Regular Meeting
February 2, 2021
Chairman L Kec opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Board members present were Supervisors M Tomczak, J Stegmeir, Treasurer D. Callais and Clerk M Manninen. All attending recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda – The agenda was reviewed, Supervisor J Stegmeir moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Supervisor M Tomczak, all voting aye the motion carried.
Minutes – The minutes for the January regular meeting were reviewed. Supervisor M Tomczak moved to approve the minutes, second by Supervisor J Stegmeir all voting aye motion carried.
Treasurer Deana Callais read her report.
Financial Report
Beg Bal January 1, 2021 - $231,524.58
Deposits - $2,789.84
Total Expenses - $5,019.66
End Bal. January 31, 2021 - $229,294.76
Road Fund - $29,640.07
Road CD - $21,968.86
Road Fund Bal - $51,608.93
Checking CD - $26,933.68
Pucks Point Subordinate Sewer District
Beg Bal January 1, 2021 - $56,274.26
Deposits - $538.28
Expenses - $4,626.65
End Bal January 31, 2021 - $52,185.89
Capitol Debt Reduction
Beg Bal January 1, 2021 - $12,675.71
Deposits - $104.82
Expenses - $7,820.00
End Bal. January 31, 2021 - $4,960.53
The Treasurer’s report was reviewed, the report was approved on a motion by Supervisor J Stegmeir, seconded by Supervisor M Tomczak, all voting aye motion carried.
Claims – Clerk M Manninen read the list of claims.
Township Claims
Total - $1,125.34
PPSSD Claims
Total – $3,091.00
Supervisor M Tomczak moved to accept the claims and pay them in full, seconded by J Stegmeir, all voting aye motion carried.
Public Comment –
Old Business –
PPSSD – Supervisor J Stegmeir stated that the annual letters and rate sheets have been sent out to all Pucks Point members. Septic Check would like to renew their contract with a rate increase beginning in 2021. For the next 4 months we will pay $500.00 and the remaining months the amount will be $1,833.00. Supervisor M Tomczak moved to approve this contract with Septic Check and the new rates, seconded by Supervisor J Stegmeir, all voting aye, motion carried.
Community Sewer Project – Supervisor J Stegmeir has found some property that is for sale and could be used for the new community sewer in areas F, G, H and J. The board agreed that he should continue to pursue this with the owner of this property.
Roads – Nothing New.
Community Center – Nothing New.
New Business –
The Local Board of Appeals and Equalization meeting is set for April 26, from 10 to 11 am here at the Town Hall. The board agrees that this date works fine for them.
Supervisor M Tomczak is trying to get information from SLC regarding cutting down some of the cat tails at the corner where the fish statue is located. It was suggested that she contact the Forestry regarding this matter. She would like to get the ball rolling on this matter then turn it over to the Kabetogama Lake Association.
Supervisor M Tomczak made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Supervisor J Stegmeir, all voting aye motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
M Manninen, Clerk