Regular Meeting
October 4, 2016
Chairman Stegmeir opened the meeting at 7:00 pm. Board members present were Supervisors Tomczak and Kiner, Clerk Manninen, Deputy Clerk Stegmeir and Treasurer Callais. Colin Marcusen from SEH was in attendance along with Ken and Jim from USA and 17 guests. Board members and guests recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes – The minutes for the September regular meeting were reviewed. Motion by Supervisor Kiner to approve the minutes, seconded by Supervisor Tomczak. Motion carried, all voting aye.
Agenda – The agenda was reviewed. Motion by Supervisor Tomczak to approve the agenda, seconded by Supervisor Kiner, the motion carried, all voting aye.
The treasurer’s report was read by Treasurer Callais. Motion by Supervisor Kiner to approve reports, seconded by Supervisor Tomczak. Motion carried, all voting aye.
Financial Report
Checking –
Beg Bal September, 1 2016 – $221,513.60
Income - $797,669.76
Int. - $8.99
Lodging Tax - $26,339.39
Sale of Water Softener - $150.00
PFA, PPSSD Funds - $228,259.54
PFA, PPSSD Funds - $542,911.84
Road Expense - $903.10
Total Expenses - $818,327.28
End Bal September 30, 2016 – $200,856.08
Road Account – Closed out and rolled into the Township checking account
Balance as of September 30,2016 - $42,627.29
Pucks Point Subordinate Sewer –
Beg Bal September 8, 2016 - $200.00
Income - $771,171.63
Expenses - $771,292.63
End Bal September 30,02016 - $78.75
Checking - $25,619.21
Road Acct. - $21,125.85
Road Acct. - $21.622.19
Supervisor Kiner moved to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Supervisor Tomczak, all voting aye motion carried.
Payroll Net Total for September – $1,878.69
Disbursements for September:
Marlene Tomczak, election judge - $78.00
Carol Stegmeir, election judge - $48.00
Mary Manninen, election judge – $156.00
Deana Callais, Mileage - $35.10
North Star Elec - PPSSD - $19.00
Border State Bank, Open PPSSD Account - $200.00
Kabetogama Lake Assn., Lodging Tax - $42,711.59
Border State Bank, transfer to PPSSD account - $542,911.84
North Star Electric, PPSSD - $43.00
Border State Bank, transfer to PPSSD account - $228,259.54
Fleet Farm, Rubber stops for chairs - $13.56
PERA - $143.80
HP Home Store, Ink Toner - $354.31, Office Supplies - $273.66, Phone & Internet - $63.46
Dymo Labels, Labels - $56.63
USPS Postage, Stamps - $25.00
North Star Electric, Hall electricity - $148.00
Border State Bank, Service Fee - $5.00
Road Account
St. Louis County – Road Blading - $278.10
Greg House – Road work - $625.00
Total Expenses - $818,327.28
Pucks Point Subordinate Sewer District Acct.
Ramsland & Vigen Inc. - $4,300.00
Environmental Financial Group, Inc. - $8,793.75
SEH, Inc. - $30,798.00
Decker Planning & Research - $540.00
Septic Check - $198,227.84
Decker Planning & Research - $300,252.25
Viitas Excavating - $228,259.54
Deluxe Checks - $121.25
Total Expenses - $771,292.63
Claims – Supervisor Tomczak read the claims.
Fleet & Farm – Rubber stops for chairs - $13.56
Gateway Store – Office Supplies - $31.71
Hewlitt Packard – Ink Toner Cartridges - $354.31
Frontier Phone – Phone & Internet - $63.46
Dymo – Labels - $56.63
USPS Postage – Online Postage - $25.00
North Star Electric – Hall Electric - $148.00
John Stegmeir – Weebly 1 yr, Mileage - $84.75
K-Mart – Office supplies - $44.88
Total - $696.38
PPSSD Claims
Supervisor Tomczak moved to accept the claims, seconded by Supervisor Kiner, all voting aye motion carried. .
Comment Period: Miriam Burchell asked why the conference line was disconnected when she tried to call in during a meeting. She was told that after the PPSSD portion of the meeting is done the line is disconnected because it is the SEH conference line not ours and we only use it for that purpose. Alan Burchell asked that we correct the spelling of his name from Allen to Alan. The Clerk has made a note of this and will make the correction.
Old Business:
Project Schedule:
- USA working on dispersal piping to SW mound. Will work on the Pucks Point Road this week.
