Regular Meeting
September 3, 2019
Chairman Kec opened the meeting at 7:10 p.m. Board members present Supervisors M Tomczak and J Stegmeir along with Treasurer D. Callais and Clerk M. Manninen. All attending recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda – The agenda was reviewed, Supervisor M Tomczak moved to approve the agenda with the addition of SLC Amendment to New Business, Other, seconded by Supervisor J Stegmeir, all voting aye the motion carried.
Minutes – The minutes for the August 6th regular meeting were reviewed. Supervisor M Tomczak moved to approve the minutes, second by Supervisor J Stegmeir, all voting aye motion carried.
Treasurer Deana Callais read Treasurer’s report.
Financial Report
Beg Bal Aug. 1, 2019 - $202,729.00
Income - $19,481.72
Total Expenses - $21,682.77
End Bal. Aug. 31, 2019 - $200,527.95
Road Fund - $16,017.47
Road CD - $21,508.69
Road Fund Bal - $37,526.16
Checking CD - $26,200.65
Pucks Point Subordinate Sewer District
Beg Bal Aug. 1, 2019 - $33,825.59
Income - $688.21
Expenses - $3,259.00
End Bal Aug. 31, 2019 - $31,254.80
Capitol Debt Reduction
Beg Bal Aug. 1, 2019 - $2,746.23
Income - $0.00
Expenses - $0.00
End Bal Aug. 31,2019 - $2,7446.23
The Treasurer’s report was approved on a motion by Supervisor J Stegmeir, seconded by Supervisor M Tomczak, all voting aye motion carried.
Claims – Clerk Manninen read the claims.
Township Claims
North Star Electric – Town Hall - $153.00
Frontier Phone Co. – Phone - $69.23
Menards – Town Hall Supplies - $64.88
SLC - Permit renewal Fee - $60.00
Business Essentials – Office Supplies - $519.55
Ryan Tomczak – Gas for mowing and weed whipping at the Town Hall - $300.00
Total - $1,166.66
PPSSD Claims
North Star Electric - $1,259.00
Septic Check – State Permitted Maintenance Contract #117376 - $2,000.00
Total – 3,259.00
Supervisor M Tomczak moved to accept the claims and pay them in full, seconded by Supervisor J Stegmeir, all voting aye motion carried.
Public Comment – None
Old Business –
PPSSD – Supervisor J Stegmeir reported that he is working on closing out PFA stuff. We had to do a waiver request for real estate. John asked Mia to write a letter requesting a waiver. This is required by the Minnesota Management and Budget. The letter was signed by Chairman L Kec. A situation report that was started last spring, some of the grinders were leaking. USA and SEH are looking into this for a fix. Supervisor J Stegmeir received a land use permit application from SLC regarding a property in the PPSSD District. He was asked to sign off on this if it has no adverse effect on the districts infrastructure. The board agreed that there was no problem with this so Supervisor J Stegmeir signed off on it and it will be sent back to the county.
Community Sewer Project – Supervisor J Stegmeir reported that the public hearing for service areas C, F, H and J went well. Supervisor J Stegmeir moved to approve Resolution 2019-01 Resolution to Establish Subordinate Service Districts, Supervisor M Tomczak seconded, all voting aye, motion carried. This resolution will be posted in The Journal on Saturday, Sept. 7th. The public hearing for area G will be held on Sept. 9th. The resolution for area G will be done for our meeting in October. The Joint Powers Board will be meeting here at the hall on Sept. 23rd at 11:00 am. Supervisor J Stegmeir will be attending the Block Grant Meeting on Sept. 12th, he would like to try and get some funding from them for starting the new sewer districts.
Roads – Noting new.
Community Center – Nothing new at this time.
New Business – The Township received a request from SLC to review and sign an amendment for the CDBG Program Requalification.
Since 1992, the cities and townships in SLC have partnered with the county to access funding from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Home Investment Partnerships (HOME), and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG programs administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
SLC must requalify with the HUD every three years to continue receiving this funding. As part of this year’s process, SLC has been notified of required amendments to the agreements between it and the cities and townships.
Supervisor M Tomczak moved to approve signing this amendment, seconded by Supervisor J Stegmeir, all voting aye, motion carried.
Supervisor J Stegmeir made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Chairman L Kec seconded, all voting aye motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Manninen, Clerk