Regular Meeting
December 5, 2017
Chairman Stegmeir opened the meeting at 7:00 pm. Board members present were Supervisors Tomczak and Kec, Clerk Manninen, Treasurer Callais, and Deputy Clerk Stegmeir. There were no guests in attendance. Board members recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda – The agenda was reviewed, Supervisor Tomczak moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Supervisor Kec, all voting aye the motion carried,
Minutes – The minutes for the November regular meeting were reviewed. Motion by Supervisor Kec to approve the minutes, seconded by Supervisor Tomczak, all voting aye motion carried.
The Treasurer’s report was read by Treasurer Callais.
Financial Report
Checking –
Beg Bal November 1, 2017 – $186,320.50
Income - $39,970.29
Total Expenses - $78,192.32
End Bal. November 30, 2017 – $148,098.47
Road Fund - $17,129.80
Road CD’s - $43,058.53
Road Fund Bal - $60,188.33
Checking CD - $25,908.89
Pucks Point Subordinate Sewer District
Beg Bal. November 1, 2017 - $35,924.03
Income - $0.00
Expenses - $17,953.54
End Bal. November 30, 2017 - $17,870.49
The Treasurer’s report was approved on a motion by Supervisor Kec, seconded by Supervisor Tomczak, all voting aye, motion carried.
Claims – Clerk Manninen read the claims.
Frontier Phone Co. – Phone and Internet – $69.95
North Star Electric – Town Hall - $109.00
MATIT Ins. – Workers Comp Renewal - $366.00
MN Dept. of Health – License Renewal 2018 - $510.00
Endicia/USPS – Postage for postage machine - $50.00
John Stegmeir – Ink for Printer - $50.36
Total - $1,155.31
PPSSD Claims – Septic Check - $1,116.00
North Star Elec. - $2,627.72
Total - $3,743.72
Supervisor Tomczak moved to accept the claims and pay them in full, seconded by Supervisor Kec, all voting aye motion carried.
Comment Period: None
Old Business
PPSSD - Chairman Stegmeir reviewed the Amended Rates Ordinance with the board members (Rev 3). The changes are as follows; 2.03 - Expanded Use – Any new use which does not result in payment of a Sewer Access Charge.
4.01 A – Capital Fee charge $210.00 per year per EDU.
4.01 B - O & M Charge $66.17 per year per EDU.
4.01 ii – O & M charge at $33.08 per month.
4.01 iii – No Service Connection to Public Sewer, meaning no O & M charge will be charged for an EDU assigned to a User for which there is no Service Connection.
5.02 – New User – A Sewer Access Charge shall apply to any New User, except a Property Declining Initial Connection. A Property Declining Initial Connection shall pay the actual installed cost of the Service Connection and service lateral, and related costs, including but not limited to construction, engineering, legal and inspection costs, and all other fees applicable upon application for a Service Connection Permit.
5.02 B – New Use – A Sewer Access Charge shall apply to any New Use which results in: 1) The User’s EDU assignment increasing by 1.0 EDU or greater, or 2) an overall EDU assignment that exceeds the capacity of the installed grinder pump serving such New Use. 5.02 – i New Use Request – A User shall apply for a Service Connection Permit prior to commencing any New Use.
5.02 – ii Modification of EDU Assignment – If a Service Connection Permit is approved by the Board, a new EDU Assignment shall be provided by the Board to the User. The revised EDU determination shall become effective on the specified property on the date specified in the notice. If an affected User does not agree with the Board’s determination, the User may appear before the Board at the regular Board meeting following receipt of the notice described in this section and provide testimony on the board’s determination.
Section 6 Expanded Use.
6.01 – Expanded Use Request – A User shall apply for a Service Connection Permit prior to commencing any New Use, including Expanded use.
6.02 – Modification of EDU Assignment. If a Service Connection Permit is approved by the Board, a new EDU Assignment shall be provided by the Board to the User. The revised EDU determination shall become effective on the specified property on the date specified in the notice. If an affected User does not agree with the Board’s determination, the User may appear before the Board at the regular Board meeting following receipt of the notice described in this section and provide testimony on the Board’s determination.
Supervisor Tomczak moved to approve the Amended Rates Ordinance, seconded by Supervisor Kec, all voting aye, motion carried.
Roads & Trails – Chairman Stegmeir contacted the county to have more sand applied to the Puck’s Point Rd. He will contact about having more sand applied to the rest of the roads also.
Community Building – After careful consideration the Board has determined that an outside bulletin board on the building would not look very good and has decided to add some type of board to the Little Library if necessary.
New Business – Elections will be held in March. Board members to be elected are 1 Supervisor for a three year term and 1 Clerk for a two year term. Filing for these positions opens on January 2nd and goes to January 16th. You may file with the Clerk at the Township Office. The filing fee for these position is $2.00.
Supervisor Kec moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:52 pm. Seconded by Supervisor Tomczak, all voting aye
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Manninen, Clerk