Regular Meeting
February 4, 2020
Supervisor M Tomczak opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Board members present were Supervisor M Tomczak along with Treasurer D. Callais, Clerk M Manninen and Deputy Clerk B. Warrington. Supervisor J Stegmeir and Chairman L Kec called in to the meeting. All attending recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda – The agenda was reviewed, Chairman L Kec moved to approve the agenda as is, seconded by Supervisor J Stegmeir, all voting aye the motion carried.
Minutes – The minutes for the January regular meeting were reviewed. Chairman L Kec moved to approve the minutes, second by Supervisor J Stegmeir, all voting aye motion carried.
Treasurer Deana Callais read Treasurer’s report.
Financial Report
Beg Bal Jan. 1, 2020 - $210,019.87
Income - $1,283.58
Total Expenses - $4,884.91
End Bal. Jan. 31, 2020 - $206,418.52
Road Fund - $23,741.78
Road CD - $21,665.37
Road Fund Bal - $45,407.15
Checking CD - $26,443.94
Pucks Point Subordinate Sewer District
Beg Bal Jan. 1, 2020 - $47,364.80
Income - $0.00
Expenses - $3,874.39
End Bal Jan. 31, 2020 - $43,490.41
Capitol Debt Reduction
Beg Bal Jan. 1, 2020 - $12,781.37
Income - $0.00
Expenses - $7,820.00
End Bal Jan. 31, 2020 - $4,961.37
The Treasurer’s report was approved on a motion by Chairman L Kec, seconded by Supervisor J Stegmeir, all voting aye motion carried.
Claims – Clerk M Manninen read the claims.
Township Claims
North Star Electric – Town Hall - $183.00
Frontier Phone Co. – Phone - $68.42
Business Essentials – Office Supplies - $27.57
Couri & Ruppe PLLP – KCWI, Regarding Special Election - $1,612.50
SLC Auditor – Proposed Tax Notice & Delivery - $83.42
Greg House – Plowing Puck’s Point Road - $525.00
Greg House – Plow Parking lot at Town Hall - $300.00
SLACT – Township Dues - $470.82
Mary Tomczak – Cleaning at Town Hall 2018, 2019 - $405.00
SLC Auditor – Blading of Township Roads 2019 - $283.92
Greg House – Plowing of Melheims Road - $100.00
Total - $4,059.65
PPSSD Claims
North Star Electric - $879.00
Greg Huse – Plowed PPSSD Treatment Facility & Parking Area, cat work - $700.00
Total – 1,579.00
Supervisor M Tomczak moved to accept the claims and pay them in full, seconded by Supervisor J Stegmeir, all voting aye motion carried.
Public Comment – None
Old Business –
PPSSD – Supervisor J Stegmeir reported that winter operation has started at the treatment site. The electric bill and Septic Check bill will be considerably less. There is more flow this winter because Arrowhead Lodge is running and the new owners of Burchells are up here more and have connected to the system. There will be more flow now so we will have to have pumping done (3 loads).
Community Sewer Project – Chairman L Kec moved to approve Resolution 2020-01, A Resolution Authorizing Mail Balloting, seconded by Supervisor J Stegmeir, all voting aye, motion carried. Clerk M Manninen read the letter, Notice of Special Election. Supervisor J Stegmeir moved to approve this letter, seconded by Supervisor M Tomczak, all voting aye, motion carried. Supervisor J Stegmeir wrote a letter to be sent to the county auditor of elections explaining that we intend to have this special election on May 12th. This letter will be sent immediately. Supervisor M Tomczak moved to approve this letter to be sent to Phil Chapman, Elections Supervisor, seconded by Chairman L Kec, all voting aye, motion carried. The notice of the special election will go out on March 3rd. Two people must be approved for the ballot board in April for this special election. On April 12th we will send out the mail ballots.
Roads – There was nothing new at this time.
Community Center – Betsey Warrington would like to rent the kitchen at the Town Hall for baking goods for Pine Ridge gift shop. The board was in agreement on this matter. Rent will be determined at a later date.
New Business –
The board has changed the date of the March meeting to March 2, 2020 because of the PNP. Motion by Supervisor M Tomczak, seconded by Supervisor J Stegmeir, all voting aye, motion carried.
A motion was made by Supervisor M Tomczak to approve the liquor license for Pine Aire Resort, seconded by Chairman L Kec, all voting aye motion carried.
We will try to get the date changed for the Board of Equalization meeting to enable two Supervisors to be in attendance.
Supervisor M Tomczak made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Supervisor J Stegmeir seconded, all voting aye motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Manninen, Clerk