MARCH 4, 2014
Chairman Nevalainen opened the meeting at 7:05 pm. Board members present were Supervisors Kiner and Town, Deputy Clerk Tomczak, Clerk Manninen via phone conference and Treasurer Kiner, along with 4 guests. All attending recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda – The agenda was approved on a motion by Supervisor Town, seconded by Supervisor Kiner, motion carried.
Minutes – The minutes were approved with one typo correction on a motion by Chairman Nevalainen, seconded by Supervisor Kiner, motion carried.
The treasurer’s report was reviewed by all. The treasurer’s report was approved on a motion by Supervisor Town, seconded by Supervisor Kiner, motion carried.
Beg Bal 2/1/14 --- $193,162.07
Income --- $3,843.66
Expenses --- $9,526.13
End Bal. 2/28/14 --- $187,479.60
Road Acct.:
Beg Bal 2/1/14 --- $27,601.22
Income --- $1.17
Expenses --- $0.00
End Bal. 2/28/14 --- $27,602.39
Comm. Center Fund:
Beg Bal 2/1/14 --- $5,595.14
Income --- $.05
Expenses --- $3,141.96
End Bal. 2/28/14 --- $2,453.23
Cert. of Deposit:
Beg Bal 2/1/14 --- $25,000.00
Income --- Due 3/15/15
Expenses --- .85%
End Bal. 2/28/14 --- $25,000.00
Road Acct. CD:
Beg Bal 2/1/14 --- $21,037.30
Income --- Due 3/12/14
Expenses --- .80%
End Bal. 2/28/14 --- $21,037.30
Road Acct. CD:
Beg Bal 2/1/14 --- $20,636.03
Income --- Due 3/12/16
Expenses --- .70%
End Bal. 2/28/14 --- $21,248.20
Lodging Tax:
Dep --- $759.63
To Town --- $22.79
To Tourism B. --- $736.84
The following claims were approved on a motion by Chairman Nevalainen, seconded by Supervisor Town, motion carried.
- 3545, North Star Elec., Power for Hall, $191.00
- 3546, Ferrell Gas, LP for Hall, $1,110.81
- 3547, Paul Kiner, Mileage JPB Mtg, $53.76
- 3548, Northern Lumber, Hall Construction, $4,639.57
- 3549, SEH, PPSSD, $46,725.00
Old Business –
PPSSD – Mike Larsen from SEH was in attendance at this meeting and Sara Lindberg and Collin Markussen (SEH) and Peter Thompson (PPSSD member) called in on the conference line. Collin began discussing the memorandum for this meeting. Schedule, the plans specifications and supporting design documents and permit application paperwork have been submitted to the MPCA for review. Advertisement for bids is expected to begin in May or June and construction will begin mid to late summer and fall, 2014 to accommodate resort properties. Information has been provided to the DNR to show locations of land needed for treatment, dispersal, and piping. SEH has been in contact with DNR staff to assist in providing additional information as needed. DNR is working on drafting the lease agreement. Negotiation on area of land needed may be necessary depending on the price. The DNR is aware of the desire to construct by summer and are willing to work with the Township to make that happen. SEH has provided a list of all land owners and corresponding parcel numbers to Fryberger. The town board has made a decision to acquire legal easements for just the part of the property affected by the installation of tanks and connecting lines. Legal descriptions of properties for preparation of easements will be needed. Only a portion of each property is needed for the easements. SEH people will take care of getting the legal descriptions for these easements. The township will catch up on payments owed to SEH and the legal description of the properties work will be included in these payments so there is no extra cost in this additional work. Easements will not be needed from the County, however, a permit for work within the Right-of-way will be required. This will be completed closer to the time of construction. PFA has said that we can recover some of our current cost for this project later as the project gets further into construction. IRRRB has said that they will have additional grants available to us once the project is actually begun. A bill may be introduced next Tuesday requiring that Woodenfrog hook into this district. Shared tank electrical – North Star Electric will install separate meters for each of these shared tanks, but the bill would have to be paid by the Township and back-charged to residents in sewer bill. The cost of this is minimal. Further research on this is needed. The Township Board feels there is a better solution to this issue such as adding additional tanks instead of having shared tanks. There have been no comments or concerns as to the ordinances that were sent out to all members of the district as of this meeting. Chairman Nevalainen moved to pay the outstanding debt in the amount of $46,725.00 to SEH, seconded by Supervisor Kiner, motion carried.
JPBCWVNP – Supervisor Kiner attended this meeting and reported that a letter was sent out to St. Louis County stating the progress of the PPSSD Project since the county had stated that they knew nothing of this project actually being a project which could affect the sale of properties in the area. This issue with the count is now resolved. SEH was very helpful in this matter.
Roads and Trails – nothing new at this time. The township is very happy with how the area of the roads that the county worked on last summer has held up this winter. We would like to do a road check and get with the county about possibly fixing some of the other areas that are in dire need of work. We will send out a letter in the Spring regarding this matter.
Community Center Planning – Painting is done, fiberglass board is being installed in the kitchen at this time, Dave Cook is working on the tongue and groove and is almost done. Tile is done in the bathrooms and will be installed in the kitchen in the next couple of weeks. The storage area has to be tiled also. Mark Worthman will install the kitchen hood when needed. Plumbing is still needed and the flooring in the main hall has be to installed yet. Marlene suggested that the donation account be used to pay bills for the hall since that is what is was meant for. Marlene also stated that there have been about $2,000 more in donations toward the new hall. More to follow!
New Business –
Levy 2015 – the levy sheet was reviewed to be better prepared for the annual meeting next Tuesday.
Chairman Nevalainen moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 pm, seconded by Supervisor Kiner, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted
Mary Manninen, Clerk, Kabetogama Township