MARCH 12, 2024
The annual meeting of the Kabetogama Township was called to order by Clerk Manninen at 8:15 pm on March 12, 2024. There were 8 people attending this meeting. Those attending the meeting recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Clerk Manninen called for nominations for a moderator. Larry Kec nominated Marlene Tomczak, seconded by Tim Tomczak, a voice vote was taken for Marlene Tomczak as moderator. All voted aye, no nays, Marlene was voted as moderator.
Agenda: The agenda was reviewed by all. Larry Warrington moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Tim Tomczak, all voting aye, motion carried.
The Clerk was asked to read the Board of Audit Minutes for 2023 held on February 6, 2024. The Board of Audit minutes were approved at the meeting on February 6, 2024.
Old Business:
The minutes from the 2023 annual meeting were reviewed by all. Larry Kec moved to accept the minutes, seconded by Tim Tomczak, all voting aye motion carried.
The moderator read the dates for the next Annual Township Meeting. The annual meeting will be held on March 11, 2025, at the Kabetogama Town Hall at 8:15 pm. The alternative bad weather date is March 18, 2025, same location and time.
The next Annual Township Election will be held on March 11, 2025, at the Kabetogama Town Hall from 4:00 to 8:00 pm. The alternative bad weather date is March 18, 2025, same location and time. Tim Tomczak moved to accept these dates, times, and locations, seconded by Larry Warrington, all voting aye, motion carried.
Election Results – Moderator Tomczak asked for the results of the Annual Township election held March 12, 2024. Election Judge Cynthia Wichner read the election results. For the position of Supervisor 3-year term, Larry Warrington received 11 votes and there were no write-ins. For the position of Clerk 2-year term, Mary Manninen received 11 votes with no write-ins. Tim Tomczak moved to accept the 2024 election results, seconded by Larry Warrington, all voting aye, motion carried.
Lake Kabetogama Volunteer Fire Department Annual Report for 2023
Fire Chief Bryan Wichner gave the following report –
The Fire Department is doing well, we have now increased to 16 members with the recruitment of 1 new member in 2023. Thanks to Kolby Keeler for his commitment and dedication to this department. The department responded to 10 fire calls, 4 vehicle accidents, and numerous medical assists. We continue to ask for more volunteers. There is something for everyone to do in the department. Volunteer Fire fighters are eligible for a retirement benefit after being vested for 5 years. If interested in joining contact Bryan at 218-875-3037 or any other member for more information. We continue to have our in-person business meetings and hands-on training. We had our Open House in July and the Hunters Supper and Raffle in November. We continue to apply for available Grants, Operation Round-up through North Star Electric, as well as other incentives which have made some of our equipment purchases possible.
Projects completed in 2023:
Vehicle maintenance and pressure testing; Training and CPR for Firefighters; Installed the new boiler, pumps and controls; Received the FAA approved de-icer for Heli-port; Received the Fire/Medical transport skid for the side by side; Had a custom aluminum bed build for the side by side to carry the Fire/Med skid; Purchased a Flir thermal imaging camera; Burned the brush at the dump in October.
Future Projects:
Complete the Fire Department bylaws change to possibly allow the EMS group to enter into the PERA SVF retirement plan; Purchase new pagers; We will start planning for the purchase of all new radios as our current model will become obsolete; We will be having another Hunter’s Supper in November; Looking at another possible Open House at the Fire Department; We are looking into purchasing a new 6-wheeler for snow removal as well as being able to access some of the narrow trails in our area as our 27 year old 6x6 is continually breaking down; We are also preparing ourselves for additional ATV accidents once the new trail is completed; The Fire Department is asking the Township for $44,300 for 2025; I would like to thank the Kabetogama Township and community for their continued support of our department on behalf of all the Fire Fighters and EMS personnel.
Respectfully, Bryan Wichner, Fire Chief
New Business:
The 2025 proposed levy was reviewed by all. The levy was increased by $1,300 for the KFD . Tim Tomczak moved to approve the 2025 levy in the amount of $102,800.00, seconded by Larry Kec, all voting aye motion carried.
Tim Tomczak moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 pm, seconded by Larry Warrington, all voting aye, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Manninen, Clerk Kabetogama Township