DECEMBER 2, 2014
Chairman Nevalainen opened the meeting at 7:00 pm. Board members present were Supervisor Kiner, Supervisor Stegmeir, Deputy Clerk Tomczak, Clerk Manninen and Treasurer Kiner and two guests all attending recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Collin Marcusen called in on the conference line.
Agenda – The agenda was approved with the addition of KFD to old business, on a motion by Supervisor Kiner, seconded by Supervisor Stegmeir, motion carried.
Minutes –The minutes were approved with one correction, no one called in on the conference line, on a motion by Supervisor Kiner, seconded by Supervisor Stegmeir, motion carried.
The treasurer’s report was reviewed by all. The treasurer’s report was approved on a motion by Supervisor Kiner, seconded by Chairman Nevalainen, motion carried.
Checking Account:
Beg Bal 11/1/14 --- $109,540.81
Income --- $2,996.56
Expenses --- $8,237.52
End Bal. 11/30/14 --- $104,299.85
Road Account:
Beg Bal 11/1/14 --- $29,639.39
Income --- $1.42
Expenses --- $0.00
End Bal. 11/30/14 --- $29,640.81
Comm. Center Fund:
Beg Bal 11/1/14 --- $16,519.23
Income --- $.57
Expenses --- $10,860.19
End Bal. 11/30/14 ---$5,659.61
Cert. of Deposit:
Beg Bal 11/1/14 --- $25,000.00
Income --- Due 3/15/15
Expenses --- .85%
End Bal. 11/30/14 --- $25,000.00
Road Acct. CD:
Beg Bal 11/1/14 --- $20,915.68
Income --- Due 3/12/15
Expenses --- .50%
End Bal. 11/30/14 --- $20,915.68
Road Acct. CD:
Beg Bal 11/1/14 --- $21,248.20
Income --- Due 3/12/16
Expenses --- .70%
End Bal. 11/30/14 --- $21,248.20
Lodging Tax:
Dep --- $2,545.27
To Town --- $80.30
To Tourism B. --- $2,596.40
The claims for the month of November in the amount of $6,554.69 were approved on a motion by Chairman Nevalainen, seconded by Supervisor Kiner, motion carried.
Old Business –
PPSSD – Collin Markusen from SEH called in on the conference line. He stated that everything is on track for the bidding process. Bids are to be opened on December 17th in Grand Rapids. Currently there are 6 plan holders for the collection system and 4 plan holders for the treatment system.
Roads and Trails – Nothing new at this time.
Community Center Planning – Chairman Nevalainen opened the bids for the demo of the old Kabetogama Community Hall. Leinum Farms & Demo came in at $38,750.00, Sunrise Park came in at $23,500.00 and Richard Oveson came in at $22,200.00. Supervisor Kiner made a motion to approve the lowest bid from Richard Oveson, seconded by Supervisor Stegmeir, motion carried. Supervisor Kiner moved to have North Star Electric come out and disconnect the electric from the old Community Hall but leave a line across the road from the hall for the security lights, seconded by Supervisor Stegmeir, motion carried.
Marlene Tomczak reported that the County inspector was at the hall and approved the work done on the new kitchen. The inspector asked us to check if the MATIT insurance required us to install an Ansell system in the kitchen, the answer was no.
There will be none installed at this time. The county inspector says we should have a license for the kitchen; Marlene will take care of this. There were a couple of options but the one costing $398.00 is the one the board decided to go with which is a small kitchen license. Someone from Falls Fire & Safety will be here this week to check the fire extinguishers at the new building. Chairman Nevalainen will talk with the person who has installed the septic tanks and find out how to get a letter of compliance. We also need one for the well.
New Business –
Local Board of Appeal and Equalization – Clerk Manninen will send a letter to the Assessors office stating that there are no Supervisors currently trained to hold a meeting locally and that the meeting will be held by the county for 2015. Supervisor Kiner moved to have all Supervisors trained in 2015 so that this meeting can once again be held locally in 2016, seconded by Chairman Nevalainen, motion carried.
Chairman Nevalainen moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:48 pm, seconded by Supervisor Stegmeir, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted
Mary Manninen, Clerk, Kabetogama Township