Regular Meeting
November 3, 2015
Chairman Stegmeir opened the meeting at 7:00 pm. Board members present were Supervisors Tomczak and Kiner, Clerk Manninen and Treasurer Callais. Collin Markusen from SEH along with 12 guests attended the meeting and Peter Thompson called in on conference line. Board members and guests recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda – The agenda was reviewed. Motion by Supervisor Kiner to approve the agenda with the addition of Barb Wichner and the ATV Club, seconded by Supervisor Tomczak. Motion carried, all voting aye.
Minutes - Minutes for the October regular meeting were reviewed. Motion by Supervisor Tomczak to approve the minutes, seconded by Supervisor Kiner. Motion carried, all voting aye.
The treasurer’s report was read by Treasurer Callais. Motion by Supervisor Tomczak to approve report, seconded by Supervisor Kiner. Motion carried, all voting aye.
Checking –
Beg Bal Oct. 1, 2015 --- $113,007.57
Income --- $11,576.87
Exp. --- $14,229.23
End Bal Oct. 31, 2015 --- $110,355.21
Road Acct –
Beg Bal Oct. 1, 2015 --- $33,583.63
Income --- $1.29
Exp. --- $276.62
End Bal. Oct. 31, 2015 --- $33,308.30
Community Bldg Fund –
Beg Bal Sept. 1, 2015 --- 29,334.18
Income --- $1.13
End Bal. Sept. 30, 2015 --- $29,335.31
Cd’s –
Checking --- $25,523.86
Road Acct. --- $21,073.37
Road Acct. --- $21,471.47
Chairman Stegmeir read the payment claims. The claims totaled $4,322.57. Motion by Supervisor Tomczak to approve payment, seconded by Supervisor Kiner. Motion carried, all voting aye.
Comment Period: Tracy Lindstrom from Kabetogama, Northern Lights resort, had a question about the initiative for bike trails on our roads. She wanted to know who the letters of support was to be sent to regarding this matter. Chairman Stegmeir stated that the letters should be sent out to SLC Engineer.
Old Business:
PPSSD memo read by Collin Markusen. Here is a recap. The DNR capital contribution do not qualify as a funding source according to the PFA. Capital contribution amount will need to be added to the Rural Water loan and paid back after funds are received from the DNR. Monthly costs –
After DNR Capital Payment of $69,230
100% - $85.70/EDU/mo
90% - $90.85/EDU/mo
75% - $99.99/EDT/mo
Subject to change based on when the DNR makes their payment.
Before DNR Capital Payment of $69,230
100% - $97.14/EDU/mo
90% - $102.02/EDU/mo
75% - $111.43?EDU/mo
After Rural Water Loan is paid off – 7 yr. loan term:
100% - $76.65/EDU/mo
90% - $81.53/EDU/mo
75% - $90.94/EDU/mo
Sources of funds
Small Community Wastewater Program - Loan (1.00%/20yr) $446,349.00
MN Rural Water Micro-Loan (2.50%/7yr) $123,973.80
Small Community Wastewater Program – Grant $1,553,651.00 20-80 Split
MPFA PSI Grant (Point Source Implementation Grant) $1,161,200.00
IRRRB Grant $179,349.00
Legacy Funds Grant $940,000.00
Other Levied Township Sources $48,598.20
DNR Capital Contribution (they will pay the entire amount) -
Total Source of Funds $4,453,121.00
Uses of Funds
Treatment (Septic check bid) $1,378,650.00
Collection (USA) $1,782,370.00
Dispersal $495,000.00
Construction Contingency $182,801.00
Engineer Design $270,400.00
Construction Administration $212,400.00
Other Project Costs (Legal, Admin, Bonding & Ins.) $68,000.00
Land $63,500.00
Total Use of Funds $4,453,121.00
Assumes DNR capital contribution is deferred beyond the initiation of project construction
Assumes that the Township validates 79.4 EDU’s on its final assessment roll.
Other Levied Township Sources have been used to pay SEH for project design work.
MN Rural Water Loan requires approximately $3300 in loan origination fees.
