Regular Meeting
November 7, 2023
Chairman L. Kec opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Board members present were Supervisor L. Warrington, Supervisor T. Tomczak, Treasurer D. Callais, Clerk M. Manninen and one guest. All attending recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda – The agenda was reviewed, Supervisor L. Warrington moved to approve the 11/7/23 agenda, seconded by Supervisor T. Tomczak, all voting aye the motion carried.
Minutes – The minutes for the October 5th, 2023, regular meeting were reviewed, Supervisor T. Tomczak moved to approve the minutes as read, second by Supervisor L. Warrington, all voting aye motion carried.
Treasurer D. Callais read her report.
Beg Bal October 1, 2023 - $283,931.05
Deposits - $21,679.26
Total Expenses - $10,091.73
End Bal. October 31, 2023 - $295,518.58
Road Fund - $37,802.99
Road CD – 22,248.14
Road Fund Bal - $60,051.13
Checking CD - $27,397.39
Pucks Point Subordinate Sewer District
Beg Bal October 1, 2023 - $51,744.12
Deposits - $0.00
Expenses - $5,332.50
End Bal October 31, 2023 - $46,411.62
Capitol Debt Reduction
Beg Bal October 1, 2023 - $4,094.43
Deposits - $0.00
Expenses - $0.00
End Bal. October 31, 2023 - $4,094.43
The Treasurer’s report was reviewed, the report was approved on a motion by Supervisor L. Warrington, seconded by Supervisor T. Tomczak, all voting aye motion carried.
Claims – Clerk M. Manninen read the list of claims.
Township Claims
Total - $5,779.47
PPSSD Claims
Total – $7,238.50
Supervisor L. Warrington moved to accept the claims and pay them in full, seconded by Supervisor T. Tomczak, all voting aye motion carried.
Public Comment – None
Old Business –
PPSSD – Supervisor L. Warrington reported that he spoke with Arrowhead and they will submit a request to hook-up their new buildings to the PPSSD system. A member of the system contacted the township asking if he could add an enzyme to his part of the system to deal with grease in the lines. The township contacted Septic Check and they said that no they should not do this. J. Stegmeir reviewed to the board the year end totals and projected budget for 2024 for PPSSD. The board accepted the report as read. Individual projections will be set in November to be sent out to the members of the district.
Community Sewer Project – John Stegmeir gave an update on the project. Braun Intertec is in the area doing soil borings. Land acquisition for treatment sites are still being researched and worked on. We have received 17 letters back from the mailing we sent out last month, most of the recipients are very much interested in joining the project.
Roads – Nothing new at this time.
Community Center – The refrigerator in the hall has been fixed. The board discussed the purchase of snowblower for the town hall. They decided a corded one would be the best fit. Supervisor T. Tomczak moved to purchase a snowblower, seconded by Supervisor L. Warrington, all voting aye, motion carried. Clerk Manninen will take care of this purchase.
Other –
New Business – None
Supervisor T. Tomczak made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Vice Chairman L. Warrington, all voting aye motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Mary Manninen, Clerk