Regular Meeting
November 5, 2019
Chairman Kec opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Board members present Supervisors M Tomczak and J Stegmeir along with Treasurer D. Callais and Clerk M. Manninen. All attending recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda – The agenda was reviewed, Supervisor J Stegmeir moved to approve the agenda as is, seconded by Supervisor M Tomczak, all voting aye the motion carried.
Minutes – The minutes for the October regular meeting were reviewed. Supervisor M Tomczak moved to approve the minutes, second by Supervisor J Stegmeir, all voting aye motion carried.
Treasurer Deana Callais read Treasurer’s report.
Financial Report
Beg Bal Oct. 1, 2019 - $209,358.62
Income - $7,678.51
Total Expenses - $24,436.26
End Bal. Oct. 31, 2019 - $200,284.87
Road Fund - $16,017.47
Road CD - $21,665.37
Road Fund Bal - $37,682.84
Checking CD - $26,443.94
Pucks Point Subordinate Sewer District
Beg Bal Oct. 1, 2019 - $28,295.80
Income - $550.00
Expenses - $5,065.79
End Bal Oct. 31, 2019 - $23,780.01
Capitol Debt Reduction
Beg Bal Oct. 1, 2019 - $2,746.23
Income - $1,502.79
Expenses - $0.00
End Bal Oct. 31, 2019 - $4,249.02
The Treasurer’s report was approved on a motion by Supervisor J Stegmeir, seconded by Supervisor M Tomczak, all voting aye motion carried.
Claims – Clerk Manninen read the claims.
Township Claims
North Star Electric – Town Hall - $105.00
Frontier Phone Co. – Phone - $72.86
Business Essentials – Office Supplies - $179.98
The Journal – Public Notices for KCWI - $342.40
Gateway General – Town Hall Supplies - $35.41
Greg House – Pucks Point Road Work - $510.00
Total - $1,830.65
PPSSD Claims
North Star Electric - $1,035.00
Septic Check – State Permitted Maintenance Contract #117669 - $2,000.00
Total – 3,035.00
Supervisor M Tomczak moved to accept the claims and pay them in full, seconded by Chairman L Kec, all voting aye motion carried.
Public Comment – None
Old Business –
PPSSD – Supervisor J Stegmeir reported the leaky grinders are have been repaired by the company that provided them. The company will continue to repair any others that have a problem in the future. SEH will pay for this work. VPL grinder still needs to have some work done. There is a new member to the district, Kevin Bouma who purchased the Burchell home. Supervisor Stegmeir brought to the board, the project numbers from last year and the projection of expenditures for next year. He has created a letter that will be sent out to all the members of the district with this information in it. The OM&R portion of the service fee will be $76.88 per month per EDU for all connected full EDU’s or $922.56 per EDU per year. The cost for the seasonal EDU’s will be $38.44 per EDU per month or $461.28 per year. Combining the Capital Cost and the Operation, Maintenance & Replacement cost results in a total cost of $94.35 per month per EDU or $1132.20 yearly per EDU for the full rate. For seasonal the total cost would be $55.91 per month per EDU or $670.92 yearly per EDU. Supervisor M Tomczak moved to approve the new EDU amounts and the letter that Supervisor J Stegmeir created, seconded by Chairman L Kec, all voting aye, motion carried. These letters will be sent out in December.
Community Sewer Project – Supervisor J Stegmeir reported that the committee is in the process of trying to find land for the treatment areas. They are also waiting for a response from the Joint Powers Board on questions that had for them. Some Service Area C residents sent petitions to the township stating that they do not want a sewer district in their area. The board is researching the process on how to go about holding a special election.
Roads – Chairman Kec reported that Greg House had hauled some rock onto Pucks Point Road. Supervisor M Tomczak moved to approve the contract with G House for 2019-20 season, seconded by Chairman L Kec, all voting aye, motion carried.
Community Center – Supervisor M Tomczak said she had plugged in the heat tape and suggested the clerk contact Plunketts Pest Control and ask them to look into our issue with hornets getting into the building.
New Business – Supervisor M Tomczak moved to approve Resolution 2019-3, Resolution Designating Annual Polling Place, seconded by Supervisor J Stegmeir, all voting aye, motion carried.
Supervisor M Tomczak made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Supervisor J Stegmeir seconded, all voting aye motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Manninen, Clerk