kabetogama was called to order by Clerk Manninen at 8:15 pm on March 13, 2018. There were 5 people attending this meeting. Those attending the meeting recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Clerk Manninen called for nominations for a moderator. Marlene Tomczak moved to nominate Betsey Warrington, seconded by John Stegmeir. Clerk Manninen asked if there were any other nominations, (twice). A voice vote was taken for Betsey Warrington as moderator. All voted aye, no nays, Betsey was voted as moderator.
Agenda: The agenda was reviewed by all. Marlene Tomczak moved to approve the agenda, seconded by John Stegmeir, all voting aye, motion carried.
The Clerk was asked to read the Board of Audit minutes from the March 6, 2018 meeting.
Old Business:
The minutes from the 2017 annual meeting were reviewed by all. Marlene Tomczak moved to accept the minutes, seconded by Carol Stegmeir, all voting aye motion carried.
The moderator read the dates for the next Annual Township Meeting. The annual meeting will be held on March 12, 2019 at the Kabetogama Town Hall at 8:15 pm. Alternate bad weather date is March 19, 2019 same location and time.
The next Annual Township Election will be held on March 12, 2019 at the Kabetogama Town Hall from 4:00 to 8:00 pm. Alternate bad weather date is March 19, 2019 same location and time. Marlene Tomczak moved to accept these dates, times and locations, seconded by Carol Stegmeir, all voting aye, motion carried.
Election Results – Moderator Warrington asked for the results of the Annual Township election held March 13, 2018. For the position of Supervisor 3 year term, John Stegmeir received 12 votes and there were no write-ins. For the position of Clerk 2 year term, Mary Manninen received 12 votes with no write-ins. Mary Manninen moved to accept the 2018 election results, seconded by Carol Stegmeir, all voting aye, motion carried.
Kabetogama Fire Department report – Fire Chief Larry Warrington wrote the following report;
2017 - 2018 Kabetogama Area Volunteer Fire Dept. Annual Report
The Fire Department is doing well. We are finally able to depend on younger, stronger fire fighters. I am happy with our crew and we will be adding training for our new members, Jason & Robyn Cooper, and Mariah Hart.
Our equipment maintenance is increasing due to age & mandated safety testing. As our gear goes out of date, it must be replaced. I am trying to rotate two sets of turn out gear per year. As of now our budget is ok, but I envision an increase in the levy for 2020. We try to use our budget in the most cost effective way possible.
We are taking on two projects that will solve two issues for the department and the area. Our top project is a heli pad on land behind the station.
The land was graciously donated by Jim & Marlene Tomczak. Being able to land & transport patients from a designated area close to our equipment is important to our and neighboring communities. Progress is being made & with help from donations, it is hopeful to be completed this year.
Our second project is a new fire station. Our old building is showing its age and we are in need of more room for our equipment. This project will be ongoing as a lot of preparation is necessary. The old building foundations are moving, the roof is leaking, we have water infesting the office area & it is now getting too small to house what we need to house. The cost to repair the building, in our estimation, would be a waste of money as we still wouldn’t have enough space.
I want to thank Kabetogama Township & the community for all of your support on behalf of the fighters & EMS.
Respectfully Submitted.
Larry Warrington, fire chief
New Business:
Levy – All the line items were reviewed and discussed. The Fire Department may need more funds for building a new fire hall and that line item can be added at a later date when the department has had time to research this. Mary Manninen moved to approve the levy as established in the amount of $97,000.00 except for the Fire Department line item, which will be approved at a later date, seconded by Carol Stegmeir, all voting aye motion carried.
On May 3, 2018 there is the Board of Equalization meeting from 10:00 to 11:00 here at the Town Hall to discuss property taxes.
John Stegmeir brought handouts for the 2017 Annual Report from the Cook Hospital. These may be reviewed at the Town Hall.
The Planning Board is still looking for another member to replace Jill Kiner’s position. If interested please contact Clerk Manninen at the Town Hall (875-2082).
Mary Manninen moved to adjourn at 9:12pm, seconded by Marlene Tomczak all voting aye, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Manninen, Clerk, Kabetogama Township