Special Meeting
August 24, 2016
Chairman Stegmeir opened the meeting at 7:00 pm. Board members present were Supervisors Tomczak and Kiner, Clerk Manninen, and Treasurer Callais. Board members recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda – The agenda was reviewed. Supervisor Kiner moved to approve, seconded by Supervisor Tomczak, the motion carried, all voting aye.
Chairman Stegmeir introduced the following Resolution 2016-3 PPSSD, authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of a $400,000 General Obligation Revenue Note, Series 2016 (Small Community Wastewater Treatment Program), and providing for its payment. Supervisor Kiner seconded the approval of the resolution, all voting aye, and no nays, so approved.
Chairman Stegmeir recommends approval and signature of the Small Community Wastewater Treatment Program Bond Purchase and Project Loan Agreement, Supervisor Tomczak seconds, all voting aye, so approved.
Chairman Stegmeir recommends approval and signature of the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority Project Grant Agreement Point Source Implementation Grant, Supervisor Kiner seconds, all voting aye, so approved.
Supervisor Kiner moved to adjourn the special meeting at 7:19 pm, seconded by Supervisor Tomczak, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Manninen, Clerk