MAY 6, 2014
Chairman Nevalainen opened the meeting at 7:00 pm. Board members present were Supervisor Kiner, Deputy Clerk Tomczak, Clerk Manninen and Treasurer Kiner, along with 7 guests. All attending recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Sara Christensen and Peter Thompson called in on the conference line.
Agenda – The agenda was approved on a motion by Supervisor Kiner, seconded by Chairman Nevalainen with the addition of Supervisor to New Business, motion carried.
Minutes –The minutes were approved on a motion by Chairman Nevalainen, seconded by Supervisor Kiner, motion carried.
The treasurer’s report was reviewed by all. The treasurer’s report was approved on a motion by Chairman Nevalainen, seconded by Supervisor Kiner, motion carried.
Beg Bal 4/1/14 --- $123,784.76
Income --- $25,257.47
Expenses --- $11,815.12
End Bal. 4/30/14 --- $137,227.11
Road Acct.:
Beg Bal 4/1/14 --- $27,603.45
Income --- $1.17
Expenses --- $650.00
End Bal. 4/30/14 --- $26,954,62
Comm. Center Fund:
Beg Bal 4/1/14 --- $2,453.25
Income --- $2,000.10
Expenses --- $0.00
End Bal. 4/30/14 --- $4,453.35
Cert. of Deposit:
Beg Bal 4/1/14 --- $25,000.00
Income --- Due 3/15/15
Expenses --- .85%
End Bal. 4/30/14 --- $25,000.00
Road Acct. CD:
Beg Bal 4/1/14 --- $20,915.68
Income --- Due 3/12/15
Expenses --- .50%
End Bal. 4/30/14 --- $20,915.68
Road Acct. CD:
Beg Bal 4/1/14 --- $21,248.20
Income --- Due 3/12/16
Expenses --- .70%
End Bal. 4/30/14 --- $21,248.20
Lodging Tax:
Dep --- $313.30
To Town --- $9.40
To Tourism B. --- $303.90
The following claims were approved on a motion by Supervisor Kiner, seconded by Chairman Nevalainen, motion carried.
- 3565, North Star Elec., Power for Hall, $115.00
- 3566, MATIT, Dues, $445.86
- 3567, The Journal, Notices, $28.60
- 3568, SLC, Property Tax Notices, $90.00
- 3569, SLC, Steam Culverts, $66.74
- 3570, Northern Lumber, Hall Construction, $1,425.16
- 3571, Bob Nevalainen, Mileage JPB, $53.76
- 3572, MATIT, Insurance, $2,977.00
Old Business –
PPSSD – Collin Marcusen (SEH) and RandyJenniges (SEH) were in attendance and spoke on the district. Collin began discussing the memorandum for this meeting.
Schedule - the project is still on schedule. Advertising for bids will begin on May 24,2014 and bid date is scheduled for June 16, 2014, awarding the bid will happen at the July 1, 2014 township meeting. Construction in mid to late summer and fall 2014 to accommodate resort properties.
The Draft lease agreement was provided to the Township by the DNR on April 21, 2014. The advanced rental price was set at $65,100, including timber damages. The agreement has been reviewed by Fryberger lawyers and they have sent a response to the DNR to request rewriting of the agreement in some areas. SEH discussed the revisions and rewriting process with the DNR and they anticipate that the rewriting work would be done with two weeks.
SEH has been in contact with Fryberger on initiating land descriptions for temporary and permanent construction easements. SEH has begun work on describing these easements and will provide the information to Fryberger when they are complete.
Electrical service will be connected to tanks/pumps from individual residences to the tanks by the contractor. The contractor will need to have access to the owner’s distribution panel.
Shared tanks – method approved by the PFA:
An electrical service would be run to the shared tank from one of the properties utilizing that tank. The electrical usage of the pump would then show up in the electric bill for that resident.
The Township would read the hour meter on the pump each month, corresponding to the time the electric meters are read. The resident paying for the usage of the pump would then be paid that amount by the Township each month.