Ken and Jim with USA spoke to the guests regarding their schedule. Rock drilling crew will be in this area on Thursday, open cut crew will begin on Wednesday. Next week they will be working on the dispersal force main again. There will be some times where the road will be closed to traffic but they will be working closely with the residents to keep them informed of the work and schedule. A good contact number for SEH onsite project manager is 218-259-5010
- Pretreatment – Septic Check
- Will delay startup until collection and dispersal systems hooked up
- Dispersal – Finishing mounds.
- Request for payment of capital costs was sent to the DNR
- PFA agreements have been finalized
- Moosehorn still waiting to finalize, they would like to push this through quicker if possible. We need to take proper steps on this issue.
- VPL has been finalized
- Burchell still waiting to finalize
Change Orders:
- Likely change order for open cut construction of proposed soil and rock drilled areas along CR 122 and toward treatment area.
Financing – Cost have been established but may not be the final cost. Collin feels that there is enough contingency factored in that the cost per month per EDU should not go up. Our cost at this time for each EDU $95.50 which is made up of $62.50 forecasted as our O&M fee and then the capital fee of $32.90. The township will begin paying back the borrowed funds in 2018. The township will begin billing the district members in December of this year until June of 2017 at a cost of $72.94 per EDU per month. In 2018 the cost will go up to $97.28 per EDU per month that includes a 3% increase on O&M. All the members will receive a letter explaining how we plan on collecting the funds. The township board of supervisors will complete a process of certifying a service charge to St. Louis County to be added to the 2017 property tax statement of members of the PPSSD and this will be based on an ordinance #16-2 that the board has passed. Attached to this letter will be your individual fees for next year, and a cash flow for the next four years.
Supervisor Kiner moved to approve a revised Ordinance 16-2, seconded by Supervisor Tomczak all voting aye, motion carried.
Supervisor Kiner moved to allow either Treasurer Deana Callais or Clerk Mary Manninen, to transfer funds, via phone call to the bank or also on-line, between all Kabetogama Township accounts, seconded by Supervisor Tomczak all voting aye, motion carried.
Planning Commission – the planning commission held their meeting on Monday, October3, 2019 at 7:00 pm at the Town Hall. A complete copy of the minutes can be read on the Township’s web site. Deanne Kruse attended this meeting and explained Carefree Village in Orr, MN to the board. She would like to sponsor a presentation at the Hunters Supper from 2:00 to 5:00pm to increase the awareness of the services they offer. A meeting was held at the Town Hall regarding widening of the shoulders for a bike path. The county explained that it was to cost prohibitive to widen the shoulders on both sides of the roads and easements would need to be obtained which would push the timeline for the project back indefinitely. They suggested that a 4’ wide shoulder be made on one side of the road and little to no shoulder on the other side. The Nevalainen family plan to have a grand opening on the new playground when more of the area is complete. The PPSSD project is moving forward but have had a few setbacks as do most projects. A fiber optic cable is being laid in various areas, including State Point road which interfered with an extensive road repair there. The problem has been resolved and the project will move forward. Carol Stegmeir brought information about Little Library structures which could be place in convenient locations in the community. Anyone could take a book and bring a book. This will be brought to the Township board for discussion. There will be a ribbon cutting celebration on Wednesday, October 5, at USFS 203 & CR 180 at Elephant Lake. The establishment of these trails is being encouraged in this area to promote tourism, connecting the getaway communities. Expiring board terms are Vicky Peterson and Rusty Lehto. A public notice will be posted by December 1st for these two terms. Dates for the Planning Commission meetings in 2018 are 1/2, 4/3, 7/3, 10/2. Phil Rhodes donated and installed a water conditioning system which has eliminated the sulfur smell from the hot water heater. VNP has removed the buoys from the lake. Next year there will be a reservation system with fees for houseboat sites. There will be work on the parking lots and ramps at the Rainy Lake Visitor Center which will cause these areas to be closed for lengthy periods of time in 2017. The reservation system seems to be working well for the park. There were several search and rescue operations early in the season but tapered off as the summer went on.
Roads & Trails – Tom Long’s work was delayed because of an issue with the fiber optic line that was installed on that road. It has been corrected and Tom will begin work ASAP.
Community Center – None
New Business – Elections will be held on November 8th here at the Town Hall from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm.
.Supervisor Tomczak moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:17 pm. Seconded by Supervisor Kiner, all voting aye
motion carried
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Manninen, Clerk