Regular Meeting
October 6, 2015
Chairman Stegmeir opened the meeting at 7:00 pm. Board members present were Supervisors Tomczak and Kiner, Clerk Manninen and Treasurer Callais. 10 guests attended the meeting and Sara Christenson, Peter Thompson and Ken Peterson called in on conference line. Board members and guests recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda – The agenda was reviewed. Motion by Supervisor Tomczak to approve the agenda, seconded by Supervisor Kiner. Motion carried, all voting aye.
Minutes - Minutes for the September regular meeting were reviewed. Motion by Supervisor Kiner to approve the minutes, seconded by Supervisor Tomczak. Motion carried, all voting aye.
The treasurer’s report was read by Treasurer Callais. Motion by Supervisor Tomczak to approve report, seconded by Supervisor Kiner. Motion carried, all voting aye.
Checking –
Beg Bal Sept. 1, 2015 --- $104,105.48
Income --- $19,416.18
Exp. --- $10,514.09
End Bal Sept. 30, 2015 --- $113,007.57
Road Acct –
Beg Bal Sept. 1, 2015 --- $33,582.34
Income --- $1.29
Exp. --- $33,583.63
Community Bldg Fund –
Beg Bal Sept. 1, 2015 --- 29,333.05
Income --- $1.13
End Bal. Sept. 30, 2015 --- $29,334.18
Cd’s –
Checking --- $25,523.86
Road Acct. --- $21,073.37
Road Acct. --- $21,471.47
Supervisor Tomczak read the payment claims. Motion by Supervisor Kiner to approve payment, seconded by Supervisor Tomczak. Motion carried, all voting aye.
3746 – Northern Lumber - Coil Stock - $154.33
3744 – Gateway Store – Hardware - $9.65
3745 – Frontier Phone – Phone & Internet - $62.91
3746 – North Star Electric – Town Hall - $111.00
3747 – Deana Callais – Mileage to Cook for Election Supplies x 2 - $57.50
3748 – Carol Stegmeir – Election Judge - $63.00
3749 – Marlene Tomczak – Election Judge - $63.00
3750 – Mary Manninen – Election Judge, mileage to Cook for election roster - $126.25
3751 – Betsey Warrington – Election Judge - $63.00
3752 – Vickie Peterson – Election Judge - $60.00
3753 – Mary Manninen – Transcription Software - $64.99
3754 – SLC – Summer Blading - $276.62
3755 – Gateway Store – Keys - $21.48
3756 – Northern Lumber – Building Supplies for storage Bldg. - $4459.29
3757 – The Journal – PPSSD Bid Ads - $337.50
3758 – Cold Springs Builders – Hall siding, storage Building supplies, labor - $5,539.00
Total - $11,469.62
Comment Period: A question was raised regarding a tree that is laying in the ditch on Northern Lights road and how that can be taken care of and who is responsible for the maintenance of the area in front of the canister site. Discussion followed.
Old Business:
PPSSD update by Sara Christenson. The bids came in a litter higher than the last time but they are workable. Sara gave a recap of the bid numbers. The collection system bid came in at $1,782,370.00 from Utility Systems of America, Eveleth, MN. The dispersal came in at $495,000.00 from Viita’s Excavating, Cook, MN and the Pretreatment came in at $1,378,650.00 from Septic Check, Milaca, MN. The approximate total of all bids came in at $3.65 milliion. Collin and Randy of SEH will be attending our November meeting to discuss edu amounts and bids.
Roads and Trails –
The township will contact the county to ask about the removal of debris from storms and the procedure to have this done. The township will contact the county regarding the widening of 122 for a biking and walking. Other clubs in our area should also do this to show support.
Planning Commission –
Carol Stegmeir read the minutes of the October 5, 2015 meeting. Under old business, Marlene has received a bid for the letters to be installed on the outside of the building. They will be 11x15” and match the color on the doors. The storage has been built by Cold Springs Builders. The siding still needs to be ordered and the inside needs to be painted. Upon its completion, items that are currently being stored in the Senior Citizens building will be moved into this building. Marlene has contacted Sjobloms in hope that the project will be completed this fall. They have suggested laying fabric, then rock and planting juniper bushes and possibly a couple of trees. The follow up letter to SLC will be pursed more when a new district 3A representative is elected in December. Under new business, the commission needed to replace one board member and the township liaison. Clerk Manninen put a notice in the paper for the Planning Board seat that was made vacant by Marlene Tomczak upon her election to the township board. Caron Stegmeir expressed interest in serving on this board. Marlene moved to recommend the appointment of Carol to the Township Board for the completion of Marlene’s term, which will expire in 2016. Betsey seconded the motion, all voted in favor, motion carried. Marlene agreed to be the liaison to the board. The commission thanked Marlene and Carol for their commitment. The playground has some new equipment thanks to the Nevalainen family. This equipment is in memory of their parents Bob and Gail. The family is pursuing options for materials to lay under the structure. Betsey will contact them about obtaining a culture & tourism grant from IRRB in 2016 for additional equipment. Committee reports, Marlene addressed the sulfur smell from the hot water tank. Paul Kiner will check into this. The septic tank needs to be emptied before winter. Jill Kiner will follow up with Viita’s about the alarm system and if it is working properly. The Voyageurs National Park had several events to celebrate their 40th anniversary & are gearing up for the National Park System’s 100th anniversary in 2016. The reservation system seems to be working well and generating income for VNP which will be used to improve campsites. The township is seeking letters of support to send to SLC for an addition of wide shoulders for bicycle traffic when the roads are resurfaced which is scheduled for 2017. The next planning meeting will be held on January 4, 2016.
Community Center –
Marlene is looking for volunteers to paint the inside of the new storage shed. Supervisor Tomczak was contacted by Kent and Dawn Keeler who would like to donate two totem poles carved by Linda Muggli which are on their property. Marlene contacted North Star Electric to see if they could possibly move the totem poles from that site to the new town hall site. North Star Electric is looking into their liability regarding the matter, they will get back to Marlene. Supervisor Kiner said that Up North Builders has the equipment to move the two poles also. The township will look further into moving the poles. Sjobloms still would like to do the landscaping at the new hall site but are clearing up their schedule right now.
Cook Hospital District –
Chairman Stegmeir was unable to attend the Cook Hospital District meeting because he was out of town, he will be attending the October meeting.
New Business –
Supervisor Tomczak moved to appointment Carol Stegmeir to the Planning Commission Board and also to have Supervisor Tomczak as the lieasion to the board, seconded by Supervisor Kiner, motion carried.
Other –
Rusty Lehto will contact Greg House and have him push up the debris at the canister site so it can be burnt this fall. This is done each year.
Supervisor Tomczak moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:12 pm, seconded by Supervisor Kiner, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Manninen, Clerk