Regular Meeting
December 1, 2015
Chairman Stegmeir opened the meeting at 7:00 pm. Board members present were Supervisors Tomczak and Kiner, Deputy Clerk Carol Stegmeir and Treasurer Callais. One guest attended the meeting, Colin Markusen from SEH called in on conference line. Board members and guest recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda – The agenda was reviewed. Motion by Supervisor Kiner to approve the agenda, seconded by Supervisor Tomczak. Motion carried, all voting aye.
Minutes – The minutes for the November regular meeting were reviewed. Motion by Tomczak to approve the minutes, seconded by Supervisor Kiner. Motion carried, all voting aye.
November and revised October treasurer’s report was read by Callais. Motion by Supervisor Tomczak to approve reports, seconded by Supervisor Kiner. Motion carried, all voting aye.
Financial Report
Checking –
Beg Bal Nov 1, 2015 - $109,549.55
Income - $9,090.14
Expenses - $31,313.92
End Bal Nov 30, 2015 - $87,325.77
Road Account –
Beg Bal Nov 1, 2015 - $33,308.30
Income - $1.60
Expenses – 0
End Bal Nov. 30, 2015 - $33,309.90
Community Bldg Fund –
Beg Bal Nov 1, 2015 - $29.335.31
Income - $1.41
End Bal. Nov. 30, 2015 - $29,336.72
Checking - $25,523.86
Road Acct. - $21,073.37
Road Acct. - $21.471.47
Comment Period: Tom Wichner had questions about funding for the Puck’s Point Subordinate Sewer District and expressed concerns about safety of portion of snowmobile trail.
Old Business:
Colin Markusen from SEH joined meeting via conference call. Discussion on awarding bids for PPSSD project. A motion on each of 3 bids is needed. Colin is comfortable with all companies that offered bids. He has worked with companies in the past or is able to vouch for their reputation in the field. Discussion followed.
Chairman Stegmeir made motion to accept lowest bid from Utility Systems of America, Inc. of Eveleth, MN for PPSSD 2016 sanitary sewer collection system. Seconded by Supervisor Tomczak. Motion carried, all voting aye.
Chairman Stegmeir made motion to accept lowest bid as submitted by Septic Check of Milaca, MN for PPSSD 2016 Wastewater Treatment project. Seconded by Supervisor Kiner. Motion carried, all voting aye.
Chairman Stegmeir made motion to accept lowest bid from Viita’s Excavating of Cook, MN for PPSSD 2016 Wastewater Dispersal System. Supervisor Kiner seconded. Motion carried, all voting aye.
Roads & Trails
Discussion on Township sending letter to St. Louis County requesting the addition of wider shoulders for safer pedestrian use of our county roads be included in 2017 road improvement plan. Chairman Stegmeir spoke with St. Louis County Commissioner Tom Rukivina who indicated he would support our efforts in pursuing this improvement. It was agreed letter from Lakes Association; Community Club and various resorts and business owners would be beneficial.
Chairman Stegmeir is working on getting information from the DNR and USFS regarding proposed ATV trail discussed at October meeting.
Chairman Stegmeir did some measuring and expressed feasibility of moving rock to get better drainage on State Point road.
Chairman Stegmeir met with St. Louis County staff in charge of maintenance of Kabetogama Township county roads. Staff person reviewed policy and procedures followed when maintaining local county roads.
Discussion on Township snow removal. Chairman Stegmeir made motion to award snow removal to Greg House. Supervisor seconded. Motion carried, all voting aye.
Community Center Planning
Discussion on success and challenges of putting on Hunter’s Supper. Community Christmas party is scheduled for Saturday Dec 5th at Kabetogama Community Hall.
Cook Hospital District
Chairman Stegmeir reported the Cook Hospital District 2016 budget approved. Same as 2015 budget, no increase in levy.
Chairman Stegmeir reminded people to get out and vote on Tuesday Dec 8th for District 3A representative. Once elected and sworn in Township will contact our new representative to request letter of support in addressing how Cook Hospital District is funded.
Township website has section devoted to steps taken to address concerns about how Cook Hospital District is funded. All are encouraged to become informed and follow ongoing Township efforts.
Supervisor Kiner agreed to call St. Louis county regarding concerns about snowmobile trails and if some areas could be improved and made safer.
Supervisor Tomczak made motion to pay Carol Stegmeir hourly rate for taking minutes at special PPSSD meeting. Supervisor Kiner seconded. Motion carried with Chairman Stgmeir abstaining from vote.
New Business
Supervisor Tomczak moved to adjourn meeting at 8:30, Supervisor Kiner seconded. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol Stegmeir, Deputy Clerk