APRIL 3, 2012
Chairman Nevalainen opened the meeting at 7:05 pm. Board members present were Supervisor Town, Treasurer Kiner, Deputy Clerk Tomczak along with 4 guests. All attending recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda – The agenda was approved with the addition of Neighbor Hood Watch to New Business and move PPSSD and JPB to top of the agenda on a motion by Chairman Nevalainen, seconded by Supervisor Town, motion carried.
Minutes – The March minutes were approved with the following corrections, change cancelled meeting month to February and change approved meeting to March, remove Scott Harder on claims sheet and replace with MAT Dues, on a motion by Supervisor Town, Seconded by Chairman Nevalainen motion carried.
The treasurer’s report was approved on a motion by Chairman Nevalainen, seconded by Supervisor Town, motion carried.
Checking Account:
Beg Bal 03/1/12 --- $105,671.87
Income --- $1,685.77
Expenses --- $2,922.78
End Bal. 03/31/11 --- $104,434.86
Road Account:
Beg Bal 03/1/12 --- $14,319.17
Income --- $1.14
Expenses --- $0.00
End Bal. 03/31/11 --- $14,320.31
Community Center Fund:
Beg Bal 03/1/12 --- $70,296.56
Income --- $8.38
Expenses --- $0.00
End Bal. 03/31/11 --- $70,304.94
Certificate of Deposit:
Beg Bal 03/1/12 --- $26,097.21
Income --- Due 3/9/2013
Expenses --- 1.00%
End Bal. 03/31/11 --- $26,097.21
Road Account CD:
Beg Bal 03/1/12 --- $20,828.43
Income --- Due 3/12/13
Expenses --- .75%
End Bal. 03/31/11 --- $20,828.43
Road Account CD:
Beg Bal 03/1/12 --- $20,636.03
Income --- Due 3/12/14
Expenses --- 1.00%
End Bal. 03/31/11 --- $20,636.03
Lodging Tax:
Dep --- $1,354.40
To Town --- $40.63
To Tourism B. --- $1,313.77
The following claims were approved on a motion by Supervisor Town, seconded by Chairman Nevalainen, motion carried.
- 3380, Bob Nevalainen, Mileage JPB, $86.58
- 3381, North Star Elec., Power for Hall, $53.00
- 3382, Meg Thomas, Moderator Annual Meeting. $50.00
- 3383, Voyageur Enterprises, PP Plowing, $375.00
- 3384, The Journal, Meeting Notices, $40.20
Old Business –
PPSSD – Julie Kennedy called into the meeting and gave an update on the JPB and the PPSSD project.
The JPB’s are looking to go back to their respective counties to request funding to continue work with the JPB. The WURDA and bonding bills did not get approved. Grants are still possible though. Raul Lufberry has retired from VNP so Mike Ward will attend in his place at the JPB meetings to represent the Park Service. The next JPB meeting will be sometime between now and the end of May.
There has been more discussion with the DNR asking 1. about usage of the land at Woodenfrog for the PPSSD drainage site and 2. will they commit to hooking up to this system? An answer to these questions will hopefully come sooner rather than later. This is definitely holding this project up. Bob Whitmier will be in our area in April to do soil borings for the PPSSD project. Julie sent the latest reimbursement request (2) in the amount of $37,775 to be signed by the Clerk and the Chairman of the Kabetogama Township. Once singed it will be sent back to the IRRB for the reimbursement, once the funds are sent to the township bills for the PPSSD project will be paid. Chairman Nevalainen moved to allow the Clerk and Chairman of the Kabetogama Township to sign this request, seconded by Supervisor Town, motion carried.
Planning Commission – Marlene Tomczak gave a report from the Planning Commission meeting held on the 2nd of April 2012.
Jill Kiner reported that to participate in the Neighborhood Watch program the township has to draft a request to Vic Lund at SLC, detailing how many signs are needed and where they will be placed. He will then submit the request to the Co. Sheriff’s department. Once they approve this the township can purchase the signs and the county will provide sign posts and install the signs. Delinquents Lodge Tax has become a very serious problem in the township. The Kabetogama Tourism Bureau will draft a letter stating that the lodging tax needs to be paid by the 20th of each month, if the payment has not been made in a timely manner then they will be pulled off the Lake Association web site and a fee will be charged to get the link back on the website once the tax and penalty has been paid. This letter will be forwarded to the township once drafted. A designated bird watching area is being considered in the VNP. The planning board has supported this designation within the boundaries of the National Park. Marlene Tomczak has suggested that more gravel needs to be laid in the parking area for the Lady Slipper Festival. Bob Nevalainen stated that more gravel will be brought to the site which will improve the parking area. Kathleen Przybylski sent an update from the Park Service. The Park Service is in the process of bringing back 49 seasonals. There is a new Namakan District Naturalist, Chris Amidon living with his family at the Ranger Station here at Kabetogama. The winter season was great with good snowmobile trails and a great ice road. The park staff is getting the area ready for the upcoming spring and summer seasons.
Roads & Trails – SLC needs to do a road sign assessment in our area. This can be requested along with the letter for the neighborhood watch signs.
Community Center Planning – gravel needs to be hauled to the parking area used for the Lady Slipper Festival and possibly at the site of the skating rink. Chairman Nevalainen will speak with Tom Long about the gravel and some concerns about the work done on the site for the new Community Center bldg. He will also speak with Kenny Zimba from Littelfork about gravel. The township may need to find a new person to mow the grounds at the community hall. This will be brought up again at the next township meeting.
The township supports the Lake Association’s letter that will be sent to all members of the association stating the regulations for the lodging tax collection.
New Business –
The Local Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting will be held at the Kabetogama Community Building on April 19, 2012 from 1 -2 pm.
Neighborhood Watch – Chairman Nevalainen moved to have the township draft a letter to SLC (Vic Lund) detailing how many signs are needed and where they will be placed, seconded by Supervisor Town, motion carried.
Chairman Nevalainen moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 pm, seconded by Supervisor Town, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Manninen, Clerk,
Kabetogama Township