The residents would pay their usual monthly sewer bills which would include the electrical charges for that pump. Costs would be split based on EDU’s
Usage Metering – the easiest way to measure usage will be to have the run time meters on each pump read monthly by the Township. For shared tanks, the usage costs and therefore O & M bills will be split by EDU’s
There is a bill in the House to require Woodenfrog Campground to connect to the PPSSD.
A pre-public notice and draft permit was sent to SEH and the Township on 4/30/14. Piezometer installation will be required at each drain field (2 per drain filed), to measure depth to groundwater to compare against the elevation of the drain field discharge pipes.
Septage Transfer – SEH has been in contact with the MPCA regarding handling of biosolids/sludge/septage for the treatment system. The MPCA is requiring transfer of the septage to another treatment facility since there is no land available in the area for land application. SEH has contacted the North Koochiching Area Sanitary District who have agreed to receive the septage from Pucks Point.
Plans and Specifications - SEH has been in contact with MPCA plan review engineer, Brian Fitzpatrick. He is on schedule to approve plans and specifications at the time of operating permit issuance mid to late June.
The MPCA consults with the MN State Historic Preservation Office for all reviews of plans and specifications. The SHPO have recommended a Phase I Archaeological study be completed for the treatment areas, since they are undisturbed areas. SEH has been in contact with companies who can conduct these studies and they will make the contact to get this done in a timely manner, (approximately 2 to 3 weeks to conduct the field work and prepare the report). The cost is estimated at $5,000.
Supervisor Kiner moved to authorize approval to advertise the project for bidding. The project is on schedule to advertise for bids starting May 24, 2014, bid date scheduled for June 16, 2014 and award at the regular July 1 board meeting, seconded by Chairman Nevalainen, motion carried.
VNP Clean Waters JPB – all this information was touched on with the PPSSD.
Community Center Planning – the planning commission report was given by Jill Kiner. Under old business, the progress of the town hall/community building was discussed. Items that still need to be done are – dig the will, install the septic system, signage, siding , sidewalks, landscaping, air conditioning, bathroom fixtures, water heater and water conditioner. The installation of the exhaust hood in the kitchen is delaying the completion of the kitchen. The Cullinex rep will be in the area next week to determine of all of the parts were included in the shipment of the hood. Bob N is going to get quotes on gravel and check into getting a septic tank installed. The siding will be completed this summer as funding becomes available. Some events are already scheduled for the hall beginning on May 25th. Marlene will contact Crandall’s to bring a porta potty at a cost of $125.00 a month. A fee schedule for the new hall was discussed and suggested by the commission. Residents (paying property taxes) would be able to use the hall for no charge. They would be required to post a $100 deposit which will be refunded if the building is left as it was when the rented it. For larger parties, wedding receptions, etc., residents would be charged $350 with a $200 cleaning deposit and a $500 damage deposit. Non residents would be charged $500 with a $200 cleaning deposit and a $500 damage deposit. The cleaning and damage deposits would be refunded if the building is left clean and undamaged.
Bob N reported that he had taken a tour of our county roads with Peter Eakman the SLC engineer and supervisor Dale Johnson. They identified culverts that sill need to be repaired or replaced before the blacktop can be done. The overlay project is scheduled for 2017. They are considering adding 2 – 3 ‘ on the shoulder of the west end road. Greg House has signed a contract to mow the Arrowhead trail again this year. The Lake Association has requested to use the address of the Town Hall/Community Building as a permanent address of their website domain. Betsey W reported that there will be a meeting Tuesday evening at Leonard’s in which the U of M will present their finding from a Tourism Assessment for Small Communities that was conducted last fall encompassing the Gateway communities for Voyageurs National Park including Kabetogama.
Roads and Trails – this was touched on at the Planning Commission report above.
New Business –
Supervisor – the township needs an additional Supervisor following the unfortunate passing of longtime resident and Supervisor Edward Town. Clerk Manninen will post a notice at the Gateway Store and in Lake Association newsletter asking for candidates.
Office equipment – Clerk Manninen asked if she could purchase a large file cabinet for the new township office. Chairman Nevalainen moved to allow the clerk to make this purchase, seconded by Supervisor Kiner, motion carried.
Supervisor Kiner moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 pm, seconded by Chairman Nevalainen, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted
Mary Manninen, Clerk, Kabetogama Township