Checklist items most have been taken care of the rest will be worked on over the winter months. The list will be used and checked off when completed. Commitment cards will be sent out tomorrow with estimated costs to them based on EDU’s and as-bid costs they must be sent back immediately to SEH. There will be a public meeting within the next two weeks to go over the project. Duane Puttikka sent the board a letter stating that he is back on board with this project. The project will be awarded at the December 1st meeting.
Roads and Trails –
Chairman Stegmeir met with the Linden Grove Maintenance Supervisor, when a tree is on the road they are told just to move it into the ditch. It is the property owner’s responsibility to deal with trees on their right of way. The county has no way of reimbursing the township for tree removal such as when we pay Greg House to do clean-up of the downed trees.
Community Center –
Greg House hauled, filled and did cat work on the old hall area of the property. Betsey, Marlene and John painted the inside of the storage building. Jim, Marlene, Chad and Heather moved hall stuff from the Senior Center to the storage building. The letters for the Town Hall are done now and will need to be put up on the outside of the building. Dave Cook will be asked to install the letters. The propane has been filled. Vitaas came and pumped out the tanks and said that the float was working properly. Chairman Stegmeir moved to make a payment of $300.00 to Ryan Tomczak for fuel and mower maintenance for the mowing of the lawn at the Town Hall/Community Center, seconded by Supervisor Kiner, motion carried. All voting aye.
Cook Hospital District –
There is now a link to the Cook Hospital on the township web site. Marlene Tomczak read a letter that Jerry Snyker brought to the meeting from the State of MN to the office of the Attorney General. 1. When the Cook Hospital District was formed the township was unorganized and did not have the opportunity to vote on the matter. The County Board of Commissioners voted to include the area in the district. Mr. Snyker would like to have the opportunity to vote on the townships membership. This office cannot give legal advice and this office does not have authority over hospital districts memberships I can tell you the following:
- State Law Generally provides that a town and a hospital district may petition the hospital districts board to detach the town from the district. The petition must be filed by the township board and must comply with the requirements provided in the mentioned sub division. 2. A petition to withdraw is subject to approval or denial by the Hospital District Board. If a Town disagrees with the decision, the Town make seek judicial review. The reviewing court will decide whether the board’s decision was arbitrary, meaning it is not of support by factual evidence. 3. If the Hospital District approves the petition to detach all taxable property within the detached area will be subject to taxation for any existing bonded indebtedness of the district to the same extent as it would have been had it not have been detached. The property remains subject to taxation for any other existing indebtedness of the district incurred for any purpose beneficial to the area to the extent the board finds just and equitable. In short the township board has been saying this all along and they understand. We are going for support from our representatives.
New Business –
Barb and Tom Wichner donated a picture of WWII veterans from the Kabetogama area. They got this from John Salmi years ago. They got it restored and decided to have it hung in the Town Hall. Tom and Barb paid to have it restored. Thank you to Barb and Tom.
Bruce Beskey from Crane Lake and Steve from Melgeorges on Elephant Lake. They have formed an ATV club back in April. They had 66 persons show up for their first meeting. Since that first meeting they now have over 550 members. They have met with governmental agencies, towns, cities and townships. The townships that they have met with so far have given them letters of support endorsing the trail plan to SLC and to the Federal Government. Cook and Orr have also endorsed their plan. They are currently reviewing some ordinances from other towns to help them write ATV acceptable ordinances for their towns. They brought two maps to show the areas of trails that have been approved. They met with the county after they got a bunch of endorsements and the county now has passed a pilot case so now CR #24 from Crane Lake to Lake Vermillion, (40 mi) CR #424, 425 which are Hanburg Rd and Nelson rd at Crane Lake and the CR #180 which goes from Black Duck to Elephant Lake to Pelican Lake which now there are 62 miles open for the ATV. They have met with the Forest Service to open up forest roads between Cousin and Crane Lake. Other forest roads are in the works. There have been safety analysis on these roads and soon there should be a review done to identify any problems or concerns. They have met with Congressman Nolan and he has endorsed what they have going on at this time. Maps showing the areas were discussed with the board and all attending this meeting. The board was very impressed with the project.
Other –
Supervisor Tomczak moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 pm, seconded by Supervisor Kiner, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Manninen, Clerk