Regular Meeting
August 2, 2016
Chairman Stegmeir opened the meeting at 7:00 pm. Board members present were Supervisors Tomczak and Kiner, Clerk Manninen, Deputy Clerk Stegmeir and Treasurer Callais. Colin Marcusen from SEH was in attendance. Mia Tibodeau called in on the conference line. Board members recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda – The agenda was reviewed. Motion by Chairman Stegmeir to move PPSSD to the top of the agenda, seconded by Supervisor Kiner, the motion carried, all voting aye.
Minutes – The minutes for the July regular meeting were reviewed. Motion by Supervisor Tomczak to approve the minutes, seconded by Supervisor Kiner. Motion carried, all voting aye.
The treasurer’s report was read by Treasurer Callais. Motion by Supervisor Tomczak to approve reports, seconded by Supervisor Kiner. Motion carried, all voting aye.
Financial Report
Checking –
Beg Bal July, 1 2016 – $106,332.01
Income - $731,488.06
Expenses - $687,313.79
End Bal July 31, 2016 – $150,506.28
Road Account –
Beg Bal July, 1, 2016 - $32,794.35
Income - $1.25
Expenses – $0.00
End Bal July 31, 2016 - $32,795.60
Community Bldg Fund –
Beg Bal July, 1, 2016 - $29.345.19
Income - $1.12
End Bal. July 31, 2016 - $29,346.31
Checking - $25,523.86
Road Acct. - $21,073.37
Road Acct. - $21.471.47
Supervisor Kiner moved to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Supervisor Tomczak, all voting aye motion carried.
Payroll Net Total for July – $1,650.26
Disbursements for June:
Greg House - $4,790.00
Couri & Ruppe - $315.00
SLC Auditor - $278.10
North Star Publishing - $371.76
Donald Dicklich Auditor - $113.40
Kabetogama Fire Dept. - $18,000.00
Menards - $49.44
Frontier Phone Co. - $63.39
North Star Elec. - $116.00
IRS - $1,416.90
Office Depot - $151.75
Menards - $41.56
PERA - $115.00
MN Dept of Rev. - $109.00
PPSSD Expenses - $659,732.23
Claims – Clerk Manninen read the claims.
North Star Electric – $116.00
Frontier Phone – $63.39
Keith Manninen - $35.10
Menards –$ 49.44
Menards - $41.56
Office Depot - $151.75
SLC – $139.05
Total - $596.29
Supervisor Kiner moved to accept the claims, seconded by Chairman Stegmeir, all voting aye motion carried. .
Comment Period: None
Old Business:
Project Schedule:
- USA (Ground Effects) has completed rock directional drilling until fall. The rest of the work
- Pretreatment – Septic Check mobilized May 30, 2016
- Site grading complete 95%
- Building installed
- Electrical Service Installed
- Building, controls and equipment being wired
- Chemical feed system tubing installation
- Dispersal – hauling sand fill for mounds
- Email from Nancy Johnson regarding capital payment from DNR
- According to the DNR Budget Director, DNR received $100k for Woodenfrog Campground in the 2016 session. The dollars have been set up in Parks and Trails but no spending has occurred to date.
- The appropriation language can be found in Chapter 189, Article 3- Environmental and Natural Resources, Section 3 – Natural Resources, Subd 5 – Parks and Trails Management.
- $100,000 the second year is for the improvement of the infrastructure for sanitary sewer service at the Woodenfrog Campground in Kabetogama State Forest/ This is a onetime appropriation.
- Draft Financial Plan Complete but subject to change based on grant/loan split from PFA
- PFA funding in the process of setting up
- Possible special session in mid-August
- All have been sent to property owners. 8 Outstanding. Will look at getting these completed
- Some easement revision needed due to lateral pipe serving multiple properties
The properties with shared grinder stations will have to have their easements amended to reflect the fact that there will be shared grinder stations. This will affect only three easements. They will be amended also to reflect how the electric will be handled. The town does need to acquire easements for those properties that serve more than just themselves (mail line easements). The process to do main line easements could be 7 to 10 days and purchase agreements may take 2 to 3 weeks. Notices have been sent out to those properties. The township should obtain purchase agreements. The Township Supervisors are all in agreement to follow the path proposed to them on the easements and have Ramsland Vigen to get the appraisals for the easements.
Change Orders:
- Collection: Revisions to piping
- Service to Burchell and Puttika properties to go through Moosehorn
- Addition of two grinder stations and corresponding laterals within Moosehorn per
- Revisions to plan to serve Voyageur Park Lodge
- Original information from owner may have been inaccurate
- Errors in design. Design as shown in plan will not serve all structures at this resort.
- Total Change Order with 2 Moosehorn tanks: $39,781.50
- Total Change Order without 2 Moosehorn tanks: $8,651.50
- Pretreatment
- Coming in September – Deduct for difference in cost to install the electrical service and the contract allowance for that item – approximately $2,530
- Coming in September – Deduct for culvert that will not be installed on the access road to the site – approximately $3,400
A vote was taken by the board of supervisors on the addition of two more grinder tanks at Moosehorn Resort that are not need at the current time, 3 ayes and 0 no’s, Chairman Stegmeir moved to not install these tanks, seconded by Supervisor Tomczak, all voting aye, motion carried.
The township will need further funding towards the PPSSD Project since there is no guarantee that there will be another Legislative Session. This is in the process with Nancy Johnson.
Chairman Stegmeir will be in contact with Grand Lake Township to find out how they went about billing their sewer district members for the capital and operating costs. We hope to begin billing our members for these costs in December. If everything goes as planned the members of the district will begin using the system this fall. Chairman Stegmeir did a walk around of the district area members and got updated contact information from most of the members and was able to answer some questions and make a list of the questions others had and will try to get answers back to them. Chairman Stegmeir will sign an agreement with EFG (Environmental Finance Group), Scott Harder, to keep them working with us.
The Supervisors will review a letter that was written to us by Fryberger who represents us and Voyageur Park Lodge. Since we will be entering into an agreement with Voyageur Park Lodge, there is a potential conflict of interest. Melissa Maloney sent out a letter from Fryberger stating the nature of the conflict, possible problems, and their assurance that they can provide competent and diligent representation to the Township in this matter. They requested consent to continue to have Fryberger represent us in this matter. The board of supervisors are in agreement that Chairman Stegmeir sign this conflict letter (dual representation) and the agreement with EFG.
Bills for PPSSD will be sent to Nancy once we get all the paperwork done for the loans.
Roads & Trails – Nothing new
Community Center – The lines are in for the fiber optics but there was a complication that will need to be corrected by an electrician, (Herseth Electric) who will contract with the company who installed the lines and it will be corrected.
New Business – Chairman Stegmeir moved to enter into a contract with Lakes Gas Co. for propane, seconded by Supervisor Kiner, all voting aye, motion carried.
Supervisor Tomczak moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 pm. Seconded by Chairman Stegmeir, all voting aye
motion carried
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Manninen, Clerk