April 7, 2009
Chairman Robert Nevalainen opened the meeting at 9:30 pm. Board members present were Supervisors Richard McGregor, Edward Town, Clerk Mary Manninen, Deputy Clerk Tomczak and Treasurer Jill Kiner.
The Agenda was presented and approved on a motion by Supervisor McGregor, seconded by Supervisor Town, motion carried.
The minutes from the April 1, 2008 reorganization meeting were read and approved with corrections, (delete extra dates) on a motion by Supervisor McGregor, seconded by Supervisor Town, motion carried.
Chairman, Vice-Chairman – Supervisor McGregor moved that Robert Nevalainen remain the Chairman and Richard McGregor remain Vice-Chairman, seconded by Supervisor Town, motion carried.
Board Meeting Schedule – Supervisor Nevalainen moved to accept the following dates for board meetings; Jan 5, Feb 2, March 2, 10, April 7, May 5, June 2, July 7, Aug. 4, Sept. 1, Oct. 6, Dec. 1, 2009. Seconded by Supervisor McGregor, motion carried.
Supervisor Nevalainen moved to hold all township meetings at the Kabetogama Fire Hall, seconded by Supervisor McGregor, motion carried.
Planning Commission meeting Schedule 2009, the planning commission will hold meetings quarterly in January, April, July and October at 7:00 pm at the Kabetogama Fire Hall the Monday preceding the first Tuesday of each of those months. If a special meeting needs to be held, the planning commission will make a request to the township board and the date will be posted in the Voyageur Sentinel.
Official Newspaper – Supervisor Town moved to keep the Voyageur Sentinel as our official newspaper. Seconded by Supervisor McGregor, motion carried.
Compensation –
- Supervisors – ($50.00 per meeting attended), Chairman $12.00/hr
- Treasurer – ($50.00 per meeting, $12.00/hr)
- Deputy Treasurer – ($50.00 per meeting when filling in for Treasurer only)
- Clerk – ($50.00 per meeting attended, $12.00/hr)
- Deputy Clerk – ($50.00 per meeting when filling in for Clerk only)
- Planning Commission Board Members – ($50.00 per meeting attended)
- Township Board Members – ($18.00/hr compensation for Township work that takes a board member away from their person jobs)
- Election Judge – ($12.00/hr)
- Mileage Rate – follow current Federal Mileage Rate at that time.
Road Supervisor – Supervisor Nevalainen moved to keep Supervisor Town as road supervisor, seconded by Supervisor McGregor, motion carried.
Meeting Notice Posting Place – Supervisor Nevalainen moved to keep the posting places at Gateway Store and the billboard sign across from the Kabetogama Community Hall. Seconded by Supervisor McGregor, motion carried.
Supervisor Nevalainen moved to adjourn this meeting at 9:45 pm, seconded by Supervisor McGregor, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Manninen, Clerk
Kabetogama Township