MARCH 17, 2009
The annual meeting of the Town of Kabetogama was called to order by Clerk Mary Manninen at 7:00 p.m. on March 17th due to bad weather on the 10th. There were 13 people attending this meeting. Those attending the meeting recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Clerk Mary Manninen called for nominations for Moderator. Richard McGregor made a motion to nominate Ron Moyer as Moderator, seconded by Larry Warrington. Mary asked if there were any other nominations, (twice). None being raised from the floor the motion for Ron Moyer for Moderator was voted on by a voice vote. Motion carried.
Kabetogama Township Checking Account:
Beginning Balance 1/1/08
End Balance 12/31/08
Kabetogama Township Community Center Fund:
Beginning Balance 1/1/08
Deposits Levy
Deposits Interest
End Balance 12/31/08
Kabetogama Township Road Fund:
Beginning Balance 1/1/08
End Balance 12/31/08
The Clerk was asked to read the Board of Audit minutes from the March 3, 2009 Board of Audit Meeting.
The Clerk and Treasurer’s Report matched. The Board of Audit report was approved on a motion by Supervisor McGregor, seconded by Supervisor Town, motion carried. Supervisor McGregor moved to adjourn the Board of Audit meeting, seconded by Chairman Nevalainen, motion carried.
The Board of Audit minutes were accepted at this annual meeting on a motion by Marlene Tomczak, seconded by Ed Town, all in favor, motion carried.
Agenda – Ron Moyer asked if there were any additions or deletions to the meeting agenda. Add Namakan Basin Project and PPDDS to new business. Mary Manninen made a motion to approve the agenda with the additions, seconded by Sande Moyer, all in favor, motion carried
Minutes – Clerk Mary Manninen read the minutes of the previous annual meeting held on March 11, 2008. A motion was made by Richard McGregor and seconded by Larry Warrington to approve the minutes with one correction that the annual meeting was held at the Kabetogama Fire Hall instead of the Community Hall, all in favor, motion carried.
The next annual meeting will be held on March 9th at 7:00 pm at the Kabetogama Fire Hall or on March 16th if there is bad weather. A motion to approve these dates, times and location was made by Mary Manninen, seconded by Edward Town, motion carried.
2010 Levy:
The 2010 levy was approved with 13 yes, 0 no, a hand count vote. The following line items show the breakdown: Motion to approve by Ed Town, seconded by Richard McGregor, all in favor, motion carried.
General Fund - $75,000.00
Road & Bridge - $9,000.00
Fire Dept. – 36,000.00
Total Levy - $120,000.00
New Business:
Highway 53 Improvements; Betsy Warrington moved to make capitol improvements to the area surrounding the fish at the corner of highway 53 and county road 22. One load of chips and gravel for a total of $750.00. Motion seconded by Edward Town, motion carried.
Old Business:
Fire Department News; Fire Chief Larry Warrington reported that there was not many structural fires this year. The Kabetogama Fire Department has a maintenance contract with a company to do maintenance on equipment once a year. There is the possibility that there will be a reimbursement on fire training.
Planning Commission gave a report; Gary Amundson will be at the next planning meeting to give a proposal on a project he has developed.
A report was given on the Community Building. No actions were taken.
Namakan Basin & PPSSD were discussed. No actions were taken.
The annual meeting of the Kabetogama Township adjourned at 8:46 pm. This was approved on a motion by Larry Warrington. Seconded by Richard McGregor, all approved. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Manninen, Clerk
Kabetogama Township