Regular Meeting
November 1, 2016
Chairman Stegmeir opened the meeting at 7:00 pm. Board members present were Supervisors Tomczak and Kiner, Clerk Manninen, Deputy Clerk Stegmeir and Treasurer Callais. Colin Marcusen from SEH was in attendance along with 3 guests. Board members and guests recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda – The agenda was reviewed. Motion by Supervisor Tomczak to approve the agenda, seconded by Supervisor Kiner, the motion carried, all voting aye.
Minutes – The minutes for the October regular meeting were reviewed. Motion by Supervisor Kiner to approve the minutes with corrections, seconded by Supervisor Tomczak. Motion carried, all voting aye.
The treasurer’s report was read by Treasurer Callais. Motion by Supervisor Kiner to approve reports, seconded by Supervisor Tomczak. Motion carried, all voting aye.
Financial Report
Checking –
Beg Bal October, 1 2016 – $200,748.72
Income - $70,929.14
Int. - $7.87
Lodging Tax - $13,930.12
PFA, PPSSD Funds - $56,986.15
Bank Fee Refund - $5.00
Road Account - $42,627.29
Total Expenses - $80,515.15
End Bal October 31, 2016 – $191,162.71
Pucks Point Subordinate Sewer –
Beg Bal October 1, 2016 - $78.75
Income - $56,986.15
Expenses - $57,006.15
End Bal October 31, 2016 - $58.75
Checking - $25,619.21
Road Acct. - $21,125.85
Road Acct. - $21.622.19
Supervisor Kiner moved to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Supervisor Tomczak, all voting aye motion carried.
Payroll Net Total October – $3,965.55
Disbursements for October:
Gateway Store – Supplies - $31.71
John Stegmeir – Weebly & Mileage - $84.75
North Star Electric – Pucks Point - $40.00
Jean Bestrom – Wedding Damage & Cleaning Deposit Reimbursement - $685.00
Easement Purchase - $17,754.25
Border State Bank – Transfer Fee - $20.00
Office – Case of Paper - $76.40
State of MN – Quarterly Taxes - $97.00
PERA - $293.20
Frontier Phone Co. – Phone & Internet - $63.46
HP Direct – Toner Cartridges - $226.78
USPS – Postage - $50.00 – Stamps - $15.99
North Star Electric - $80.00
PPSSD – Money Transfer from PFA - $56,986.15
K-mart – Supplies - $44.88
Road Account – No Claims
Pucks Point Subordinate Sewer District Acct.
SEH – Invoice #320510 - $14,868.00
Environmental Financial Group – Invoice #2914 - $787.50
Kabetogama Township – Reimbursement for Easement VPL, HUD, Wire Transfer - $17,774.25
SEH – Invoice #322048 - $23,576.40
Claims – Clerk Manninen read the claims.
John Stegmeir – Mileage, Network Solutions, Notary Fee - $135.58
SLC Public Works – Snowplowing 1st half 2016-17 - $525.00
Hewlitt Packard – Toner Cartridges - $226.78
Endicia – Postage - $50.00
Frontier Phone – Phone & Internet - $63.46
Greg House – Gravel, Sand, Black Dirt, Hay & Seed, Labor, Bobcat work at the playground - $1,600.00
North Star Electric – Hall Electric - $80.00
Mary Manninen – Mileage to Orr for Election Supplies, Notary Fee - $40.32
Bertelson Office Plus – Paper, labels - $18.96
Herseth Electric – Generatro Connectin at old hall well, time & materials - $213.98
Ryan Tomczak – Mowing, weed whipping at Town Hall - $300.00
Mary Tomczak – Town Hall Cleaning, 17.5 hrs @18.00/hr - $315.00
Office – 2 case of paper - $76.40
Total - $3,645.48
PPSSD Claims
North Star Electric - $40.00
SEH - $38,444.40
Environmental Financial Group - $787.50
Voyageur Park Lodge – 17,754.25
Total - $57,026.15
Supervisor Tomczak moved to accept the claims, seconded by Supervisor Kiner, all voting aye motion carried.
Comment Period: None.
Old Business:
Project Schedule:
- USA working on piping on Puck’s Point Road.
- Pretreatment – Septic Check – Fencing done. Pretreatment will start up in the spring.
- Will delay startup until collection and dispersal systems hooked up
- Dispersal – Nearly complete except for testing.
- Request for payment of capital costs sent to the DNR – John has been in contact and we should see something in the next few weeks.
- Payments have been coming along very well. John got a call from the PFA saying that there is a possibility we could get some more dollars from the Point Source Implementation Grant. Last spring they passed legislation that said that they could raise the amount that they could grant in that from 50% to 80%. There was no bonding bill passed so those funds were not available. There has been talk this fall that there could be a special session to address the MN Sure situation and there could be a bonding bill discussion with that. If that does not happen we still have a possibility of getting funds if the bonding bill passes in the spring. In order for us to receive the amended amount of funds from 50 to 80% we can only spend down our current funding to a certain level which is about $630,000. We have three different funds, a loan and two grants. The township is exploring getting a bridge loan for the $630,000. We have contacted our bank in this matter. We are trying to get another 125,000 which would reduce capital by about $8.00 per EDU. Our attorney is communicating with our bank on this matter also. We don’t know if we can get this all done in a timely manner.
- Moosehorn still waiting to finalize
- Burchell still waiting to finalize
Change Orders:
- Deduct change order for Pretreatment System – Allowance for electrical service and deletion of culvert under access road. The amount is $5,930.00
Chairman Stegmeir discussed billing to the members of the PPSSD. The cost per EDU is going up because one of the properties is not going to hook up all its lines. The cost per EDU will be at $71.00 instead of $62.50. A letter will be sent out to the members of the district outlining how charges would be done. The treatment system will not start up until next spring and there should not be a whole lot of expense between now and April or May. There will be some expense such as an electric bill each month, supplies will be needed for spring like chemicals and such. We want to have some dollars in our account if we have to pump the system. Snowplowing must be done during the winter months to the system. Chairman Stegmeir estimates around $5,000 for the Sewer District for cost and we will be billing for that over the winter months (5 month time frame). For May and June we will bill accordingly, for how many connections are made. That billing is estimated to be about $8,400 spread over all the EDU’s. Each member will get financial information by mid-month showing all billing. Supervisor Kiner moved to approve Resolution 2016-4 Resolution Levying a Service Charge within the Puck’s Point Subordinate Service District, seconded by Supervisor Tomczak, all voting aye, motion carried. 3 Ayes, 0 Nayes
Supervisor Tomczak moved to amend Ordinance 16-2 Establishing Rates and Charges for the Puck’s Point Subordinate Service District, the rate goes from 62.50 to 71.15, seconded by Supervisor Kiner, all voting aye, motion carried. 3 Ayes, 0 Nayes.
Roads & Trails – Work has been completed on State Point Road.
Community Center – Greg House worked on the area around the playground and the Hunters Supper will be held on Saturday, November 5th from 3:00 to 8:00pm. Lakes Gas contacted Marlene about setting up a new tank but the ground is still too soft. They will set a tank up in a different area and move it when the ground is frozen.
New Business – Elections will be held on November 8th here at the Town Hall from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm.
Chairman Stegmeir moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:42 pm. Seconded by Supervisor Tomczak, all voting aye
motion carried
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Manninen, Clerk