Regular Meeting
January 5, 2016
Chairman Stegmeir opened the meeting at 7:00 pm. Board members present were Supervisors Tomczak and Kiner, Clerk Mary Manninen and Treasurer Callais. Nine guest attended the meeting, Colin Markusen from SEH called in on conference line. Board members and guest recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda – The agenda was reviewed. Motion by Chairman Stegmeir to approve the agenda, seconded by Supervisor Kiner. Motion carried, all voting aye.
Minutes – The minutes for the December regular meeting were reviewed. Motion by Supervisor Tomczak to approve the minutes, seconded by Supervisor Kiner. Motion carried, all voting aye.
The treasurer’s report was read by Treasurer Callais. Motion by Supervisor Tomczak to approve reports, seconded by Supervisor Kiner. Motion carried, all voting aye.
Financial Report
Checking –
Beg Bal Dec, 1 2015 – $87,325.77
Income - $59,588.02
Expenses - $4,247.40
End Bal Dec. 31, 2015 – 142,666.39
Road Account –
Beg Bal Dec, 1, 2015 - $33,309.90
Income - $1.27
Expenses – $525.00
End Bal Dec. 31, 2015 - $32,786.17
Community Bldg Fund –
Beg Bal Dec, 1, 2015 - $29.336.72
Income - $1.13
End Bal. Dec. 31, 2015 - $29,337.85
Checking - $25,523.86
Road Acct. - $21,073.37
Road Acct. - $21.471.47
Claims – North Star Electric, $119.00, Frontier Phone, $62.76, The Journal, $45.00, Carol Stegmeir, $96.00; Marlene Tomczak, $66.00; Betsey Warrington, $60.00; Mary Manninen, $70.50; Deana Callais, $57.50, Workers Comp Ins, $318.00; SLC Auditor, $90.29 totaling $985.05 motion to approve by Supervisor Kiner, seconded by Supervisor Tomczak, motion approved.
Comment Period: Are all townships responsible for paying election fees? Yes we responsible and have always been for the costs of elections.
Old Business:
Colin Markusen from SEH joined meeting via conference call. Funding, An application has been submitted to the MPCA. Mike Larson has been in contact with Mike Kennedy at the MPCA. The grant is for $940,000, approval is anticipated within 2 weeks. The contracts will need to be signed following the approval and then invoices will be submitted for reimbursement.
MN Rural Water Loan; nanny Johnson with the PFA recommended delaying the loan application until funds are needed to prevent unnecessary financing charges. Schedule; Contracts have been secured with all 3 contractors over the past month. Easements; Easement documents have been prepared, there was a joint effort between SEH and the Township’s attorneys. Easements were mailed to District members for their signatures. Work will be done to contact the DNR to secure their capital contribution and determine the schedule for hookup. Chairman Stegmeir said he has some contacts with the DNR and he will contact them regarding this matter. May to July 2016 the construction of pretreatment and dispersal systems will be done. September to November 2016 the construction of the collections system and completion of the pretreatment and dispersal systems will be done. EDU Calculations; district members were given the opportunity to comment on the EDU calculations for their property, the final calculations were developed and based on comments received. Changes were verified by the board. A resolution was prepared by the township’s attorney to approve the final EDU assignments. The final EDU count is 84.3 from 89.4 which is a loss of about 5 dollars per EDU per month. Motion by Supervisor Kiner to approve the Resolution Approving EDU Assignments for Pucks Point Subordinate Service District, seconded by Supervisor Tomczak, motion carried. SEH Construction Administration Contract will be reviewed by the board and moved on at the next meeting.
