MAY 1, 2012
Chairman Nevalainen opened the meeting at 7:05 pm. Board members present were Supervisor Kiner, Clerk Manninen and Treasurer Kiner. All attending recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Supervisor Town was unable to attend this meeting.
Agenda – The agenda was approved with the addition of Liquor License to New Business on a motion by Supervisor Kiner, seconded by Chairman Nevalainen, motion carried.
Minutes – The March minutes were approved with one correction, remove Supervisor Kiner from meeting attendance, on a motion by Supervisor Kiner, Seconded by Chairman Nevalainen motion carried.
The treasurer’s report was approved on a motion by Chairman Nevalainen, seconded by Supervisor Kiner, motion carried.
Beg Bal 04/1/12
End Bal. 04/30/12
Checking Account:
Beg Bal 04/1/12 --- $104,434.86
Income --- $24,803.16
Expenses --- $25,987.74
End Bal. 04/30/12 --- $103,250.28
Road Account:
Beg Bal 04/1/12 --- $14,320.31
Income --- $1.18
Expenses --- $375.00
End Bal. 04/30/12 --- $13,946.49
Comm. Center Fund:
Beg Bal 04/1/12 --- $70,304.94
Income --- $5.97
Expenses --- $0.00
End Bal. 04/30/12 --- $70,310.91
Certificate of Deposit:
Beg Bal 04/1/12 --- $26,097.21
Income --- Due 3/9/2013
Expenses --- 1.00%
End Bal. 04/30/12 --- $26,097.21
Road Account CD
Beg Bal 04/1/12 --- $20,828.43
Income --- Due 3/12/13
Expenses --- .75%
End Bal. 04/30/12 --- $20,828.43
Road Account CD
Beg Bal 04/1/12 --- $20,636.03
Income --- Due 3/12/14
Expenses --- 1.00%
End Bal. 04/30/12 --- $20,636.03
Lodging Tax
Dep --- $0.00
To Town --- $0.00
To Tourism B. --- $0.00
The following claims were approved on a motion by Chairman Nevalainen, seconded by Supervisor Kiner, motion carried.
- 3385, St. Louis County, Snow Plowing 2nd half, $525.00
- 3386, North Star Elec., Power for Hall, $50.00
- 3387, Bertelsons, Ink, $160.30
- 3388, Norton, Lap Top Security 2 yrs, $133.58
Old Business –
PPSSD – Julie Kennedy called into the meeting and gave an update on the PPSSD project.
Julie had not heard back regarding the soil testing that is ongoing at Kabetogama. There are still talks going on with the DNR to establish if they are in this sewer district and if we can use the land for the drain site. More info to come at our next meeting. Julie will give monthly updates on the project which will be posted on the web site.
Roads & Trails – Chairman Nevalainen drove around the area and determined that some of the gravel roads are in need of maintenance. Debris removal also needs to be done. The board will discuss these issues with our local operator. Paul Kiner does not want to plow Pucks Point road any longer. Chairman Nevalainen will speak with G. House to see if he is interested in doing this.
Community Center Planning – Chairman Nevalainen spoke with Mike Kolb from SLC regarding using the top soil from the existing mound next to the community building. Mr. Kolb said that this soil could be removed from the existing mound and used elsewhere. This soil can be used to fill in the parking area between the old community hall and the new hall site. A permit is needed to change the existing mound system to a pump and haul system temporarily. The system can be changed so that the pipes are disconnected and a cap is put on the tank and it can be pumped as needed. Chairman Nevalainen will speak with the proper authorities in this matter. He will also get quotes for gravel hauling and cat work to accomplish this task. Supervisor Kiner moved to allow Chairman Nevalainen to obtain quotes for this project and get the information to Clerk Manninen who will send them to Supervisors Kiner and Town, seconded by chairman Nevalainen, motion carried. Once the information has been reviewed by the Supervisors they will contact Clerk Manninen will give the information back to Chairman Nevalainen ASAP so the project can get started immediately.
Neighborhood Watch – Jill Kiner read the drafted letter that is to be sent to SLC regarding signs for the Neighborhood Watch. Chairman Nevalainen and Clerk Manninen signed the letter. Jill will send this request out along with a note asking that the county reassess the road signs in our area.
New Business –
Supervisor Kiner moved to allow the Clerk to sign the liquor license request for Gappas Landing Resort and Camp Ground (Pokornys), seconded by Chairman Nevalainen, motion carried. The board will make a request that next year all resort owners who are in need of the clerk signing their liquor license must attend a meeting to have this done.
Supervisor Kiner moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 pm, seconded by Chairman Nevalainen, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Manninen, Clerk,
Kabetogama Township