MARCH 14, 2017
The annual meeting of the Town of Kabetogama was called to order by Clerk Manninen at 8:15 pm on March 14, 2017. There were 9 people attending this meeting. Those attending the meeting recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Clerk Manninen called for nominations for a moderator. Marlene Tomczak moved to nominate Larry Warrington, seconded by John Stegmeir. Clerk Manninen asked if there were any other nominations, (twice). A voice vote was taken for Larry Warrington as moderator. All voted aye, no nays, Larry was voted as moderator.
Agenda: The agenda was reviewed by all. John Stegmeir added the Cook Hospital to other under Old Business, Marlene added debris burning and Water Works permits to other under New Business. Mary Manninen moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Rock Lehto, all voting aye, motion carried.
The Clerk was asked to read the Board of Audit minutes from the February 7, 2017 meeting.
Kabetogama Township Checking Account:
Beginning Balance 1/1/16 $142,585.90
Deposits $3,311,579.63
Expenses $3,288,432.79
End Balance 12/31/16 $165,732.74
Kabetogama Township Road Fund:
Beginning Balance 1/1/16 $32,786.17
Deposits $9.43
Closed/Trans to Checking $32,795.60
End Balance 8/4/16 $0.00
The road fund is now part of the general fund and has a balance of $20,221.16
Kabetogama Township Community Center Fund:
Beginning Balance 1/1/16 $29,337.85
Deposits $8.46
Closed/Trans to Checking $29,346.31
End Balance 8/4/16 $29,338.98
Checking CD $25,715.81
Road Acct. CD $21,178.95
Road Acct. CD $21,622.19
Betsey Warrington moved to approve, seconded by Mary Manninen, all voting aye, motion carried.
Old Business:
The moderator asked Mary Manninen to read the annual meeting minutes from 2016. Larry Warrington moved to accept the minutes, seconded by Vickie Peterson, all voting aye motion carried.
The moderator read the dates for the next Annual Township Meeting. The annual meeting will be held on March 18, 2018 at the Kabetogama Town Hall at 8:15 pm. Alternate bad weather date is March 20, 2018 same location and time.
The next Annual Township Election will be held on March 18, 2018 at the Kabetogama Town Hall from 4:00 to 8:00 pm. Alternate bad weather date is March 20, 2018 same location and time. Mary Manninen moved to accept these dates, times and locations, seconded by Rocky Lehto, all voting aye, motion carried.
Election Results – Moderator Warrington asked for the results of the Annual Township election held March 14, 2017. For the position of Supervisor 3 year term, Larry Kec received 20 votes and there were no write-ins. For the position of Treasurer 2 year term, Deana Callais received 20 votes with no write-ins. There were two absentee ballots. Larry Warrington moved to accept the 2017 election results, seconded by Mary Manninen, all voting aye, motion carried.
Kabetogama Fire Department report – Fire Chief Larry Warrington gave a report on the department for 2016. Chief Warrington stated that the department is still in good shape financially and the department is up to 15 fire fighters. The department is in the process of getting bids for a new building to replace the old one that is in need of too much repair. There is a building committee working on the bid process. Once the bid comes in there are many grants that can be obtained and they have started a building donation fund. The community has been so good in their support and donations. There are plans starting for building a helipad on property that has been donated by Jim and Marlene Tomczak. Larry stated that he has to purchase new gear for two new members of the department. Equipment testing and maintenance needs to be done all the time. The township extended their sincere thanks to Larry for all of his hard work all these years.
Cook Hospital District – John Stegmeir read a letter from the Cook Hospital District to be sent to our Representatives Senator Bakk, Representative Metsa and Representative Ecklund. John stated that next year a question will be on our ballots asking for a board member on the Cook Hospital District. The letter is as follows:
The Cook-Orr Hospital District was created by Minnesota legislation in 1988. The district currently operates a 14 bed 24-7 Critical Access hospital designated as a Level-4 Trauma/Stroke center and a 28 bed Nursing Home. Since the District’s beginning, the tax burden for staffing, operating and maintaining the facilities has not been born equally by all taxpayers in the District, yet all residents of the NE Minnesota benefit from the District – as employees, patients, and residents. Five townships in St. Louis County (Greenwood, Vermilion Lake, Alango, Sturgeon and Morcom) and some unorganized townships of Koochiching were included in the original District as drawn by the Legislature, but are not now (and never have been) assessed their fair share of the tax burden for operating the Hospital District.
Therefore at its annual meeting on March 14, 2017 the town board of Kabetogama Township has voted to request the Minnesota State Legislature amend the enabling legislation to require all residents of the original Hospital District be assessed their fair share of the Hospital District’s annual levy. All residents and communities enjoy the benefits of having a state-of-the-art critical access Hospital, 24-7 Emergency Room, and nursing home care center in their communities and all residents should pay their fair share. Respectfully submitted.
John asked for a hand vote of the residents attending this meeting. All were in favor of sending this letter and will be signing it also.
No comments from the floor.
New Business:
Levy – All the line items were reviewed and discussed at length. Changes made to line items were as follows; Insurance went up to $3,500.00, Salaries up to $38,000.00 (Clerk to work 20 hours per week), Road to $0.00, (township roads in good shape and fund is also in good shape), Other Improvement to Community up to $8,000.00. The remaining lines stayed the same and the total of the Levy for 2018 was increased to $94,500.00, total increase was $3,500.00, this was approved on a motion by Rocky Lehto, seconded by Betsey Warrington, all voting aye, motion carried.
On April 27, 2017 there is the Board of Equalization meeting from 10:00 to 11:00 here at the Town Hall to discuss property taxes.
The area’s new Conservation Officer left two documents to be brought up during this meeting. The first was Tips on Debris Burning and the second was Projects Requiring Public Waters Work Permits. Copies have been made and can be obtained here at the Town Hall. They could be scanned and e-mailed out if requested.
Larry Warrington moved to adjourn at 9:15pm, seconded by Mary Manninen all voting aye, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Manninen, Clerk, Kabetogama Township