Planning Commission –
New Business – wording to be changed to say that it is be recommended the township board of supervisors that Carol Stegmeir be appointed to complete Marlene Tomczak’s term on the planning commission board which will expire in 2016. Old Business – the town hall still needs landscaping to be done. Marlene has contacted Sjobloms but has gotten no response, she will follow up with them in the spring, if they can’t do the project, volunteers will be pursued with dirt being hauled in by Greg House. Follow up letter to the SLC for widening the shoulders for a bike path. The township board is drafting a letter and requesting letters of support, Marlene will draft one for the community club, the lake association will be drafting one and letters of support from residents of the area will also be helpful. Tom Rukkavina has also given his support for this project. Playground – timbers have been purchased to contain pea gravel surfacing. The parking area in front of the structure needs to be addressed in the spring. Totem pole – it was decided to not peruse the totem pole for display in the community. Rusty will contact Kent Keeler if he would be interested in donating the totem to the community to be sold and proceeds to be used for improvements to the playground structure and landscaping. New Business – board officer elections, Rusty moved to elect the slate of officers as Carol Stegmeir, Chair, Vicky Peterson, Vice-Chair, Betsey Warrington, Secretary. Carol seconded the motion, all in favor, motion carried. Dates of 2016 Planning Commission meetings – Marlene will make a recommendation to the township board that the planning board meet less often throughout the year. It was decided to cancel the meeting scheduled for July so the meeting schedule will be April 4 and October 3 until further notice. Committee reports – the town hall water odor still needs to be addressed, the septic tanks were pumped and the alarm was checked. The interior of the storage building as been painted and the items from the senior citizens building has been moved into the building. Dave Cook still needs to finish the siding. VNP – Kevin reported that the snowmobile trail from the rainy lake visitor center to the ash river will be started Tuesday January 5th. The trail may need to be rerouted to avoid any pressure ridges that may arise. Next week the park service will be checking the ice for the completion of the ice road from the Kabetogama visitor’s center to the Ash river visitor’s center. The park is looking into a sledding on the north side of spungs island, there could be a spur off the ice road to access the hill, there will be picnic tables and a fire ring. Roads and trails – Marlene will advise the township board of the hazardous conditions of the logging trucks hauling near the gateway store. There have been near missed between cars and trucks. Extensive tree trimming has been taking place around the area along the power lines. Namakan Basin Project, the pucks point project is proceeding with 100 percent approval from all the members of the district. Funding has been obtained easements will be pursued this spring and summer and construction should begin this fall. Other business – township elections will be held in March, two supervisors, one clerk and one treasurer will be elected.
Supervisor Tomczak suggested to the board that the planning commission hold only two meetings each year unless something special comes up. The board is in total agreement. Rusty Lehto spoke with Kent and Dawn Keeler regarding the totem pole, they would like to keep it in the area and maybe find a non profit organization to handle it.
Roads & Trails
Chairman Stegmeir will contact the DNR regarding signs stating that trucks are hauling in the area and to be careful. The township paid the county the $46.00 fee to plow at the hall. Chairman Stegmeir read the letter that he drafted regarding widening the shoulders for a bike trail. The original will be sent to the county and a copy will be sent to representative Rukkavina.
Community Center Planning
No new news.
Cook Hospital District
Chairman Stegmeir missed the December of the Cook Hospital District. Residents are still very upset about the taxes and the board is following the recommendations of the township attorney on how to go about tackling this issue. It is an ongoing process that will take time, there is no short term fix for this. A motion to move on with the meeting by Chairman Stegmeir and seconded by Supervisor Tomczak was approved, all voting aye, motion carried.
Township website has section devoted to steps taken to address concerns about how Cook Hospital District is funded. All are encouraged to become informed and follow ongoing Township efforts.
The township web site went down on December 15th and they just got it up ruining this week. That is why the elections notices and meeting minutes have not been posted in a timely manner. There was an issue with the domain and net solutions.
New Business
Elections will be held in March and the filing for office ends on January 12th, the fee to file is $2.00. The offices to be elected are 1 supervisor for 1 term, 1 supervisor for 3 terms, 1 clerk for two terms and 1 treasurer for 1 term.
LBOAE – Supervisors Tomczak and Stegmeir took the training for this and are now certified until 2019. We can now hold this meeting again here at the hall in the spring. The county will set up a date for it. Clerk Manninen will notify the county regarding the certifications.
Supervisor Tomczak moved to adjourn the meeting, Supervisor Kiner seconded. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Manninen, Clerk