Regular Meeting
December 4, 2018
Chairman Tomczak opened the meeting at 7:00 pm. Board members present were Supervisors Stegmeir and Kec, Clerk Manninen, Deputy Clerk Stegmeir and Treasurer Callais. All attending recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda – The agenda was reviewed, Supervisor Stegmeir moved to approve the agenda with two additions, add Lodging Tax and Fire Department to New Business. Seconded by Supervisor Kec, all voting aye the motion carried,
Minutes – The minutes for the November regular meeting were reviewed. Motion by Supervisor Kec to approve the minutes, seconded by Supervisor Stegmeir, all voting aye motion carried.
The Treasurer’s report was read by Treasurer Callais.
Financial Report
Checking –
Beg Bal November 1, 2018 – $171,657.30
Income – 2,164.78
Total Expenses - $19,950.34
End Bal. November 30, 2018 – $153,871.74
Road Fund - $15,314,41
Road CD - $21,423.70
Road Fund Bal - $36,738.11
Checking CD - $26,103.57
Pucks Point Subordinate Sewer District
Beg Bal. November 1, 2018 - $12,018.31
Income - $1,550.00
Expenses - $3,589.81
End Bal. November 30, 2018 - $9,978.50
Capitol Debt Reduction
Beg. Bal. November 1, 2018 - $2,406.11
Income - $0.00
Expenses – $0.00
End Bal. November 30, 2018 - $2,406.11
The Treasurer’s report was approved on a motion by Supervisor Kec, seconded by Supervisor Stegmeir, all voting aye, motion carried.
Claims – Clerk Manninen read the claims.
Frontier Phone Co. – Phone and Internet – $70.56
North Star Electric – Town Hall - $113.00
SLC – Winter Blading - $281.94
MN Dept of Health – 2019 License Renewal - $510.00
MATIT – Workers Comp. Renewal - $381.00
Gateway Store – Supplies - $28.10
Business Essentials – Office Supplies - $466.95
Total - $1,851.55
PPSSD Claims – Septic Check - $2,000.00
North Star Elec. - $1,145.00
Total - $3,145.00
Supervisor Kec moved to accept the claims and pay them in full, seconded by Supervisor Stegmeir, all voting aye motion carried.
Comment Period: None
Old Business –
PPSSD - Supervisor Stegmeir presented a resolution 2018-01, Resolution Levying a Service Charge Within the Puck’s Point Subordinate Service District for FY2019 in the total amount of $76,524.74. Motion by Supervisor Stegmeir, seconded by Supervisor Kec all voting aye motion carried. Supervisor Stegmeir presented a document that will be sent to the members of the PPSSD as an update on the operation of the Sewer District for 2018 and provide a financial summary and explanation of the service fee obligation for 2019.
Roads & Trails – Nothing new at this time.
Community Building/Town Hall – Chairman Tomczak spoke with Dale Olson regarding the issue with sand in the water softener. He suggested that we install a different filter. He will come here and take a look at it. Lee Herseth installed a different outlet for plugging in the heat tape which we will have been having trouble with.
Other – None
NEW BUSINESS – Fire Chief Larry Warrington gave a summary of the money taken in from the raffle, hunter’s supper and donations toward the heli pad. The amount is $25,560.00. Supervisor Kec moved to give $10,000.00 to the Kabetogama Fire Department to go towards the new Heli Pad, seconded by Chairman Tomczak, all voting aye, motion carried. This money comes out of the Community Improvement fund. Chairman Tomczak has been working with IRRB to obtain a grant for the final phase of the lighting & landscaping for the Heli pad. The grant must be submitted by December 31, 2018. Supervisor Kec moved to approve Resolution 2018-02 (Grant authorizing the Kabetogama Township to make application to the IRRB for funding the Heli pad project), seconded by Chairman Tomczak, all voting aye, motion carried.
Larry Kec and Tim Snyder brought information to the board regarding the collection of lodging tax from individual home owners who rent out their cabins and have not been collecting lodging tax. The information the Lake Association presented to the Township board, states that it is the collection agency who must enforce collection. The township will now be contacting these businesses and individuals for payment.
The January Township Board meeting has been changed to January 3rd due to the normal meeting date falling on New Year’s Day.
Supervisor Kec moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:56 pm. Seconded by Chairman Tomczak, all voting aye
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Manninen, Clerk