MARCH 9, 2010
The annual meeting of the Town of Kabetogama was called to order by Deputy Clerk Marlene Tomczak at 7:05 p.m. on March 9th, 2010. There were 12 people attending this meeting. Those attending the meeting recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Deputy Clerk Marlene Tomczak called for nominations for Moderator. Larry Warrington moved to nominate Ron Moyer as Moderator. Marlene asked if there were any other nominations, (twice). None being raised from the floor the motion for Ron Moyer for Moderator was voted on by a voice vote, all voted yes, motion carried.
The Deputy Clerk was asked to read the Board of Audit minutes from the February 2, 2010 Board of Audit Meeting.
Kabetogama Township Checking Account:
Beginning Balance, 1/1/09 ---- $43,162.27
Deposits --- $189,742.17
Expenses --- $178,930.46
End Balance, 12/31/09 --- $53,973.98
Kabetogama Township Community Center 1 Fund:
Beginning Balance, 1/1/09 --- $17,284.87
Deposits --- $17,139.69
Expenses --- $5,000.00
End Balance, 12/31/09 --- $29,424.56
Kabetogama Township Community Center 2 Fund:
Beginning Balance, 7/09 --- $2,050.00
Deposits --- $4,481.22
Expenses --- $0.00
End Balance, 12/31/09 --- $6,531.55
Kabetogama Township Road Fund:
Beginning Balance, 1/1/09 --- $35,934.33
Deposits --- $13,934.33
Expenses --- $3,591.69
End Balance, 12/31/09 --- $46,023.49
Kabetogama Misc. Accounts:
Kabetogama Relief Assoc.
2009 Misc. In --- $4,912.00
Misc. Out --- $4,912.00
Kabetogama Lodging Tax
Lodging Acct In --- $58,605.37
Lodging Acct. Out --- $56,877.19
The Clerk and Treasurer’s Report matched. The Board of Audit report was approved on a motion by Chairman Nevalainen, seconded by Supervisor Town, motion carried.
Agenda – Ron Moyer asked if there were any additions or deletions to the meeting agenda. The annual meeting agenda was read and approved on a motion by Paul Kiner, seconded by Ed Town, motion carried.
Deputy Clerk Marlene Tomczak read the minutes from the 2009 Annual meeting. The minutes were approved with the correction of PPSSD spelling, on a motion by Ed Town, seconded by Jill Kiner, motion carried
The 2011 Annual meeting dates were set as follows; March 8, 2011, 7:00 pm at the Kabetogama Fire Hall. Bad weather date is March 15, 2011 same time and same place. This was approved on a motion by Ed Town, seconded by Larry Warrington, motion carried.
Old Business:
Bob Nevalainen gave a brief report on the Namakan Basin. Julie Kennedy (SEH) will be attending the Lake Association spring meeting on April the 27th and give a presentation to the public and also will be at the Lady Slipper Festival this summer. There is a WRDA request in and there is another joint powers board formed with Koochiching County. There is a bonding bill in for $285,000 for the Namakan Basin.
New Business:
2011 Levy:
All the line items were discussed and entered as the previous year’s amounts with the exception of the Community Center Fund which Marlene asked to wait and decide on after Sande Moyer gave a presentation regarding this matter. After the presentation from Sande Moyer, a suggestion was made to levy an extra $10,000 toward the community center fund. After a final discussion the final levy amounts are as follows:
General Fund - $85,000.00, $30,000 goes to the Community Center Fund
Road & Bridge - $9,000.00
Fire Dept. – 36,000.00
Total Levy - $130,000.00
A final hand count on the levy resulted in 9 yes and 2 no and the levy was passed for $130,000.00 for the year 2011. The levy is up $10,000 from 2010. This was approved on a motion by Ed Town and seconded by Larry Warrington, all voted, motion passed.
Community Center Report – Sande Moyer gave the following report.
Marlene Tomczak and I continue to work with Dennis Tabbert and Bonnie Hundrieser at USDA Rural Development on grants and low interest loans. Our Pre-application for a loan for the historical gallery of the new Community Center from DOT was denied. Bonnie is still looking for other sources. Currently they are putting together the pre-application for a loan for the full amount of building a new center. Using the figure of $864,000 (the amount from the plan and estimate developed by Jim Cowgill) the repayment would be as follows:
Anticipated loan Payments – for a new building, we would be looking at a 40-year loan at 4% interest. In addition to the annual payment, USDA requires that the loan recipient set aside 10% of the total into a reserve account every year on top of making the payment. Once you have saved up what a full year’s payment would be, you don’t have to do this anymore. The goal is to make sure you have at least a one-year back up set aside. Here is a payment schedule.
100% of project cost ($864,000) = $43,658 / year + annual 10% reserve account savings: $4,365 / year
75% of project cost ($648,000) = $32,744 / year + annual 10% reserve account savings: $3,274 / year
50% of project cist ($432,000) = $21,829 / year + annual 10% reserve account savings: $2,182
The Township has already budgeted $20,000/yr for a Community Center. An additional $28,000/per year would add $32.50-$40.00 per $100,000 assessed evaluation per year. (example $300,000 eval. Would be $120.00/yr.) Dennis Tabbert is pretty confident that the application will be approved. There is also the possibility of a $75,000 grant; it is deemed that it would be an advantage to the township in repayment of the loan.
Dennis Tabbert stated that we could not use donated labor or materials on a project like this. Dennis also stated that some or all of the funds already set aside for the build must be used toward the project. At this time Marlene and Sande are asking the township for approval and commitment to continue this process.
A discussion followed that present building and repayment schedule was to costly to continue to pursue, a loan through USDA for 40 years @ 4% interest would project into a figure of approximately $44,000 a year repayment. A figure that was considered to much to levy to the township residents. All were in agreement that a new hall was still needed, but it will have to be downsized. Sande and Marlene were asked to investigate further and were thanked for their time and efforts pit in to date. Marlene asked attendees to consider levying a larger amount for the Community Center fund to build up the monies held there for future hall development. A suggestion from the floor to raise the Community Center Line item in the levy to $30,000 from $20,000 was considered on a hand count. 10 yes votes and 2 not votes. This line item was included during the levy discussion. A new plan must be developed, discussed and then at that time contact Jim Cowgill for a new drawing.
Fire Department News - Fire Chief Larry Warrington reported; the department has a contract with Mesabi for training with qualified trainers. College credits are obtained for these trainings. We are exploring avenues for getting a new brush truck, grant money has dried up which makes all of this much more difficult. Medical is pursuing the possibility of obtaining an updated rig that can carry more people. Most of the budget is used for utilities to keep the building open and running.
Planning Commission Report – The Planning Board members are as follows; Phil Hart, Chairman; Marlene Tomczak, Vice-Chair; Betsey Warrington, Secretary; Vickie Peterson and Jerry Mitchell. The Planning Board elects its officers at their annual meeting in January. Individuals who are interested in serving on the Planning Board may submit a letter of intent to the Township Board by December. The Planning Board reviews the application and makes recommendations to the Township Board of Supervisors. The applicants are then chosen by the Board of Supervisors at the township annual meeting. Their terms are for three years.
The Planning Board meets quarterly on the Monday before the Township Board meeting for that month. The Planning Board’s main objective is to review and update the Comprehensive Plan making recommendations to the Township board as needed.
The annual meeting of the Kabetogama Township adjourned at 9:03 pm. This was approved on a motion by Ed Town. Seconded by Sande Moyer all approved. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted
Marlene Tomczak, Deputy Clerk
Kabetogama Township