Regular Meeting
May 2, 2023
Chairman L. Kec opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Board members present were Supervisor L. Warrington, Supervisor T. Tomczak, Treasurer D. Callais, Deputy Treasurer M. Tomczak, Clerk M. Manninen and one guest. All attending recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda – The agenda was reviewed, Supervisor L. Warrington moved to approve the May 2nd. agenda, seconded by Supervisor T. Tomczak, all voting aye the motion carried.
Minutes – The minutes for the April 10th 2023, regular meeting were reviewed, Supervisor L. Kec moved to approve the minutes as read, second by Supervisor T. Tomczak, all voting aye motion carried. The minutes from the April 10th Reorganization Meeting were reviewed, Supervisor T. Tomczak moved to approve the minutes as read, seconded by Chairman L Kec, all voting aye motion carried.
Treasurer D. Callais read her report.
Beg Bal April 1, 2023 - $226,201.75
Deposits - $1,015.00
Total Expenses - $10,476.08
End Bal. April 30, 2023 - $216,740.67
Road Fund - $34,492.16
Road CD – 22,215.09
Road Fund Bal - $56,707.25
Checking CD - $27,343.15
Pucks Point Subordinate Sewer District
Beg Bal April 1, 2023 - $62,372.63
Deposits - $0.00
Expenses - $12,723.50
End Bal April 30, 2023 - $49,649.13
Capitol Debt Reduction
Beg Bal April 1, 2023 - $4,958.87
Deposits - $0.00
Expenses - $0.00
End Bal. April 30, 2023 - $4,958.87
The Treasurer’s report was reviewed, the report was approved on a motion by Supervisor L. Warrington, seconded by Supervisor T. Tomczak, all voting aye motion carried.
Claims – Clerk M Manninen read the list of claims.
Township Claims
Total - $4,131.78
PPSSD Claims
Total – $11,468.50
Supervisor T. Tomczak moved to accept the claims and pay them in full, seconded by Supervisor L. Warrington, all voting aye motion carried.
Public Comment – Matthew Tomczak attended the meeting to give his resignation to the town board. He is no longer able to mow at the Pucks Point Treatment Site. The board accepted his resignation and will need to find someone new to do this mowing.
Old Business –
PPSSD – Supervisor L. Warrington reported that he signed and sent back forms to the county regarding properties at Pucks Point Sewer District.
Community Sewer Project – The engineering firm had nothing new at this time.
Roads – Nothing new
Community Center – The new printer was purchased but now the township needs to figure out what to do with the old one. Clerk Manninen ordered the picnic table for the playground. It will be delivered tomorrow.
Clerk Manninen contacted Attorney Bob Ruppe regarding information on a retirement for the Kabetogama Medical personnel. Mr. Ruppe has been researching this and will get information back to the township as soon as he gets it.
New Business –
Larry Warrington purchased a new American flag and installed it for us.
Supervisor L. Warrington moved to approve Resolution 2023-02, Resolution Establishing A Policy for the Compensation and Reimbursement of Town Officers, seconded by Supervisor T. Tomczak, all voting aye, motion carried.
Supervisor L. Warrington made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Supervisor L. Kec, all voting aye motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Mary Manninen, Clerk