MARCH 10, 2015
The annual meeting of the Town of Kabetogama was called to order by Clerk Manninen at 8:30 pm on March 10, 2015. There were 16 people attending this meeting. Those attending the meeting recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Clerk Manninen called for nominations for a moderator. Marlene moved to nominate Carol Stegmeir, seconded by Paul Kiner. Clerk Manninen asked if there were any other nominations, (twice). None being raised from the floor Larry Warrington asked that the nominations be closed. A voice vote was taken for Carol Stegmeir as moderator. All voted aye, no nays, Carol was voted as moderator.
Agenda: The agenda was reviewed by all. Marlene Tomczak moved to approve the agenda, seconded by John Stegmeir, all voting ayes, motion carried.
The Clerk was asked to read the Board of Audit minutes from the March 3, 2015 meeting.
Kabetogama Township Checking Account:
Beginning Balance 1/1/14 $198,369.37
Deposits $261,531.16
Expenses $337,908.99
End Balance 12/31/14 $121,991.54
Kabetogama Township Road Fund:
Beginning Balance 1/1/14 $27,600.05
Deposits $9,013.83
Expenses $2,998.07
End Balance 12/31/14 $33,615.81
Kabetogama Township Community Center Fund:
Beginning Balance 1/1/14 $8,274.70
Deposits $46,168.60
Expenses $24,612.16
End Balance 12/31/14 $29,831.14
Kabetogama Township Community Center Building Fund:
Beginning Balance 1/1/14 $8,863.94
Deposits $303.40
End Balance 12/31/14 $0.00 Transferred to CC Fund
Checking CD Due 3/15/2015 – .85% 70002930 $25,320.99
Road Acct. CD Due 3/12/15 - .50% 70002847 $20,968.40
Road Acct. CD Due 3/12/16 – .70% 70002401 $21,321.96
Old Business:
Clerk Manninen was asked to read the annual meeting minutes from 2014. John Stegmeir moved to accept the minutes with two corrections the elections will be held at the Kabetogama Fire Hall and the hours for voting are from 4:00 to 8:00 pm, seconded by Robert Nevalainen, all voting aye motion carried.
The moderator read the dates for the next Annual Township Meeting. The annual meeting will be held on March 8, 2016 at the Kabetogama Town Hall at 8:30 pm. Alternate bad weather date is March 15, 2016 same location and time.
The next Annual Township Election will be held on March 8, 2016 at the Kabetogama Town Hall from 4:00 to 8:00 pm. Alternate bad weather date is March 15, 2016 same location and time. Paul Kiner moved to accept these dates, times and locations, seconded by Robert Nevalainen, all voting aye, motion carried.
Election Results – Betsey Warrington, election judge read the results of the Annual Township election held March 10, 2015. For the position of Supervisor 3 year term, John Stegmeir received 26 votes and there was one write-in for Alan Burchell. For the position of Supervisor 1 year term, Marlene Tomczak received 20 votes and Deana Callais received 7 votes. For the position of Treasurer 2 year term, Gail Nevalainen received 20 votes she ran unopposed. Paul Kiner moved to accept the 2015 election results, seconded by Robert Nevalainen, all voting aye, motion carried.
Kabetogama Fire Department report – Fire Chief Larry Warrington gave a report on the department for 2014. Chief Warrington stated that the department is in good shape financially now. They have a new young firefighter, Casey Deziel from Voyageur Park Lodge, they now have a new medical rig that was purchased from the International Falls Fire Department at an affordable cost. There were two fires this winter, one at Moosehorn resort which lost their garage and one at Ash Ka Nam which lost their lodge but no other structures were harmed.
Town Hall – Marlene Tomczak reported on the cost to date of the Town Hall. As of December 2014, the township has spent in total starting from 2007 to present: $234,151.84. This figure is off-set by a $50,000 grant received from IRRRB and $8,800 in donation monies from private individuals that was put into a special fund for the building, bringing the cost down to $175,351.84. Some of the bigger line items are as follows: Kitchen $28,570.62, parking lot and pad $15,732.50, cement pad $22,500.00, Northern Lumber $35,082.76, Herseth Electric $6,607.20 (labor donated as volunteer), Taylor Plumbing $10,956.94 (supplies and labor), Wagner Construction $4,809.38, well $11,588.19, Contractor labor $26,458.10, Worthman (heating and air-conditioning) $16,156.35, Menards $4,676.47, Fergeson (bathrooms) $7,579.06 and Seppi (septic tanks) $3,247.00. As of December 2013, estimated volunteer hours at the prevailing wages were estimated at $95,000.00 and volunteers continued to work in the building January through May 2014 and again September through November 2014. The Kabetogama Community Club has pledged $60,000 to the construction of the building. To date, March 2015, they have spent $31,000. The bigger line items include the flooring, tile, siding and labor, lighting, kitchen ware, tables, paint, bathroom fixtures, inside doors and trim. The community club also has received $9,575 in donations for the construction of the building. Dedicated volunteers have put in many, many hours into the completion of our new community building and the Township would like to extend our grateful thank you. The building would not have become a reality without the commitment of time and volunteer hours that they gave. Plaques will be installed in the building naming the monetary donors and volunteer workers.
New Business:
Levy – All the line items were reviewed and discussed at length. Changes made to line items were as follows; Removal of the Assessors fee, Salaries $29,000,00, Community Center Fund $25,000.00. The remaining lines stayed the same and the total of the Levy for 2016 was reduced to $116,000.00 this was approved on a motion by Larry Warrington, seconded by Mary Manninen, all voting aye, motion carried.
The Township and guests all thanked Paul Kiner and Jill Kiner for their years of service to the township board, they will be missed.
Moderator Carol Stegmeir called for a motion to adjourn. Larry Warrington moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 pm, seconded by Paul Kiner, all voting aye, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Manninen, Clerk, Kabetogama Township