JUNE 4, 2013
Chairman Nevalainen opened the meeting at 7:10 pm. Board members present were Supervisor Town, Clerk Manninen, Treasurer Kiner, Deputy Clerk Tomczak along with 1 guest. Supervisor Kiner was not in attendance. All attending recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda – The agenda was approved with the deletion of Planning Commission Report and the addition of town hall/community center meeting add to Community Center Planning on a motion by Chairman Nevalainen, seconded by Supervisor Town, motion carried.
Minutes – The minutes were approved with one correction, under Community Center Planning, Chairman Nevalainen obtained a quote rather than a bid package for the new building, on a motion by Chairman Nevalainen, seconded by Supervisor Kiner, motion carried.
The treasurer’s report was read by Treasurer Kiner. The treasurer’s report was approved on a motion by Chairman Nevalainen, seconded by Supervisor Town, motion carried.
Beg Bal 5/1/13 --- $196,140.43
Income --- $688.39
Expenses --- $4,953.53
End Bal. 5/31/13 --- $191,875.29
Road Acct.:
Beg Bal 5/1/13 --- $21,466.77
Income --- $0.94
Expenses --- $550.00
End Bal. 5/31/13 --- $20,917.71
Comm. Center Fund:
Beg Bal 5/1/13 --- $89,478.82
Income --- $2.35
Expenses --- $0.00
End Bal. 5/31/13 --- $89,481.17
Cert. of Deposit:
Beg Bal 5/1/13 --- $25,000.00
Income --- Due 3/15/15
Expenses --- .85%
End Bal. 5/31/13 --- $25,000.00
Road Acct. CD:
Beg Bal 5/1/13 --- $21,037.30
Income --- Due 3/12/15
Expenses --- .80%
End Bal. 5/31/13 --- $21,037.30
Road Acct. CD:
Beg Bal 5/1/13: $20,636.03
Income: Due 3/12/14
Expenses: 1.00%
End Bal. 5/31/13: $20,636.03
Lodging Tax:
Dep --- $686.88
To Town --- $20.59
To Tourism B. --- $666.29
The following claims were approved on a motion by Chairman Nevalainen, seconded by Supervisor Town, motion carried.
- 3465, North Star Elec., Power for Hall, $50.00
- 3466, Quick Books, 2013 Upgrade, $641.20
- 3467, Quick Books, Payroll Update, $485.49
- 3468, Bob Nevalainen, Mileage to JPB Meeting, $54.52
Old Business –
PPSSD – Julie Kennedy has accepted the Grand Rapids City Engineer position and will no longer be working for SEH. Sara Lindberg is our new SEH client service manager. Julie will continue to mentor Sara on the PPSSD endeavors throughout the remainder of this year to ensure the transition is a seamless one. All other SEH teams remain the same. Julie explained the good news from the legislative bill that passed to restructure the Small Communities Wastewater Treatment Program. Here is the summary that Julie sent to us; the PFA program will consider 1.4% of the Median Household Income (MHI) to be an estimated average residential wastewater cost. In Kabetogama, where the MHI is approximately $45,000, the estimate average sewer bill, as determined in the new legislation, would calculate to be about $52 per month. The PFA would then provide a grant of up to 80% of the gap between the cost of providing the utility and the calculated estimated average amount. This information is also on the SEH website.
Chairman Nevalainen moved to approve reimbursement by the Iron Range Resources for work done by SEH on the PPSSD Project on the amount of $7,936.00, seconded by Supervisor Town, motion carried.
JPBCWVNP – The Legislative Bill passed to restructure the Small Communities Wastewater Treatment Program.
Roads & Trails – Chairman Nevalainen will contact Jim Fuldesi from the county regarding our roads. Supervisor Town will speak with our local county worker regarding grading of State Point Road and possible spreading gravel at the canister site.
Community Center Planning – There was a special meeting held on June 2nd 2013 to discuss construction of the first phase of the building, the concrete pad. The following are the minutes of the meeting.
Special Meeting for the Kabetogama Township
Community Center/Town Hall
June 2, 2013
The meeting was called order at 6:05 pm. Members present were Supervisors Town, Kiner and Nevalainen. Planning Commission members present were Vickie Peterson, Betsey Warrington, Jill Kiner, Rusty Lehto and Marlene Tomczak.
The purpose of this meeting was to plan construction for the first phase of the building the concrete pad. Supervisor Nevalainen had been in contact with the township attorney and was told that some townships have had an architectural engineer sign off on their construction plans. One estimate for this service was $5,000. This spending outlay was discussed. Our township attorney had said some townships have gone forward with construction without having this service. As our township has limited funds for this building, it was decided to forgo the architectural engineer sign off.
Supervisor Nevalainen received a quote from Lautizi Construction LLC of Chisholm, MN for construction of the concrete slab for $22,500. Supervisor Kiner moved to approve Lautizi Construction, seconded by Supervisor Town, motion carried. Volunteers will be called to lay plumbing and wirsbo for in floor heat before the concrete slab is poured. Volunteers will be required to sign a Volunteer Service Statement & Agreement before working on this project.
Supervisor Town moved to allow Supervisor Nevalainen to contact Kennedy Gravel to haul a few loads of gravel to stock pile in case it is need for the leveling of the pad, seconded by Supervisor Kiner, motion carried.
Supervisor Kiner moved to purchase some needed materials that Lautizi Construction is not providing for this phase of the project from Northern Lumber, seconded by Supervisor Town, motion carried.
Mike Kolb of St. Louis County Health Dept suggested a holding tank be installed to see what usage/capacity the building will incur before a septic filed is constructed. Seppi will be contacted to obtain a 2000 gal tank to be installed by a licensed business at a later date.
Supervisor Nevalainen will begin the building permit.
A back hoe will be needed to dig in the water lines from the existing well to the new building. Possible contact Rick Oveson for the equipment. Jill Kiner will use a computer program to print up a revised plan for the building. Dimensions were added to increase the square footage from the Cowgill plan #3 to accommodate a township office and storage on the south end of the building the new dimensions are 40X80. Plan for drain in floor in the bathrooms and the kitchen. Stube in the electrical and plumbing for the septic holding tank.
Fire Chief Larry Warrington will be asked to check on the requirements for a sprinkler system for this building.
The meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm on a motion by Supervisor Kiner, seconded by Supervisor Town, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Marlene Tomczak, Deputy Clerk
New Business –
A question regarding the Community Hall was brought up and will be taken care of by Clerk Manninen.
Chairman Nevalainen moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:42 pm, seconded by Supervisor Town, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Manninen, Clerk,
Kabetogama Township