JANUARY 3, 2012
Chairman Nevalainen opened the meeting at 7:00 pm. Board members present were Supervisor Kiner, Clerk Manninen, Deputy Clerk Tomczak along with 1 guests . All attending recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda – The agenda was approved with the addition of Kabetogama Fire Department contract under New Business and move Planning Commission Meeting to the 1st item on the agenda on a motion by Supervisor Kiner, seconded by Supervisor Nevalainen, motion carried.
Minutes – The December minutes were approved with one correction that the CD is renewed at 1% interest not 1$ interest, on a motion by Chairman Nevalainen, Seconded by Supervisor Kiner motion carried.
The treasurer’s report was read by Supervisor Kiner. The treasurer’s report was approved on a motion by Supervisor Kiner, seconded by Supervisor Nevalainen, motion carried.
Checking Account
Beg Balance, 12/1/11 ---- $91,922.59
Income --- $60,438.28
Expenses --- $48,451.64
End Balance, 12/31/11 --- $103,909.23
Road Account
Beg Balance, 12/1/11 ---- $11,184.56
Income --- $1.07
Expenses --- $1,178.62
End Balance, 12/31/11 --- $11,184.56
Community Center Fund
Beg Balance, 12/1/11 ---- $65,325.58
Income --- $8.20
Expenses --- $4,762.50
End Balance, 12/31/11 --- $60,571.28
Certificate of Deposit
Beg Balance, 12/1/11 ---- $25,584.17
Income --- Due 12/9/2011
Expenses --- 1.60%
End Balance, 12/31/11 --- $25,584.17
Road Account CD
Beg Balance, 12/1/11 ---- $20,420.50
Income --- Due 3/12/12
Expenses --- 1.05%
End Balance, 12/31/11 --- $20,420.50
Road Account CD
Beg Balance, 12/1/11 ---- $20,000.00
Income --- Due 3/12/12
Expenses --- 2.05%
End Balance, 12/31/11 --- $20,000.00
Lodging Tax
Deposit --- $0.00
To Town --- $0.00
To Tourism B. --- $0.00
The following claims were approved on a motion by Supervisor Town, seconded by Supervisor Kiner, motion carried.
- 3358, Frontier Phone Co., Phone & Internet, $74.32
- 3359, North Star Elec., Power for Hall, $63.00
- 3360, Rick Oveson, Gravel for Hall, $300.00
- 3361, MAT Agency, Workers Comp Ins., $228.00
- 3362, Scott Harder, PPSSD, $1,750.00
- 3363, The Journal, PPSSD Notices, $100.50
- 3364, City Drug Store, Office Supplies, $11.29
- 3365, Postmaster, Stamps, $25.25
- 3366, S.L.C., Plowing and Blading, $866.20
Old Business –
PPSSD – The contract with SEH has been signed. The sewer service tax on property owners within the boundaries of the PPSSD was certified with the County for taxes payable in 2012. The next VNP Clean Waters JPB meeting will be held in Cook, MN, on December 14, 2011 at 2:00 pm, this meeting is open to the public.
Roads & Trails – Supervisor Town will contact St. Louis County regarding some issues that arose after the last snow fall we had.
Canister Site – A sign needs to be installed stating the rules for dumping into the building materials canisters. Chairman Nevalainen will speak with the proper authority on this matter.
Community Center Planning – nothing new.
Township phone, printer, fax to Fire Hall – The board has decided to move the printer and fax machine to the Fire Hall. The township will cancel its phone service as there are so little calls to this number. The numbers of the board members will be listed as contacts. The township will continue to pay the Frontier phone bill and will add their e-mail address to the Fire Depts account.
New Business -
Fire Chief Larry Warrington stated that the Kabetogama Fire Department has acquired a new brush truck. It is a Ford F550 fully loaded for fire fighting, it came from Cherry Hill, NJ. The department is very excited about this new purchase; it will be very beneficial to our area.
Chairman Nevalainen moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 pm, seconded by Supervisor Kiner, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Manninen, Clerk,
Kabetogama Township