OCTOBER 7, 2014
Chairman Nevalainen opened the meeting at 7:00 pm. Board members present were Supervisors Kiner and Stegmeir, Clerk Manninen, Deputy Clerk Tomczak and Treasurer Kiner, along with 3 guest. All attending recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda – The agenda was approved with one addition to the new business, Bill Roden (Liquor License) on a motion by Supervisor Kiner, seconded by Chairman Nevalainen, motion carried.
Minutes –The minutes were approved with one correction regarding plowing Pucks Point Road instead of State Point road, on a motion by Chairman Nevalainen, seconded by Supervisor Stegmeir, motion carried.
The treasurer’s report was read by Treasurer Kiner. The treasurer’s report was approved on a motion by Chairman Nevalainen, seconded by Supervisor Stegmeir, motion carried.
Checking Account:
Beg Bal 9/1/14 --- $104,236.60
Income --- $5,710.38
Expenses --- $18,281.61
End Bal. 9/30/14 --- $91,665.37
Road Account:
Beg Bal 9/1/14 --- $30,597.98
Income --- $1.45
Expenses --- $961.18
End Bal. 9/30/14 --- $29,638.25
Comm. Center Fund:
Beg Bal 9/1/14 --- $23,953.59
Income --- $0.21
Expenses --- $0.00
End Bal. 9/30/14 --- $23,953.80
Cert. of Deposit:
Beg Bal 9/1/14 --- $25,000.00
Income --- Due 3/15/15
Expenses --- .85%
End Bal. 9/30/14 --- $25,000.00
Road Acct. CD
Beg Bal 9/1/14 --- $20,915.68
Income --- Due 3/12/15
Expenses --- .50%
End Bal. 9/30/14 --- $20,915.68
Road Acct. CD:
Beg Bal 9/1/14 --- $21,248.20
Income --- Due 3/12/16
Expenses --- .70%
End Bal. 9/30/14 --- $21,248.20
Lodging Tax:
Dep --- $5,710.38
To Town --- $0.00
To Tourism B. --- $0.00
The following claims were approved on a motion by Chairman Nevalainen, seconded by Supervisor Kiner, motion carried.
- 3635, North Star Elec., Power for Hall, $108.00
- 3636, Crandals, Satellite Toilet, $400.77
- 3637, Seppi Brothers, Hall Construction – Septic, $3,769.70
- 3638, Viitas Excavating, Hall Construction – Septic, $3,247.00
- 3639, Culinex, Hall Construction – Kitchen, $411.47
- 3640, Gateway, Hall Construction,$6.40
- 3641, Menards, Hall Construction, $42.70
- 3642, Frontier Phone, Phone & Internet, $173.28
- 3643, ACCO, Calendar, $22.55
Auto Mark
Old Business –
PPSSD – No one on the conference call tonight. Chairman Nevalainen moved to approve Resolution 2014-10, Authorizing the Kabetogama Township to make application to the Iron Range Resources Public Works (09) Infrastructure Grant Program for the Pucks Point Subordinate Sewer District, seconded by Supervisor Kiner, motion carried. The board also agreed to the Pucks Point Sanitary Sewer Project Service Area Point of Sale Compliance Exemption that St. Louis County proposed to them. This was approved on a motion by Chairman Nevalainen, seconded by Supervisor Stegmeir, motion carried.
VNP Clean Waters JPB – Crane Lake received some matching funds for their system. JPB and SEH are looking for some lands to do a swap for a sewer system.
Planning Commission Report – Marlene Tomczak provided the report. Community Center/Town Hall progress – the holding tanks are in, electricity needs to be run for the alarm, the panels around the exhaust fan in the kitchen have been installed, the vanities in the bathrooms have been hung, the siding is in but may have some damage and Northern Lumber is aware of this issue, Dave Cook will install the siding when he has time, Dennis Frank from Seamless Gutters in the Falls has donated and installed the gutters, pillars need to be installed for the entrance, footings need to be poured, Greg House has hauled in some gravel, there needs to be more crushed rock brought in either this fall or in the spring.
St. Louis County will not be providing any reimbursement for sandbags, the township purchased 2000 bags, SLC did provide some bags as well.
Planning Commission meeting dates for 2015 are as follows – Jan 5, April 6, July 6, and Oct 5. The meetings will be held at 7:00 pm at the new hall. Jill Kiner’s term on the Planning Board will expire in 2015, the township will post for this position in December.
Committee Reports – VNP has established a reservation system for all compsites as of Sept 16.
Roads and Trails – Jim and Marlene Tomczak cleared some downed trees on the Arrohead Trail. Greg House will be contracted to plow Pucks point rd. roadside clean-up will take palce the week of October 6th
Namakan Basin Waste Water Project – the Pucks Point project will be rebid on October 11 with the bids to be opened on December 15th. The township has signed an application to the IRRRB for additional funds. Purchasers of properties for sale on Pucks Point will be given an exemption for compliance with their current sewer systems with the commitment to hook up to the system when the project is complete. If the project doesn’t reach completion, the homeowner will have 5 years to meet the compliance standards.
Old Business – Gail Nevalainen has obtained an application for a grant from IRRRB and will complete and submit it. The Planning Board would like to recommend to the Township Board to publish bids for the demo as well as advertise that materials in the building are available for purchase for anyone who would like to bid on them. This will be published in the community newsletter as well.
General Elections – will be held on November 3, 2014 from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm at the Kabetogama Fire Hall.
New Business –
Liquor License – Bill Roden has brought a liquor license to be signed. The board has approved it. Motion by Chairman Nevalainen to approve, seconded by Supervisor Kiner, motion carried.
November Meeting change – the November meeting will be changed to November 3rd because of the General Elections being held on November 4th. Motion to approve by Supervisor Stegmeir, seconded by Chairman Nevalainen, motion carried.
The board will meet with the Fire Department board on their budget at the December township board meeting.
Supervisor Kiner moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 pm, seconded by Supervisor Stegmeir, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted
Mary Manninen, Clerk, Kabetogama Township